How to propagate ficus, transplant and take the shoot


Ficus is an unpretentious and shade-tolerant plant, with many varieties bred in Africa, America and Australia. The flower looks spectacular in the home interior and is popular among most gardeners. There are many ways to propagate ficus in a home environment (cuttings, air and horizontal layers, seeds, cloning) and give the culture an unusual shape. The optimum temperature for rooting a flower is 24-28 ° С, humidity - 80%.

How to propagate ficus cuttings at home

Both apical cuttings and pruning of the middle of the shoot allow taking shoots from ficuses. Upper - take root faster. Correct cuttings are obtained from a stem with an internode. The optimal length of the process depends on the plant variety: for small-leaved crops like Benjamin, 10 cm is enough (preferably 3-7 leaves), for rubber-bearing and lyre-shaped ones, 15 cm (2-4 leaves).

Preparing ficus for transplant

Large-leafed lyre-shaped individuals are cut off 2/3 of the sheet, reducing the level of evaporated moisture. To rubber-bearing varieties, gardeners twist the leaves into a tube and carefully fix with an elastic band or a rope, keeping moisture in the process. The milk remaining on the process prevents the formation of roots. Soaking the bottom of the stem in warm water (2 hours) will help to solve the problem with further processing of the cut with a growth stimulator. With charcoal, many housewives will certainly wish to disinfect the cut.

Important! Depending on how the ficus propagates (in water or soil), the period of root growth is 3 ... 5 weeks. Successful propagation of ficus will be reported by fresh green leaves.

How to take a shoot from a ficus

Ficus shoots are cut with a sharp knife or scissors at an angle of 45 degrees, without tearing off their hands. Attempts to break off the stem manually threaten an unsuccessful or protracted rooting process. Take cuttings in March or April.

Scissor pruning

Before winter, the plant manages to take root and grow stronger. Further transplantation is carried out once / year, older plants can not be disturbed for 3-4 years.

How to root a sprout of a ficus

Among the main methods, how to transplant ficus with cuttings, there are 2 options: in water and soil. The first method is more convenient. Rooting in water will allow you to evaluate the formed shoots, adjust the planting time with poor development of the plant.

To transplant ficus shoots into water, a number of manipulations are required:

  1. The edge of the process is washed from the released milk. Astringent properties of white juice slow down rooting.
  2. Dipped in a mixture of water and coal in a container that does not allow sunlight, ideally - where there is a minimum of air, in order to avoid rotting processes. Leaves should be above the water mirror, otherwise spots will appear that are characteristic of decay.
  3. The shoots are left in the water in a lighted area, avoiding direct sunlight for half a month / month.
  4. Check the plant. The presence of small roots indicates the ability to plant a plant in the soil. Do not let the roots grow strongly - when tamped in a new pot, they will be damaged.

The instruction on how to transplant ficus into the ground also does not cause difficulties:

  • milky juice on the slice is washed off with a water-carbohydrate solution, the shoots are allowed to dry for 30-40 minutes;
  • place the handle in a small container with a substrate for rooting;
  • add a root, saturated with nutrients and stimulants that accelerate the formation of roots.

Soil preparation for flower growing

It is advisable to grow the stalk in a tank covered with a film or a PET bottle without a throat.

How to propagate large-leaf ficus at home

How to take a shoot from an orchid: transplant options and examples at home

For propagation of large-leafed ficuses, small cuttings and adult plants are suitable. The second method is relevant when exposing the lower part of the trunk. Florists trim the top, which has preserved healthy leaves and root in water or soil.

Tree-like cultures, for example, Lyrovidnaya, propagated by air bends. The main conditions are the presence of a long trunk and the placement of leaves on top. Escape shorten. After a certain time, the crown becomes thicker due to the formation of side shoots.

Root shoots by air layering. Step-by-step instructions provide for the designation of the required height under the kidney, the creation of a circular incision in the upward direction or the removal of the bark under the layer. A match is placed in the resulting incision, wrapped with a film. It is recommended to put wet moss in polyethylene. Above and below, the film is tied, leaving air inside. After 3 weeks, roots should appear. For operations, the moss is overgrown with roots, the top is separated from the main ficus, ready for placement in a separate pot.

Leaf propagation

Money tree - how to plant a shoot at home

Before you propagate ficuses with a leaf at home, it is important to understand: the method involves growing a culture from a part of the stem with one leaf. The lower section is performed at an angle directly along the internode. The segment is immersed in a substrate to the leaf petiole.

Rooting Ficus Leaf

The leaf is twisted by the owner of the flower into a tube, fixed with an elastic band. Further actions are similar to the rooting of a wood cuttings.

Important! A separate ficus leaf (without a stem) with a long stay in the water will certainly take root, but the leaf will not give shoots.

How to transplant ficus

Land for Ficus

How to Propagate Money Tree at Home

An ideal soil for ficus is soil with high water - and breathability, low acidity (6.5-7 pH). The density of the soil is determined by the age of the ficus: for young shoots, a loose composition should be prepared, adults should be planted in a denser soil based on turf, leaf soil and humus. Clay soil threatens stagnation of water in a pot.

The choice of land is also determined by the variety of home flower:

  • Ficus Benjamin is planted in soil mixtures containing equal shares of humus, leafy land and peat. Expanded clay will provide drainage properties to the soil, covered with sand at the bottom of the pot.
  • Growing a rubbery variety requires neutral or slightly acidic soils based on sod and deciduous soil, half of the river sand. The bottom of the pot should be laid with small stones, sprinkled with river sand on top.
  • Microcarp ficuses can easily be transplanted into other pots, since the representatives of the variety are absolutely unpretentious to the substrate, the choice is between neutral and slightly acidic soil, which includes equal parts of turf and leafy soil, half of the sand.

Ready mix for ficus

As practice shows, it is also convenient to propagate ficus in ready-mixed "Ficus" and "Palm" soil mixtures; the compositions contain the necessary minimum components required for plant development. The earth is immersed in a drainage pot, carefully tamped. Hollow areas will cause root decay, excessive pressure on the soil will damage the roots and reduce the level of incoming air.

In which pot to plant ficus

The most comfortable ficus feels in a pot with drainage holes. Flower owners should stock up in advance with ceramic, wooden flowerpots or plastic counterparts. The main criteria are the lack of chemistry, light tightness (in the case of plastic, it is desirable to use brown, green pots), and the right size.

The size of the pot is determined by the state of the root system of the ficus. For the unhindered development of culture in the house, flower growers leave a gap between the walls of the container and the roots of 2 cm.

What pot is needed for ficus benjamin

There is no ideal shape of the vessel for keeping ficuses. Standard models are suitable for the lion's share of varieties of varieties. The diameter and height of flowerpots have equal parameters. A typical pot is perfect for Benjamin's ficus. Being interested in how to plant small-leaved ficus for further cultivation using the bonsai technique, you should take a closer look at flat clay pots without a glossy effect.

How to feed during the transplant

The nutrition of an evergreen plant includes mineral and organic elements. However, before feeding the ficus sprouts, you need to wait a month until the plant feeds on the microelements of the new soil. At this time, the fertilizer applied will burn the stalk.

Mineral fertilizer for ficus "Agricola"

The correct development and formation of shoots in an exotic flower is due to the abundance of 3 minerals: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.

Mineral additives are:

  • dry, allowing to dilute the required amount of powdered granular composition or tablets before use;
  • liquid, produced in the form of ready-made solutions;
  • in the form of prolonged sticks stuck in the ground.

The list of organic top dressing is made up of manure, humus, coffee grounds, tea leaves, pruned fruits, vegetables, sugar and yeast. Well absorbed by the individual ash, succinic acid, nettle tincture.

Specialized stores offer to fertilize the home flower with complex preparations and special products, the most effective:

  1. "Rainbow" is an organic solution enclosed in half-liter plastic bottles. This is an ideal solution for watering the soil, sprinkling leaves and processing cuttings. However, the liquid contains potassium in the composition, an overdose of the drug provokes a logical question: why do the tips of the leaves of ficuses curl inward, and what do experts recommend (transplant the plant or add clean water to the ground).
  2. "Agricola" is a universal fertilizer for various varieties of ficus. Available in bags and bottles, dry and liquid consistency - 100/250 ml, respectively.
  3. Pokon is a liquid fertilizer complex designed specifically for ficus plants. Produced by the Dutch company in 250 ml packaging.

Note. Dilution of fertilizers in water requires urgent use of the composition, it is not recommended to store the solution.

Cropping and shaping the crown

In the formation of ficuses, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the physiology of growth of an individual. The development of new shoots is based on the kidneys: apical and lateral, enclosed in the axils of the leaves, above the petiole of the leaf with the trunk. The most rapid development is observed in the apical kidney, inhibiting or blocking the growth of axillary processes. Removal of the upper kidney encourages the active development of lateral growths, forming shoots of equal strength.

The crown is formed by trimming and shortening the shoots, placing the shoots in the required directions with tensioning devices. With sufficient humidity, ficuses release air roots. As the shoots grow, they are directed to the soil.

The shoots on thin stems are cut with a direct motion, a cut slice allows cutting the adult crowns (above the kidney down to the base). If you prevent the formation of hemp, the fungus and unaesthetic appearance of the plant is not threatened.

Knit Ficus Benjamin


Weaving methods:

  • "Pigtail", "Spiral". Two sprouts are enough to weave the trunks into a spiral, “braids” - three trunks 15 cm high. As the plants grow, the lateral processes are removed, the trunks are intertwined, leaving free space for thickening. For reliability, the braids are fixed with woolen threads superimposed on the trunk at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • A “stretched spring" is obtained from a young shoot wound on a peg during development. The lateral processes are removed. The peg is removed, leaving the stem intricate.
  • "Rose of Wind". The method is based on the pair crossing of the northern appendix with the southern, eastern - with the western. Repeated repetition of the operation forms a similarity of chain links.
  • "Fence". Having gained experience with weaving braids and spirals, it is worth trying to grow a hedge from ficus. Plants are planted at the same distance and intertwine their trunks. Interesting look plants planted in a circle or forming a lattice of 6-8 trunks.
  • "Arc". The shape of the arch is easily taken by ficus lianas: dwarf, mountain, arrow-shaped, ivy. For the correct direction of shoots in the pot, arcuate wire bases are placed.
  • Stam. The main condition for the formation of the stem is a pronounced vertical trunk. The shoot is constantly deprived of lateral shoots, leaving 3-5 upper ones, until the desired height is reached. The size of the desktop composition is 30 ... 40 cm, the floor - 50 ... 100 cm. When the desired size is reached, the top of the ficus is pinched, stimulating the development of the lateral processes. The crown is attached to stability by a peg to be removed further.
  • Bonsai A “plant in a bowl” is obtained from various varieties of ficus trees (Altissima, Aurea, Benjamina, Erecta, Macrophylla), immersed in a shallow dish (tray, tray, dish), with maximum preservation of the natural appearance of the plant.

Ficus Microcarp Bonsai Technique


The unusual look of a home flower will also help create a coconut pedestal surrounded by three young ficuses. Constant moistening of the moss column stimulates the appearance of aerial roots in the neighbors, gradually braiding around the column and fusing together.

How to pinch ficus

The ficus grafting will be successful if you pinch off the crown on a grown plant using disinfected tools: alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. The sharper the blade, the easier it is to pinch the branches. For example, the flower has reached the desired height, but the upper shoot is too thin. It is enough to make a direct incision in the upper part of the process. The crown of a mature plant is formed by an oblique incision above the kidney 8 cm from the leaf. With one-sided branching, kerbovka will help - an incision of the cortex above the kidney to stimulate shoots, under the branches - to slow down and weaken growth. Upon completion of the procedure, the plant is provided with proper care.

If the ficus transplant and pinching were well tolerated, a new sprout will soon appear - the basis for interesting ideas for decorating the interior.



Watch the video: How To Propagate Rubber Tree Plant From Cuttings Tested Guide (October 2024).