Strawberry home - growing from seeds or indoor strawberries


Fragrant and delicious strawberries (strawberries) are frequent guests on the summer table. Growing this culture on your own is not difficult. As a rule, they propagate it with a mustache or dividing a bush, but strawberries at home from seeds grow no worse.

Seed cultivation

Garden strawberry seeds can be purchased at the store or collected independently from homemade berries. For sowing, it is worth preparing the material only from those bushes that are healthy and give a plentiful harvest. If you plan to purchase seeds in a store, you should pay attention to the name of the producer.

Familiar berry with seeds

If the company is known for positive customer reviews, you can safely take the material for breeding.

At home gathering, it is worth paying attention that the best seeds are at the base and in the middle part of the berry. To easily remove them, it is necessary to cut off a layer of pulp from the fruit and dry it on paper. If you rub it lightly with your hands, the seeds will easily separate.

You can also remove seeds with a toothpick, carefully picking them out of the pulp. It is best to store seed in a glass container.

When to sow

Sowing time depends on the variety of strawberries. Seeds of early varieties require early planting, with sowing late - you can wait. Estimated timing of sowing at home is February or early March.

Some gardeners sow in winter, adding light to seedlings using fluorescent lamps. Using them, you can get young plants from seeds all year round.

Note! You can keep bushes in the house year-round, using strawberries as a houseplant.

Seed germination

In order for the seeds to sprout more actively, it is necessary to carry out the germination procedure.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. In the plastic container intended for landing, make several small holes for ventilation.
  2. Moisten a couple of cotton pads with water. Arrange the seeds between them and send to the container. Instead of discs, you can take a thin cloth.
  3. Store seeds in a container for 2 days, at a temperature not lower than 25 ° C.
  4. In the process of germination, it is important to monitor the level of humidity by spraying discs from the spray gun. It is also necessary to open the ventilation container daily.
  5. After 48 hours, the seeds are transferred to the refrigerator (on the lower shelf) for stratification. It is not necessary to get them out of the container. It is necessary to maintain the material at a negative temperature for at least 2 weeks.

Instead of a container for germination, you can use a plastic bag, instead of cotton wool - gauze. The main thing is to provide the seeds with a warm and humid environment that is most suitable for germination. This stage, as well as stratification, is not necessary when growing domestic strawberries.

Soil preparation

Strawberry home is not very demanding on the soil. However, in order to get a decent crop, it is worth considering the recommendations for soil preparation. For wild strawberries (and other shrubs and herbaceous plants) this is important.

Loose soil for seedlings

Characteristics of the soil for planting strawberries:

  • Low acidity. It is possible to deoxidize garden soil by adding dolomite flour or fluffy lime to it;
  • Friability. The better the soil passes water and air, the more actively the plant develops;
  • Lack of pathogenic bacteria. So that the seedlings are not sick, it is advisable to disinfect the soil before planting.

The optimal composition of the soil mixture for planting garden strawberries: turf land (10 kg) + dolomite flour (75 g) + wood ash (200 g). You can also add sawdust and rotted manure.

To decontaminate the soil mixture, it must be steamed over a pot of boiling water. The procedure must be continued for at least 1 hour. It is more convenient to do this on the street, making a fire and placing a large container of water above it. From above it is necessary to install a colander or a small metal mesh with earth.

Important! It is permissible to steam the soil in an oven, however, this method leads to the destruction of not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms.

Planting with strawberry seeds

When all the preparatory steps are completed, you can proceed directly to sowing the material into the ground.

Planting seeds of wild strawberries for seedlings:

  1. Choose a container suitable for planting (container, box, pot, cassettes for seedlings) and disinfect it. If necessary, make drainage holes in the bottom.
  2. Pour broken brick or expanded clay onto the bottom of the tank, with a layer of about 2 cm.
  3. Fill the prepared soil mixture, leaving a couple of centimeters to the top. Tamp lightly with a scoop.
  4. In the soil, groove 0.5 cm deep. Humidify them from a spray bottle.
  5. Using tweezers, distribute the seeds in the holes and sprinkle with topsoil (1 cm).
  6. Cover plantings with glass or polyethylene and send to a warm place. The temperature should not fall below 25 ° C.
  7. As necessary, moisten the plantings with room temperature water and ventilate the tank.

After 20-25 days, the first shoots will appear. At this time, the shelter can be removed. So that the seedlings are not sick, it is recommended to spray it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate once every 14 days.

You can plant seedlings in the ground from mid-April to May. A couple of weeks before this, it is useful to start making seedlings in the air for hardening. The soil at the site of the planned planting must be dug up and humus added.

Mulch beds of strawberries

Transplanting garden strawberries into open ground:

  1. Dig holes for the number of young plants. If different varieties are planted, it makes sense to sort out in advance the places of planting and the distribution of strawberries by variety.
  2. Position the plant in the hole so that the growth point is above ground level. It is impossible to sprinkle it.
  3. Cover the roots with earth, gently squeeze. It is necessary for the plant to sit tight and not be pulled out if you slightly pull on the leaf.
  4. Pour strawberry plantings abundantly under the root, even if the weather is damp.
  5. If desired, mulch the beds with sawdust or humus.

Strawberries are shrubs or grass.

Since the word "bush" is often used in relation to plants, some gardeners are wondering if strawberries are shrubs or grassy plants.

Potted or indoor lily - how to care

Sometimes garden strawberries are grown on a vertical bed, in this case the prolific plant resembles a shrubbery. The so-called "bush" varieties can be found in natural markets. But botanists give a clear answer to the question, is strawberry a shrub or grass: the plant belongs to herbaceous perennials. Although the appearance of large bushes is difficult to believe.

Therefore, if the seller on the market claims that this strawberry is a shrub, it is better not to buy it.

Interesting to know! The strawberry fruit is a false berry, it is an overgrown receptacle. There are nuts on it, which are actually the fruits of garden strawberries. Therefore, the scientific name for the berries of this culture is multi-root.

Wild strawberry

Godetia flower - growing from seeds at home

Domestic strawberries, which are usually called strawberries, are not found in the wild. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, there are a huge number of varieties of this plant that have excellent cold resistance, high yield and amazing taste of berries.

Strawberry seeds

Mostly small-fruited varieties are propagated by seeds, since large-fruited ones may not retain this property in young seedlings.

Care for wild strawberries at home

Ageratum - seed cultivation, care and planting

 The rules for caring for wild strawberries are simple:

  • Watering. Before flowering, sprinkling can be used, after which only watering under the root is desirable. In hot weather, mulch the beds, this will help retain moisture in the soil;
  • Loosening. It must be carried out after heavy watering or rains. It is worth remembering that strawberries have powerful and thick roots that are easily damaged during processing;
  • Fertilizer. It is useful to apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizing during flowering and fruiting. Before planting, nitrogen-containing fertilizing or organic matter is introduced into the soil;
  • Pruning. After the fruiting is over, it is time to trim the damaged old leaves and mustache. This is convenient to do with pruning shears or sharp scissors.

Interesting to know. In 100 g., Strawberries contain 59 mg of vitamin C. More than in an orange.

Strawberry Variety Pineapple

Pineapple, or pineapple strawberry, is a crossbreeding product. In the wild, it does not occur. This variety is distinguished by maintainability, disease resistance, large-fruited. The color of the berries varies from cream to pink. These shades are much less attractive to birds, who are not averse to feasting on bright berries.

The variety also has its drawbacks: Strawberry Pineapple is not stored fresh for a long time and often rots with excess moisture.

Pineapple Strawberry


The name does not owe its name to the pineapple, but to the Latin name "ananassa", which means "strawberry garden".

Growing remontant strawberries

Remontant strawberries bear fruit twice a year, with such a "vital rhythm" she needs special care. If you decide to grow just such varieties, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. So that the bushes do not freeze, it is advisable to create shelters for them from spruce branches or straw.
  2. In autumn, it is necessary to treat the beds with Bordeaux liquid, remove diseased or dried parts of plants.
  3. In order for both crops to be plentiful, it is important to feed strawberries on time: after the snow is removed, urea solution is introduced, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is added after 14 days, after the first crop it is watered with mullein solution, and in early August, the composition with phosphorus and potassium is used again.

Growing strawberries at home from seeds is easy to learn. It is enough to follow simple rules of care. Like any berry shrub or grass, strawberries love this and respond with a plentiful harvest.


Watch the video: Growing Strawberries From Seeds of Store Bought Fruit (September 2024).