Crassula (money tree) - home care, photo species


The oyster is a thicket. A photo

Crassula, money tree (Crassula) - a perennial succulent from the family Tolstyankovye. The name of the plant speaks for itself. Crassula is so named because of the appearance of its leaves. They have a thick fleshy structure. The color is usually dark green, but light green can also be found.

The trunk is solid, resembles a tree trunk. Small flowers of white or pinkish color are located singly or collected in inflorescences. In appearance, they look like tubes and stars.

Other names for Crassula:

  • Money Tree;
  • fat woman;
  • Crassula
  • tree of happiness;
  • coin tree.

Many species in their external structure resemble a tree or a bush. The homeland of the fat woman is South Africa. Although now the tree grows in almost all southern regions.

Sizes can be very different. Depending on the species in nature, there are fatwolves from 6 cm to 2 m. The growth rate is not too high. It can grow up to several centimeters per season.

The tree of happiness is a perennial plant. However, it constantly requires rejuvenation.

The average growth rate, 10-15 cm per year.
It blooms from late summer to mid-winter.
The plant is easy to grow.

Crassula (money tree): medicinal properties and signs

Crassula is a very useful plant. It helps in many situations and treats diseases of various organs and systems.

What is useful for a fat woman (money tree):

  1. It treats light and more serious skin lesions. For example, wounds, abrasions, scratches, burns, boils, frostbite, purulent wounds.
  2. It treats some vascular diseases. For example, relieves swelling and inflammation, contributes to the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
  3. Helps in the treatment of joint diseases - arthrosis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis.
  4. Helps restore mucous membranes in some diseases. For example, tonsillitis, herpes, fungus, periodontal disease, stomatitis.

In most of the situations described, juice from fresh leaves of a money tree is used. But you can also eat the leaves themselves. This will well affect the digestive system, will have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract in gastritis and ulcers.

Also, the tree of happiness has found application in cosmetology. With diluted juice, you can rinse your hair and wipe your face. This will help get rid of dandruff and itching on the head and eliminate acne on the face.

Money tree: signs and superstitions

Crassula is not just called a money tree. There are many popular beliefs regarding this plant:

  1. If the leaves began to fall, you need to calculate how much has fallen, profit will fall by so many percent.
  2. If you presented a large tree, there will soon be a big profit, if a small one - the profit will appear gradually.
  3. If the tree fell, the pot broke, and the earth spilled out, financial difficulties will soon begin.
  4. If the fat woman began to dry out, you need to try to correct the situation. If there are no results, you need to get rid of the tree.
  5. To strengthen the cash flow in the apartment, you need to hang a few notes on the plant. After a while, do not forget to remove them and hang new ones.

Believe it or not, each person decides independently. But as practice shows, more often people plant this tree solely because of its beauty.

Caring for a fat woman at home. Briefly

How to care for a fat woman at home is described in the table below.

Temperature modeIn summer - indoor (no higher than 27 ℃). In winter, preferably not higher than 10-14 ℃. The minimum allowable temperature for the plant is 7 ℃.
Air humidityLow The plant is very resistant to drought. Spraying in the summer will not be useful to all species. Hoodies with velvety leaves can not be sprayed.
LightingBright sun rays. Plants with green leaves need a shadow. For plants with silver leaves, the shadow can be fatal.
WateringIn summer, plentiful watering is required about 1 time per week, in winter you can not water at all, the rest of the time - a couple of times a month.
PrimingIf you buy store soil, you should pay attention that it is better to add a little sand to it.
Fertilizing and fertilizersPlant nutrition is required during growth. Crassula needs fertilizer for cacti. You need to add it every 2 or 3 weeks, but you need to take half the dose.
TransferA transplant is not a big requirement. It is customary to transplant only plants that have grown too much. You don’t need a big pot for this, because the root system of the Crassula is shallow.
BreedingCrassula can breed on its own. Falling leaves take root themselves.

Also, the plant can be propagated by cuttings and seeds.

Growing FeaturesIt is important to pay attention to the fact that the leaves of the Crassula are fragile. They break off easily.

In order for the plant to take the form of a bush, pinch the upper shoots.

Another tip - if there are several small specimens, they are best grown in one pot.

Caring for a fat woman at home. In detail

Each item for the care of a fat woman at home requires separate attention. It’s easy to look after a fat girl. But you need to spend time on the details.


Money tree is a decorative foliage plant. Unlike many others, it blooms in winter.

In almost all species, the flowers are the same - with five petals, white and white-pink. If you properly care for the fat girl at home, the flowers will completely cover the plant by winter.

Temperature mode

The temperature that is suitable for the money tree is from 10 ℃ to 25 ℃. Crassula easily adapts to conditions within this range.

Also, the plant is resistant to dry conditions.


Homemade fat girl is one of the few plants that do not really like spraying. However, it will not be too harmful for them if the procedure is not carried out too often.

Also, do not forget that there are species with velvety leaves. Spraying such plants can lead to rotting of the leaves.


Crassula needs a lot of bright sunlight. It can even be exposed to direct sunlight for several hours.

It is best to put the plant on the southern windows, although any other side is quite suitable for it.


Despite the fact that you need to water the tree of happiness infrequently, you need to do this regularly. In summer, watering is carried out as the soil dries. The soil layer should dry well. In summer, watering is carried out approximately once a week.

In winter, if the fat woman is in cool conditions, watering is not required at all. If the apartment is too hot, you need to water the money tree no more than once a month. The fat woman does not like excessive moisture. Frequent watering can even lead to the death of the plant.


Although the money tree does not really like spraying, rubbing the leaves affects it favorably.

Pot for fat girl

The root system of the plant is branched, located on the surface, grows predominantly in breadth. This complicates the selection of the pot, because too large a layer cannot be left below the root system. The main parameters to choose - the pot should be shallow and wide.

Soil for the fat girl

You do not have to buy soil in the store. You can cook it yourself. To do this, take 3 parts of sand or perlite (sand should be coarse-grained), 2 parts of peat, 2 parts of turf and 2 parts of leafy soil. Before mixing, each type of soil must be punctured for several minutes. The longer it takes, the better.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

A big plus of the plant is that it does not need a lot of fertilizer. In the summer it can be fed about once a month, and then only half the dose will be required.

In winter and autumn, the money tree does not need fertilizer.

Transplant fat

Do not transplant the plant often. Do this only when the roots fill the entire pot.


The main pruning is done at the end of winter - at the beginning of spring. This is important because the phase of active plant growth begins in spring. You need to have time to trim before this time.

In summer, you can make corrective cropping if any branches are out of the picture.

Rest period

The money tree has a pronounced rest period for a rather long time - from the beginning of autumn to the end of winter.

Is it possible to leave a money tree without going on vacation?

A fat woman at home can be left for a long period of time without worrying about her condition. Before leaving, you need to water it well and put it away from the window. Also, the plant can be sprinkled with expanded clay.

Growing Crassula from Seeds

You need to plant the seeds of the Crassula in a mixture of sheet soil and sand, then cover them with a film. Every day, the seeds must be ventilated and sprayed. In a couple of weeks, germination will begin. After a dive, shoots must be put into the light.

Propagation of Crassula by Cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in the spring. Before germinating the cuttings need to be slightly dried. Rooting is done in a mixture of peat and sand. After this, sand spraying is required from time to time. Rooted cuttings are planted in separate pots in well-lit places.

Diseases and Pests

Problems that arise when growing a fat woman:

  1. Crassula leaves fall in winter - Too high ambient temperature. If the leaves fall at another time of the year, then you may have waterlogged the soil, and the roots began to rot. Also, an overabundance of fertilizer may be the reason for the leaves to fall.
  2. The leaves and shoots of the fat woman became thin - Too plentiful watering.
  3. The root decay has begun - abundant hydration during dormancy.
  4. Leaves turn yellow - not enough light.
  5. Crassula leaves wither - an abundance of light.
  6. Light spots on the leaves fat women talk about burns. Perhaps the plant has been exposed to direct sunlight for too long.
  7. Black spots on the leaves fat women can also talk about sunburn. But not always. Sometimes they indicate the presence of a fungal infection. The fungus, in turn, develops if the room is poorly ventilated, or if the plant is abundantly watered. Dry brown spots, on the contrary, indicate a lack of moisture.
  8. Dry reddish crusts on leaves can be caused by several reasons - direct sunlight, lack of nutrients, lack of fresh air.
  9. Crassula leaves wither - possibly due to the beginning of rotting of the roots from waterlogging of the soil.

Eliminating the cause of the disease will relieve the disease itself.

Pests affecting the fat woman:

  • aphid;
  • spider mite;
  • mealybug;
  • scale shield.

Pest infection is rare. If this happened, then the fat woman is in extremely adverse conditions.

Types of homemade fat woman with photos and names

Oval Crassula (Crassula ovata)

This species is also called ovoid, due to the oval shape of leaves, rounded to the end. Their length varies from 3 to 9 cm. Often, a red strip passes along the edge of the leaves.

Crassula portulacea

The second name is silver fat. This view is very similar to the previous one. Glossy leaves resemble the shape of a drop. Over time, the branches of the tree grow in different directions. The leaves grow very abundantly, forming a dense crown.

The hobbit

This type of plant differs markedly from the rest in the form of leaves. The shape may be different, but most often it is sharp.

There are other distinguishing features of this species. At home, the fat hobbit rarely blooms. The tree grows slowly, a few centimeters per year.

Crassula sunset

This species is distinguished not by the shape of the leaves, but by their color. Red stripes at the edges are very pronounced. They are much larger than the oval fat. With proper lighting, the plant may appear to burn.

Tree Crassula (Crassula arborescens)

Treelike crassulae are distinguished by the fact that they can be turned into a real big tree. The main thing is to properly care for and provide favorable conditions for growth.

Crassula tetrahedral (Crassula tetragona)

Another species with an unusual leaf shape. The tetrahedral fatty has an awl-shaped leaf shape. Their length is about 4 cm. Shoots are woody.

Bordered Crassula (Crassula pelluida)

Plants of this species also differ in the unusual color of the leaves. Along the edges of the leaves are bright pink stripes.

Crassula lycopodioides

This species resembles a hobbit and a tetrahedral. In addition to the shape of the leaves, the difference of this species lies in the fact that it does not have a pronounced tree trunk.

Now reading:

  • Zhiryanka - growing and care at home, photo species
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Watch the video: Crassula arborescens - grow & care Silver jade (October 2024).