Radermacher: home care and methods of reproduction


One of the great ways to decorate a room, make the air in it fresher, and the atmosphere is cozy - to place several plants. Among the small indoor trees, especially popular among gardeners, it is possible to distinguish a radermacher. She gained fame among the people under the names "house ash", "snake tree", "Chinese chrysalis". We will examine in more detail how the flower of the radermacher looks, examine its description and features of care.

What does the radermacher look like to which family

In the wild, the radermacher has a tall, up to 40 m, tree with several trunks and a spreading crown. The diameter of the trunk can reach 1 m. Its leaves are large (up to 70 cm in length and 20 cm in width), bright green in color, with a smooth surface and large teeth along the edges.

Ash at home

This plant blooms in the warm season, with flowers blooming only at night. They are located either on the trunk or in the axils of the leaves of the tree. In shape, the buds resemble bells, but are painted in pale yellow, cream, white or orange. In nature, they exude a pleasant aroma reminiscent of the smell of cloves.

For indoor cultivation, a room, dwarf radermacher is used. The Chinese variety of this plant reaches a height of only 1-2 m, but it still has the same bright leaves of a beautiful shape and a lush crown.

Note! Indoors, this plant almost never blooms, but you can give a neat shape to the branches of the tree of the radermacher. Bonsai from it turns out original and bright.

Common varieties

Bouvardia flower: home care and methods of reproduction

Radermacher (in Latin Radermachera) belongs to the Bignonium family and has about 17 different species.

The most common types of framemakers:


Thai variety starting flowering at a height of half a meter. Its flowers are painted in a delicate milky color with yellow cores. It can be found in private gardens of tropical countries.

Flowering thai tree


Another variety comes from Thailand. The tree is better known as "jasmine", reaches a height of 20 meters. It has a very unusual and bright flowering - fiery red flowers bloom right on the trunk of the plant.

Ignaea - one of the most striking varieties of framemakers


It grows exclusively in the tropics of the island of Borneo. It has an impressive height of up to 30 m, and a relatively narrow trunk up to 30 cm in diameter. The flowers of the tree are large, with a soft orange hue. Leaves with a grayish tint.

Flowers of this variety can reach 60 cm in length.


This is an Indian species of tree. It has delicate white flowers growing densely on the trunk of a plant;

This variety does not have such lush landscaping


A popular type of room-mounted radermacher. The Chinese chrysalis belongs to long-lived plants - under natural conditions, the age of trees reaches 25-30 years. And in a room environment with proper care, it will please you for decades.

The room radermacher has bright green leaves

History of the appearance of the species

Catharanthus flower: home care and methods of reproduction

Radermacher gained universal fame and distribution relatively recently - at the beginning of the twentieth century. Jacob Radermacher, a famous botanist of the time, found him in Taiwan, described and discovered it all over the world. The tree was named after the scientist.

Radermacher: home care

Pedilanthus: home care and methods of reproduction

Care will require certain skills, applies to tropical plants. This means that he needs to create suitable conditions for lighting, temperature and humidity in the room.

Important! The nuances of caring for this plant differ depending on the time of year.

It is difficult for a heat-loving plant to adapt to the weather conditions of central Russia, and therefore, in the cold season, you should be more careful about the conditions of its maintenance.


In the warmer months - from 20 ° C to 22 ° C. In autumn and winter - around 18 ° C, always at least 10 ° C. It is important that there are no drafts and sudden changes in temperature during the day.


Bright, but diffused light is needed. Do not allow direct sunlight to fall on the leaves. A great location would be a southwest or southeast window. In winter, it is important to provide lighting to the plant using special fitolamps.

Important! For uniform growth of branches, it is useful for the radermacher to periodically turn it with different sides to the light source.


For watering, water must be defended, its temperature should be close to room temperature. The entire warm season, watering is carried out abundantly, as the substrate dries.

During the dormant period (winter), watering is necessary only a day or two after the drying of the soil, but the amount of moisture is gradually reduced from autumn.

Bogging of the substrate should not be allowed - this will lead to the death of the roots, the branches will begin to dry rapidly.

Air humidity

The Rademacher adjusts well to dry air. But for active growth and saturation of leaves with greens, experts recommend periodically spraying the crown of the tree with settled water in the summer.

Once a week or two, you can arrange a warm shower for the tree. In this case, it is important to cover the soil with waterproof material, for example, polyethylene.


Substrates for roses, palm trees and other ornamental flowering plants are excellent for growing and maintaining indoor radermacher.

The soil should be loose, pass air and moisture well. The ideal composition is one part of peat, one part of humus and two parts of sod-leaved land.

Top dressing

In the growth stage, the plant requires active top dressing. For this, minerals diluted with water in a ratio of 2 g per 1 liter are suitable. Apply balanced dressing once every two weeks, a day after watering. In winter, while maintaining a temperature of -20 ° C, the flower is not required to be fed.

Radermacher - the flower is not very whimsical. It is easy to grow on insulated glazed loggias, but in a room with sufficient natural light, it can grow into a lush shrub.

note: It is important to choose the right pot size.

Too small capacity will harm the root system, the tree will stop its growth. But a large volume of the tub will lead to stagnation of moisture and falling of leaves afterwards.

Breeding methods

The Radermacher propagates in two ways - vegetative or generative. Breeding at home is most often carried out by the second of them, since the seeds can be obtained only after flowering (and, as noted above, it does not occur in the Chinese tree variety).

Seed propagation

Seeds of this lush tree are available at some gardening stores. But it is worth considering that the radermacher will have to grow for quite a while from scratch.

How to plant seeds:

  1. Place the seeds on the ground at a distance of a couple of cm from each other.
  2. Spray the seeds from the top of the spray gun.
  3. Create a greenhouse - cover the container with a film or glass on top.
  4. Leave for up to two weeks in a room with a temperature of 20-23 ° C.
  5. As soon as the shoots appeared, remove the greenhouse.
  6. After two to three weeks, transplant each sprout that has sprouted into a separate pot.

Tip! Buying rare seeds of this plant in online stores is not worth it, since it is impossible to verify their authenticity.

It is still better to buy ready-made sprouts - their price starts at 500 rubles per young tree.

Propagation by layering

This method is more suitable for experienced gardeners. It is important to reproduce the radermacher at home by layering as carefully as possible so as not to harm the mother plant.

How to make lay-offs on the radermacher:

  1. Make an incision on the main trunk.
  2. Insert a small stick into it so that the incision is not overgrown.
  3. Attach peat moss to the drainage site.
  4. Create a greenhouse effect at this location using polyethylene.
  5. Remember to ventilate the incision site daily and spray the moss.
  6. As soon as the roots cover the entire surface of the film, layers should be transplanted.

Separate layering with extreme caution, without damaging the tree trunk and the root system of the cub.

Propagation by cuttings

This method is the fastest and most trouble-free. Even novice gardeners can cope with it.

How to separate the stalk:

  1. A shoot is selected with at least 1 leaf and 1 knot.
  2. At the beginning of summer, a stalk about 10 cm long is cut.
  3. A piece is planted in a mixture of sand and peat, covered with a greenhouse.
  4. It is important daily ventilation and humidification from the spray.
  5. After the appearance of full-fledged roots, the process sits in the ground.

Fortified cuttings


Such an exotic plant can be grown not only for your own use. Adult trees in the horticultural markets cost 1,500-2,000 rubles.

The bright green leaves of the radermacher will be able to cheer up any person in the room. With a long stay of the plant in the room, the air in it is purified, it becomes fresher.

* Prices are valid for July 2019.
