Rose Augusta Luise - characteristics of the variety


Rose of Augusta Louise is one of the most popular varieties of garden roses with delicate terry petals of a shade of ripe, juicy peach. This is the queen of the rosary, flower beds, plots. Interest in this flower is growing from year to year, more and more gardeners and gardeners plant this rose bush on their site.

Rose Augusta Luise (Augusta Luise) - what kind of variety

Rosa Louise, as she is sometimes briefly called, is a hybrid that was bred in 1999 in Germany. The author of the creation is Matthias Tantau, a breeder dedicated a flower to Goethe's 250th anniversary. The rose got its name in honor of Countess Augusta Louise von Stolberg-Stolberg, who was known for her long and lively correspondence with the great writer.

Augusta is one of the best representatives of roses

Short description, characteristic

The hybrid tea rose Augusta Louise is a beautiful flower.

Description of external data:

  • flowers - large, from 12 to 15 cm, nostalgic in shape, double;
  • shade of petals - peach, pink, champagne;
  • petals are wavy, arranged randomly;
  • the aroma is pleasant, pronounced;
  • adult bush height - up to 1.2 m;
  • the leaves are medium sized, dark green.

Additional Information!The shade of the petals may vary depending on the weather and time of day.

The rose is famous for its large, lush buds.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rosa Augusta Louise is loved by florists. The flower is grown not only for rose gardens and decoration sites. The rose is used as a cut - incredible bouquets are made of it. A flower has both advantages and disadvantages.

Long flowering.
Disease resistance.
Durability to temperature differences.
He does not like heavy and prolonged rains.
It does not tolerate open sunlight.
The aroma is revealed in full force only when the bush is in partial shade.

Use in landscape design

In landscape design, it is recommended to combine the flower with other roses. Preference should be given to the studless hybrid and burgundy.

A rose is planted both individually and in groups of several bushes, which do not differ in special growth on the sides.

Great for creating hedges. On the flower beds it is combined with evergreen conifers and squat bushes as a bright accent.

Rose Augusta Louise in the Garden

For reference! In Russian catalogs you can find this variety under other names - in addition to the correct name, the roses of Augusta Louise and Augustine Louise are most often used.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Rose Eric Tabarly - grade characteristics

Rose Augusta Luise is quite unpretentious in planting and care, the strength of it to start a novice gardener and lover. A rose, grafted onto a stamb, is planted with seedlings.

Landing can be carried out throughout the season, but it is best done in May, when there is no risk of night frost returning. You can plant a flower in the fall, but no later than a month before the first frost arrives.

Location selection

It requires a slight dimming, which will protect the rose at the peak of the summer sun. If direct sunlight will fall on the buds, the petals will begin to fade, their color will change. It will become darker and screaming.

The rose does not like strong winds and drafts.

The most beautiful bouquets are obtained from Augusta

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The best soil is drained, loamy soil, soil acidity is low.

Attention! Before planting seedlings, the soil must be drained without fail. This is necessary in order to prevent stagnation of water, as a result of which the roots will begin to rot.

The more nutritious the soil, the more abundant and brighter will be the flowering. On a land poor in minerals, it will be difficult for a rose to reveal all its splendor.

Before planting seedlings, the soil must be fertilized by introducing a complex mineral fertilizer for roses. Wells are made at a distance of about 50 cm.

Before planting, the seedlings must be treated with a garden decoction to protect the bushes from rot. The sapling is put in roots in a container of water for a day.

When planting, the seedling must be dug to the height of the root system. The hole is filled with fertile soil, mulched from above with humus.

Plant care

Rose Eden Rose (Eden Rose) - description and characteristics of the variety

Rosa Augusta Louise does not require the creation of specific conditions.

Watering rules and humidity

Regular watering, under the root, 3-5 times a week. In summer, the amount of water increases, unlike spring and autumn. In hot weather, you can water the rose only in the late afternoon, when the sun is not so strong.

It is important to ensure that the soil is not excessively moistened. Stagnation of water is harmful to the bushes, it provokes rotting of the root system.

Top dressing and soil quality

Fertilizing is mandatory. The first time top dressing of roses is carried out immediately before planting seedlings. In the future, fertilizer promotes abundant and lush flowering.

It is recommended to use phosphate fertilizers that are applied to the soil at the same time as watering. Feeding is not necessary before winter.

If the soil has high acidity, it must be fertilized with coal before planting during the planting of seedlings.

Pruning and transplanting

Pruning is regular, it consists in the timely removal of wilted buds. Damaged branches and sluggish leaves are subject to removal.

Pruning to form a beautiful bush is carried out in spring and summer.


  • after frosts, before buds appear, bad branches are cut, leaves that remain from autumn are removed;
  • after the buds swell - pruning shoots up to 30 cm;
  • after trimming, all sections of the slices are treated with disinfectant solutions.

In summer pruning is subject to:

  • weak stems;
  • dried branches;
  • wild stems.

In the last days of July, when the fourth leaf is formed, pinching is carried out.

Attention!In the last days of October, when it is cold, a scheduled pruning is carried out. Buds and flower brushes are cut. This measure will help the plant better prepare for wintering.

If transplantation is required, the bush is dug up with a lump of earth around the roots and transferred to a new hole with well-sprinkled earth.

Features of wintering a flower

In order for the rose to winter well, the following measures must be taken:

  • loosening the earth around the bush;
  • hilling the entire bush, along with shoots;
  • lower branches near the ground are covered with soil so that the roots do not freeze;
  • Shelter bush bush.

In areas with cold winters, the bush must be wrapped in covering material.

Flowering roses

Rose Louise Bugnet - characteristic of the variety

The inflorescences of the rose are lush, exude a luxurious, alluring aroma with fruity notes.

It is recommended to plant a rose near the house and arbors in order to be closer to its aroma

The activity of the rose, when it is in abundant color, occurs in June and lasts until September. If the climate is warm, the rose will bloom until October. Before flowering and after it, the bush is at rest.

During flowering, the rose needs only regular watering. After flowering, it is necessary to remove the area around it from fallen petals. Pruning of dried buds is carried out, fertilizers are applied.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

Factors that prevent the rose from blooming or blooming in full force:

  • wrong place - strong winds;
  • incorrect, strong pruning in the spring;
  • excessive watering, constantly moist soil;
  • nutrient-poor land;
  • the appearance of root shoots - wild rose.

It is possible to normalize flowering by establishing proper care of the plant.

Flower propagation

The rose propagates by cuttings, which are taken only from a young and strong bush.

Cuttings are cut after the first flowering of a rose.

Detailed description

To propagate Augusta, the following method is used:

  1. During the flowering period, cut off those shoots that have bloomed, divided so that each has at least 3 buds.
  2. Make 2 slices - oblique under the kidney, straight above the kidney.
  3. Tear off the lower leaves, dip the shoots for 40 minutes in a weak solution of Heterouxin.
  4. Plant in nutrient soil, pour, cover with a glass or plastic bottle.
  5. Watering is not required for 30 days, the stalk is sprayed on top with water daily.
  6. For winter, close with spruce branches.
  7. In spring, replant if necessary.

For reference! Some gardeners claim that the stalk for propagating the Augustus Louise roses can be taken from an ordinary bouquet.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Augusta, subject to proper care, is resistant to disease. The only thing that can hit the bush is aphid.

To combat the pest, the method of spraying bushes with a solution of water with laundry soap is used. If it does not help - pesticide treatment.

Augusta Louise is the queen of the garden, striking with the magnificence of her lush champagne buds and heady fruity aroma. It’s not difficult to take care of her. In order for the rose to please the flowering all season, it is enough to regularly water it, feed it and carry out sanitary pruning.


Watch the video: Как распускается роза Августа Луиза. Interval shooting Augusta Luise Tantau 1999 (October 2024).