Streptocarpus - care and growing at home


Streptocarpus flower (botanical name - streptocarpus) is one of the most beautiful indoor plants for the house. What kind of shades and patterns on the flower petals does he have. Not surprisingly, gardeners are delighted with this beauty. That's why they strive to reveal and apply all the secrets, good advice on caring for streptocarpus. It is enough to grow one bush, and it will delight you with hundreds of brightest buds that will bloom for six months.

Appearance story

Exotic flower discovered by J. Bowie. In the XIX century., Performing a task in South Africa, he found an unusual plant, which was included in the collections of the Museum of Britain. Its eccentricity overnight it won the hearts of many.

Streptocarpus flower

Description of streptocarpus

Ampelic pelargonium or geranium - growing and care at home

The name consists of two Greek words: "curled" (streptos) and "fruit" (carpus). The plant is part of the Gesneriev family. Most of all, the flower loves the wooded parts of the mountain slopes, but it will grow well in the pot at home with proper care. It is attributed to:

  • Lithophytes. Such plants grow on rocks made of stone. Streptocarpuses have a separate species - rocky, which is often found in such areas. It features bright blue buds and abundantly growing leaves.
  • Epiphytes. Large trees are used as a support.

Important! Of all the subspecies, streptocarpella stands out - a separate variety, ampelous, with a long stem and small purple flowers.

Streptocarpus care and cultivation are not difficult. It is necessary:

  • choose the right soil
  • choose the best place
  • provide watering
  • with great care to look after him after planting in new soil, having completed all the necessary manipulations in order to root the flower successfully.

The number of transplants is determined individually for each species.

Common varieties

Hyacinth - home care, potted growing

Classic room varieties:

  • Royal (Rex). This species was the first to be found. In the formed outlet there are pubescent elongated leaves, which can reach 25 cm in length. Flowers are painted in different shades: white, pink, red and purple. There are patterns on the petals.

Grade "Royal"

  • Rocky (fake violet). It is grown both by bushes and as an ampelous species. Long, thin stems cover numerous rounded leaves and delicate purple flowers.
  • Wendland. A univalent plant with a large velvet leaf. Pink flowers rise above him on a separate stem.

Other species are rarely seen at home.

Home Care

Clivia Flower - Home Care and Growing

Care at home for streptocarpus is much easier than for the senpolia, which also belong to the Gesneriev family.

Important! If violets with their tireless moodiness did not want to settle down on the windowsill, then the best option would be to get a streptocarpus. It will not only not yield in beauty to a pretty violet, but will also take root more quickly, will delight with its flowering.

Temperature and lighting

In summer, when flowering is in full swing, it is better to adhere to a temperature of 20-25 degrees. In winter, at rest, 15-18.

Additional Information. For this plant, peace is not always necessary. However, some growers support the idea that he should arrange a cold winter. To do this, the flower should be moved to a balcony, a loggia or to another room, where the temperature is kept at 10 degrees.

For streptocarpus, both intense heat and frost are dangerous. It is worthwhile to ensure that the thermometer does not fall below 8 degrees, otherwise the flower will begin to wither and subsequently dry.

The flower does not like darkness. Under any conditions, he needs sunlight. Especially pleasant to him are the morning or evening rays of the sun. In the summer hour, it is advisable to take the pot out onto the balcony - this is how buds will tie.


Avoid excessive watering, it is better to slightly dry the substrate. The roots of the plant are very tender, so when moisture stagnates, they immediately begin to rot. Once the soil is slightly dried in the top layer, you can water it, but by one third. In winter, watering is less common.

Important! In the event of drought, when the flower lowered the leaves, it is very quickly resuscitated by ordinary watering.


Spraying streptocarpuses is undesirable, despite the fact that they prefer humidified air. When spraying, moisture falls on delicate flowers and leaves. Leaf pubescence contributes to the retention of this moisture, respectively, rot and brown spots may occur.


Humidity culture loves. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a humidifier or just put a container of water near. You can spray only near the pot, but not the plant itself.

Soil and top dressing

Description of the soil in which you can plant or transplant an African handsome:

  • Easy,
  • Loose,
  • Water - and breathable,
  • Not sour.

You can make the soil yourself. To do this, use:

  • Sheet earth (2 parts),
  • Sod land, sand and humus (1 part each).

In stores, it is best to purchase soil for senpolia. Before planting, perlite, vermiculite, sphagnum moss and activated crushed coal are necessarily added to it.

What can feed young streptocarpuses, says Pavel Enikeev, a well-known florist.

Fertilizer with yeast from Pavel Enikeev

Note! If you want to feed the plant with yeast, it is worth remembering that such a fertilizer creates a deficiency of potassium in the soil. Therefore, alternating top dressing is with calcium options.

Streptocarpus loves top dressing. Be sure to alternate the types of fertilizers:

  • In the spring - nitrogen (for ornamental plants),
  • After the appearance of buds - potash and phosphorus (for flowering plants).

Flowering features

Flowering in the culture is always bright and plentiful. Already when the baby has just begun to actively develop, she begins to bloom.

Types and forms of flowers

The flowers of the plant differ in various shades: from delicate white and pink to purple-lilac. In diameter, they can reach 9 cm, but more often - 2-3 cm.

Form happens:

  • Drooping
  • Umbrella
  • Close to the violet
  • With a deep neck
  • Corrugated.

On the petals there are patterns of various types and lines.

Flowering period

Most streptocarpus blooms in the warm season - in spring and summer. This period takes about 9 months. However, some species are covered with flowers all year round.

Causes of lack of flowering, how to fix

If your favorite flower is not covered with buds, then you should change:

  • Scanty lighting for brighter
  • Remove excessive watering,
  • Introduce fertilizer additionally,
  • Remove excess leaves.

Flowering Care

During flowering, the plant does not need additional fertilizing and excessive watering. It is enough to observe the usual care for the culture and create conditions for constant sunlight to extend the flowering period. Avoid direct sunlight.


Stretocarpus can reproduce in many ways. At the same time, a new strong plant is obtained from almost any part of the mother.

Seed germination

Streptocarpus from seeds at home can be propagated easily. Seeds germinate in a short time and take root perfectly. The only caveat may be that they do not preserve all hybrid qualities. Therefore, the material for sowing needs to be purchased only from reputable sellers.


  • Prepare the soil and place it in a greenhouse, sprinkling abundantly from the spray gun.
  • Seeds scatter on top, do not deepen. For them to sprout, you need sunlight. Soak the seed is not necessary.
  • Cover the greenhouse with a lid and place in a warm, bright place.
  • Ventilate once a day for 15 minutes by opening the lid.
  • The first sprouts will appear within 2 weeks.

Rooting cuttings, leaf or leaf fragments

How can propagate streptocarpus with cuttings - to plant an adult plant that has several leaf rosettes. In addition, each of them must have roots and a growth point. After abundant wetting of the substrate, gently remove the plant, shake off the ground and split the flower with a sharp knife. Treat the slice with charcoal or cinnamon, plant the resulting parts in separate pots.

When breeding streptocarpuses, a leaf fragment is taken not very old, but not young leaves.

Sheet cutting scheme:

  • In two parts across,
  • Along in two parts, cut the central vein separately,
  • In 4 parts: two longitudinal and transverse. The central vein is also separately cut.

Leaf fragment propagation


The vein is thrown away, the remaining parts are cut down into the greenhouse in the prepared soil. Shoots germinate after 2 months.


The best time for transplanting streptocarpus is considered to be early spring, then it begins to grow actively. In winter it is extremely rare, but it is also possible to transplant a flower, however, in these conditions it will be more difficult for it to take root.

Transplant process, pot selection


Transplant after purchase

After purchase, the plant should be carefully inspected. If the substrate is completely braided by roots, then the plant is urgently transplanted.

To flower effectively and well developed, a prerequisite is the choice of a spacious pot.

After transplanting into the prepared soil, the flower does not need to be fertilized with anything for 2 months. During this period, the soil periodically loosen, watering is carried out after drying of the upper layer.

Transplant during reproduction

When the seeds have sprouted, or cuttings, leaves are rooted, you should wait for the period of active growth. It usually occurs in the spring. Then the young animals are transplanted.

Young streptocarpuses can be transplanted annually for 2-3 years. Adult plant - not more than once every 2-3 years. The reason for the transplant is the developed root system of the plant.

Growing problems

Problematic places in the cultivation of stratocarpuses are:

  • Leaf disease
  • Agricultural technology.

Pale leaves

The pallor of a leaf in a culture occurs when it lacks nutrition or the root system has grown too large. The solution to the issue will be transplanting and feeding.

Pale leaves


Drying the ends of the sheet

The tips begin to dry when the air is dry in the room, or the plant requires a transplant due to tightness in the pot. It is worth humidifying the air in the room and transplanting the flower.

The leaves are dry


Leaf fall

When the leaves become lethargic, and later fall off, the flower should be placed in a room with a lower temperature. Heat adversely affects the development of flowering and growth of stems.

The affected foliage should definitely be removed, the flower itself put in a place where diffused light.


Pests that attack culture:

  • Flat-tick mites (on the underside of the leaf) and greenhouse mites (on the growth point);
  • There are also putrid ticks that settle in the soil;
  • Gray rot. It is created by a fungus that affects the leaf plate.

Gray rot


Other problems

Since the plant comes from tropical areas, it loves the soil with an abundance of impurities. The soil must pass air so that the root system grows without problems. If you fill the flower too much, then there will be problems with the roots, children will stop appearing and the buds will bloom.

Europe and America fell in love with streptocarpuses for their extraordinary color and shades of buds, unpretentious care. Community groups of enthusiasts involved in the cultivation of this culture unanimously declare: it is easy to grow a beautiful flower. Enchanting color shows in the West are made for beauty lovers, where streptocarpus owners receive gold medals for participating.


Watch the video: Streptocarpus CareTIPSStrepts Blooming (October 2024).