Interesting Articles 2024

Peony Buckeye Belle (Paeonia Buckeye Belle) - features of cultivation

Peonies are rightfully considered one of the best and most popular perennial varieties of flowers. In total there are 34 species and about 5000 varieties of peonies. One of the prominent representatives of this genus is the peony Buckeye Belle. Its bright large flowers look good both in the garden and in bouquets. Those who want to plant it on their own site and enjoy the beauty of flowering, you need to know the features of cultivation and care.

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Zozulya Cucumber F1: the well-known greenhouse hybrid

Ten years ago, cucumber Zozulya F1 was very popular among Russian gardeners, especially in those regions where only greenhouse cultivation of cucumbers is possible. But in recent years there has been a rapid increase in the number of different varieties and hybrids, as a result of which it has lost its position. Nevertheless, admirers of Zozuli are not in a hurry to refuse it and persistently plant them in their plots.

How to cover hydrangea for the winter - preparing shrubs in autumn for wintering

Care for hydrangea in the fall, preparation for winter and wintering itself are organized in accordance with certain rules. To get lush flowering of a bush in spring, in the autumn period you need to prune, and then cover the flower. Everything must be done before the first frosts, otherwise the flower-bearing buds will be damaged. Whether hydrangea needs to be covered for the winter. The winter period can be a real test for street flowers, especially when it comes to hydrangea.

Cymbidium - fragrant orchid

Cymbidium is a perennial evergreen plant from the Orchidaceae family. It grows in the alpine subtropical forests of Australia and Asia. Cymbidiums have been cultivated for over 2000 years. In Japan and China, many varieties are grown in homes and gardens because of the delicate beautiful flowers and surprisingly pleasant aroma.

Gentian: varieties, planting and care

Gentian is a perennial, sometimes annual, short, beautiful grass with blue and blue hues of its petals. Meet the same with yellow-violet. It gained its popularity a long time ago, even during Ancient Russia. She became famous due to her medicinal properties that nature gave her. Studies have been conducted in many large medical institutions, where they confirmed that gentian can help with some ailments.

Monstera flower - effect on a person in an apartment

Monstera Flower (Monstera) - an evergreen ornamental and deciduous plant native to Brazil, Panama and Mexico. Huge leaves with slits scared the South African tribes, so they preferred to bypass the plant. In fact, these slots are extremely necessary for vines in nature and in indoor conditions.

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Eukomis in the garden and at home

Eukomis (eukomyus, eukomyus, pineapple lily) - all this is the name of one plant belonging to the Asparagus family. He got his name because of its specific appearance - from the Greek language the word eukomyus is translated as a beautiful tuft. A plant native to southern Africa, where the temperate climate dominates. The cultivation of eukomyus is similar to gladiolus - a herbaceous plant multiplies due to the root part, namely the bulb.

Apricot honey: description, nuances of growing, reviews

Apricot Honey is not included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, but it is interesting as one representative of a rare yet class of winter-hardy apricots. The variety was bred at the Chelyabinsk Research Institute, which already gives reason to consider it suitable for cultivation in the Southern Urals and - more broadly - in the Middle lane.

Primrose perennial evening primrose or evening primrose

It is difficult to imagine a garden plot without a single flower, however, there is not always the strength and time to engage in complex care for whimsical plants. In such cases, perennial and unpretentious plants that can delight the eye with their flowering are chosen for planting. The primrose perennial belongs to such plants.

Decorative bow: popular varieties and nuances of growing

Most gardeners believe that onions are just common for everyone. But the genus Allium has more than 600 species of plants, some of which are decorative and may well decorate the infield. The color scheme of such onions is very diverse, the flowering period is long.

Grandiflora Pelargonium - home flower care

Pelargonium of grandiflora is one of the representatives of the Geraniev family. This pelargonium is also called royal or royal for luxurious large flowers. Their shape resembles pansies with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm. But, as is characteristic of aristocrats, grandiflora is not only beautiful, but also moody in comparison with other types of culture.

Tetrastigma Vuagnier - home care, photo

Tetrastigma voigner (Tetrastigma voinerianum) is a rapidly growing indoor vine. Tetrastigma Vuagnier in the genus Tetrastigma of the family Grapes, a popular indoor grape, is a popular vine for spacious rooms. A climbing plant with an openwork emerald crown always comes in handy if you need to plant a dull corner of the interior in a short time.

Copper sulfate - a simple and effective tool for the preventive treatment of the vineyard

Grape bushes, like other residents of orchards and vegetable gardens, require competent care. There are hundreds of drugs in the arsenal of the chemical industry that improve growth and prevent plant diseases. However, to maintain the health of the vines, you can do with an affordable remedy - copper sulfate. Is it possible to spray grapes with copper sulfate Before using any product, you must make sure that it is safe for the plant.

Soleoli - an emerald cascade in a pot

Soleoli is a beautiful herbaceous perennial with small leaves on long shoots. The genus of the plant contains only one species and belongs to the Nettle family. His homeland is about.Corsica and some areas of the Mediterranean. Soleirolia (or gelxin) looks great as an ampel plant or forms a continuous carpet on the soil.

12 great plants to plant along the walkways

Whether you live in a small modest house or in a brand new cottage with a huge plot, you certainly are not indifferent to the attractiveness of the garden plot. We offer a list of 12 plants that are ideal for decorating and edging driveways, the path to the door and creating a favorable impression of your home.

Cherry plum - both tasty and beautiful

Cherry plum is a fruit tree familiar to everyone. Its amber-yellow fruits are inferior in taste to home plums. But plum is an ancestor, the original form for larger and sweeter varieties of plums. By autumn, a beautifully flowering tree is hung with round fruits translucent in the sun. Golden berries have long been used in folk medicine, because cherry plum is rich in B vitamins, as well as C and PP.

The hybrid form of Furor grapes - features of the variety and cultivation

Furor table grapes lives up to its name. A relatively recently emerged hybrid amazes with its huge berries. The frost-resistant and disease-resistant variety is successfully grown in the southern regions of the Russian Federation, they are also trying to cultivate it in more severe conditions. The story of the cultivation of the Furor hybrid. This hybrid was bred by a breeder - amateur B.

Pandanus - palm tree with a lush spiral crown

Pandanus (Pandanus) is a very effective plant of the Pandanaceae family. Its bright crown consists of many long, spiky leaves. They are arranged helically with respect to the central axis, which is why flower growers also call the flower "spiral palm." The homeland of Pandanus are the African tropics, the island of Madagascar and the forests of Polynesia.