Platicodon flower - varieties, planting and care


Bell platikodon (Codo Platycodon) - a perennial plant, with which you can decorate gardens, gardens and parklands. The plant is presented in a wide variety with incredibly beautiful bells painted in a variety of colors.

Characteristics of platicodone: varieties and varieties

The most important thing in the description of the flower is its bells, which can be either single or group. As it grows, the plant forms a beautiful shrub that pleases with its flowering in July. The second name is the bell.

Bell platicodon

Platicodon flowers are represented by a large number of varieties, each of which has distinctive features. The most popular among gardeners are terry hybrids. Based on them, incredible compositions are obtained. Breeders have bred several more interesting varieties.


The standard option is the bell of platicodon blue perennial, which against the background of the other varieties looks most impressive. Among its varieties distinguish:

  • Blues. They are decorated with rocky slides or other elevations. In height can reach up to 15 cm, has large bells, which can be grouped in 3 pieces. The flowers themselves are white, but the blue color is given to him by the veins.
  • Album. Unlike the previous variety, it can reach a height of up to 80 cm. The flowers are very large, with a diameter of 8 cm. They combine well in the garden with phlox and peonies.
  • Mariesii blue. A low-growing variety not exceeding 0.35 m. The flowers have a lavender hue, which attracts with its tenderness and beauty.
  • Blue Lake. It differs from previous varieties by its short stature, grows up to 0.2 m. The plant is unique in all respects. Flowers with a blue-violet tint are often used to decorate alpine slides.
  • Fuji Blue. Reaches a height of up to 0.8 m. If you plant a plant separately from other flowers, then it will favorably emphasize its light lilac or lilac color. Has immunity to diseases. Resistant to lower temperatures in the winter.

Interesting! Platicodon Astra Blue Double, Komachi and Fiji are also popular.

Appearance of platikodon blue


Platikodon white will decorate any garden. It looks tender and attractive. For home planting, the following varieties are most often used:

  1. Istra White. It has small compact dimensions, and the height of the plant reaches 20 cm. It pleases flowering for two months. The flowers are characterized by a specific geometric shape. Diameter 8 cm.
  2. Hakone White. The variety is 15 cm high. Suitable for planting in sunny areas and in the shade. Has snow-white semi-double flowers.


There are also pink varieties of bells, both indoor and for the design of miniature flower beds. The most popular types of varieties are:

  1. Shell pink. The variety pleases with its abundant flowering. It has a stunning pink color, unpretentious and easy to grow. It blooms for 2-3 months.
  2. Maze of Pearl. Reaches a height of up to 0.6 m, has pale pink inflorescences. Ideal for growing in pots. It is convenient when growing in open ground.
  3. Pop Star Pink. It has wide large flowers, which when blooming are first inflated, then turn into a full bowl. It has high decorative properties. Flowers are often arranged in the shape of a star. It blooms for a long time, sometimes even to frost.

Delicate pink wide bell

Platicodon: planting and care

Grouse flower: planting and care after flowering

When working with platicodone, landing and care in the open ground must be performed according to all established requirements.

Seed planting

To grow Platycodon resort to sowing. Pre-soaking seeds is not required. The plant will bloom fully. To make the plant happy in the coming summer, the seeds can be sown in the fall. Resistant to low temperatures. In the spring, the first shoots will appear.

In spring, when the earth warms up to seven degrees, you can also sow the seeds of platicodone. Since the bells come up for a very long time, it is better to sow them in a well-lit place. Do not choose sites under the crown of trees or in the shade.

Planting seedlings

To grow seedlings, the seeds are sown in the greenhouse in April, in order to maintain an optimum temperature of 15-17 -17 above zero. The first shoots appear after 20 days. Sprouts are planted in open ground only after a month.

Platicodon Landing

Watering and loosening the soil

Hydrangea Dubolistnaya - winter-hardy varieties, planting and care

Platicodon is a perennial flower that is unpretentious in cultivation, but in order for the bush to please its flowering for a long time, it is necessary to water it in a timely manner. Basically, he tolerates dry summers well. But occasionally the bells are irrigated. It is especially important to monitor soil moisture during the appearance of buds. In other cases, watering is carried out only after it has been noticed that the topsoil is completely dry.

When planting a bell, the ground should be loose and with drainage. To do this, prepare the mixture: humus, compost, peat and foliage. All ingredients are mixed in equal amounts. Through mulching regulate the acidity of the soil.

Breeding methods

Barberry shrub - types, varieties, planting and care

Platicodon flower can be propagated by several methods, the most common generative method. Seeds are sown in specially prepared soil. Monitor compliance with technology. As soon as the seedlings germinate, it is planted in the right place. Another method of propagation is by cuttings, but if there is no experience in gardening, then it is better not to use it.

If the bells grow on sandy soil, then propagate them by dividing the bushes. In this case, carefully scoop up the bush and divide it with a knife into several bushes. The shoots must be with the kidneys. In this case, the bush will be accepted and will delight with abundant flowering.

Plant propagation by seeds

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Even despite the unpretentiousness in the care of the bell, platicodone requires periodic fertilizer. If, initially, the shrub was planted in prepared and nutritious soil, then fertilizing is necessary only during the formation of buds.

Important! If the soil into which the bell is planted is meager in composition, then it must first be mulched with compost, peat, humus.

Plant transplant

Large-flowered Platicodon can be transplanted only after the bush has grown a little. In the southern regions, replanting a plant from one place to another is better in the fall, and in the north in the spring. In this case, the earth must be warmed up to a temperature not lower than +5 ℃. After transplantation, the bell is left for 14 days, after which standard care procedures are carried out.

Platikodon pruning

The plant platikodon, if not pruned, will lose its attractive forms over time. To avoid this, pinch the bush and process it with a special tool that slows down growth.

Worth to know! Trimming the bush is carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn. If the bush is very elongated in growth, it is tied to some support.

Perennial formation

Pests and diseases

Like any other plant, platicodone can damage various pests and diseases.

Gray rot

The cause of infection is a fungus that spreads throughout the plant. To avoid this trouble, the bush is treated with foundationazole or copper sulfate, and they get rid of old infected bushes.

Mice and moles

Mice are much easier to fight. It is necessary to spread the poison between the bushes, but with moles a little more difficult. Insert one end of the hose into the hole, and connect the other to the exhaust pipe of the car and start the car. This will allow you to "smoke" the mole. You can also put on the site "rattles", which is afraid of the mole.


Eat the leaves of the bush. To prevent this, it is necessary to pour ash or egg shells around the bushes, along which the slugs can not move. Another option is to dig a glass of beer or milk into the ground, into which slugs are bound to fall.

The flowering period and care during this period

Platicodon is a perennial plant that pleases the eye with bright and large flowers that bloom at the top of the bush, either individually or in groups. The bud is slightly tilted down due to the short and flexible peduncle.

In appearance, it is similar to a bell, because all the petals are connected in one place. Among the variety of varieties, semi-double species, the petals of which are located in several tiers, are popular. During flowering, it is not difficult to take care of the plant.

Incredibly beautiful flowering perennial

Winter preparations

Platicodon grown from seeds, tolerates wintering. But still, it is additionally worth protecting the plant for this:

  • cut off the ground part of the bush;
  • mulch the earth with dry leaves, peat, needles, hay;
  • stop watering the bells in the fall so as not to provoke decay of the root system.

Use in landscape design

Bells go well with peonies and other perennial and annual plants. To create an interesting design, experts recommend growing several bushes with different shades on one platikodon flowerbed, which together will create an interesting color effect.

To create original compositions, platicodon can be combined with phlox, adenophores, peonies, as well as with annuals such as aster, zinnia, cleoma, and others.

Worth to know! Bells in delicate shades will be a great addition to roses, which are planted on the lower tier of the flowerbed.

When creating alpine hills, bells are placed on stones and during their flowering will create an incredible sight. Platicodon will be an excellent decorative decoration for balconies, terraces or loggias. What shade of the plant do not take, it will fit well into the landscape design and will delight the eye with flowering for a long time.


Watch the video: Balloon flower Platycodon grandiflorus Care, Best purple flower plant ever, by Garden gyan (October 2024).