Rosa Focus pocus (Hocus pocus) - description of varietal culture


Rose bushes, on which striped-spotted flowers flaunt in an unusual color scheme, look very impressive and attractive. These are not fictional flowers; these are roses Hocus Pocus roses. The hybrid variety is striking in its ideal forms and unusual appearance. It is rightfully considered one of the amazing varieties and is widely appreciated among flower growers.

Rosa Focus Pocus (Hocus pocus) - what kind of variety, the history of creation

The variety was bred in 2000 by German breeders from W. Kordes & sons. The BlackBeauty variety, which also appeared thanks to the Cordes company, participated in the creation of the hybrid. His affiliation is still under debate. Some breeders claim that this rose belongs to floribundas, while others consider it to be part of the tea-hybrid family.

What does a rose Hocus Pocus look like?

Appearance and description

The bush is small in size. An adult plant grows to 60-70 cm in height and in diameter about 30-40 cm. The shoots are strong, upright, densely dotted with large leaves. Most often, one bud grows on one stalk. In some cases, a whole inflorescence appears, consisting of 3-5 flowers.

During flowering, up to 15 roses bloom on one bush. The variety is characterized by high productivity. On a plot of 1 square. m can bloom up to 250 flowers per year. The buds themselves are small, the diameter of the blossoming flower is no more than 7 cm. The surface of the petals is velvety to the touch. The color is represented by the main color wine-red and yellow spots or stripes.

Interesting! Rose Focus Hocus has a unique color of petals. Each flower is unique in its pattern.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rose Hocus pocus is popular among gardeners not only because of the unique appearance of flowers, but also due to other advantages, among which:

  • flowering for the second season after planting;
  • high frost resistance, allowing to transfer winters up to 20-23 ℃ below zero without organizing shelter;
  • high immunity against powdery mildew;
  • quite high resistance to black spotting;
  • good preservation of colors after cutting.

Compositions of roses

Despite a number of undeniable advantages, the variety has disadvantages:

  • susceptibility to aphids;
  • poor tolerance of rainy summers.

Use in landscape design

If the aim of breeding is to obtain a variety of bouquet direction, then due to small peduncles and the inconvenient arrangement of buds, Focus Hocus is increasingly used in landscape design.

Flowers of rare beauty serve as an excellent decoration of parks and country houses. They can be grown as an independent culture or be part of a whole flower arrangement. The latter option is popular.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Rosa Explorer (Explorer) - varietal crop description

Planting roses floribunda Hocus Pocus is made by seedlings. But first, you have to choose the right place for the flower. The best option would be a sunny and well-ventilated area. It is better to choose flat or elevated places, as in the lowlands there is stagnation of water and decay of the root system.

Worth to know! It is not recommended to plant a rose where groundwater passes close to the surface.

Planting is best in the spring months, so the root system and the plant itself are better prepared for the upcoming winter. If you plan to plant seedlings in the fall, then you should start it no later than 3 weeks before the start of frost.

Rose planting technology

Rosa prefers drained and fertile soils, with a moderate level of acidity. The finished pit should fit the size of the root system. Depth is about 50-60 cm to organize the drainage layer.

The mixture for planting is prepared from the following components:

  • 3 parts of cow manure;
  • 2 parts of river sand;
  • as much fertile soil;
  • 1 part peat.

Before planting, it is recommended to lower the root system of the seedlings in water at room temperature for 4-6 hours. In the presence of damaged and weak roots, they are removed.

Next, the seedling is vertically lowered into the pit and gently filled with the prepared mixture. To compact the soil, abundant watering is performed.

Plant care

In order for the seedling to take root in a new place, the first 3 weeks play a key role. At this time, its regular watering and loosening of the soil is important.

Watering rules and humidity

Rosa Morden Blush - Varietal Culture Description

Rosa Focus Pocus requires regular but moderate soil moisture. It is impossible to flood the plant so that water stagnates near it. Such a gross error can lead to rotting of the root system. The best option is to moisten the soil 1 time in 6-8 days.

Interesting! During dry summers, the frequency of watering should be increased.

Carried out early in the morning or in the evening after sunset to prevent burns of leaves and flowers. The best option is to use a hose or bucket, so that moisture gets strictly into the root system, without affecting the ground part of the plant.

For better soil absorption, on the second day after each irrigation, the top layers are loosened. The same procedure is repeated after precipitation.

Regular moderate watering is the key to long flowering

Pruning and transplanting

In order for the bush to have a decorative appearance, it is recommended to trim it. The best time for it is early spring, until the buds open. The procedure is repeated in mid-autumn and involves an almost complete cut of the bush. So the plant is easier to survive harsh winters.

Rose transplantation, as part of plant care, is not performed. If a change in location is planned, the first half of spring and mid-autumn will be the best time.

Top dressing and soil quality

Tea and other varieties of roses prefer fertile soils with a neutral or low level of acidity. For long and plentiful flowering, it is recommended to perform several stages of fertilizer application:

  1. The first feeding is carried out in mid-March, when the snow cover melts.
  2. The second fertilizer is applied during the growing season, which falls on April.
  3. The following dressing is performed during the flowering of roses.
  4. The final stage of fertilizers is carried out in July, during abundant flowering.

Each of the above steps involves applying fertilizer three times with an interval of 7-8 days.

How to fertilize rose bushes

Note! You can fertilize roses with diluted cow manure, other organic fertilizers, as well as ready-made complexes designed for roses.

Features of wintering a flower

Despite the fact that the variety is characterized by good frost resistance, it is recommended to cover it for safety. For this, most of the bush is cut, and agrofibre or spruce from coniferous branches are used as a shelter.

Flowering roses

Rosa Schneeewittchen - cultural description

Hocus Pocus refers to re-flowering varieties of roses. Its flowering begins in late spring and lasts until the beginning of autumn. In regions with a hot climate, flowers are completely preserved until November.

Abundant flowering varieties Focus Hocus

The blossoming buds delight with their color for 10-14 days, after a short period new ones grow. In order for flowering to continue stably, it is necessary to remove faded heads in a timely manner.

Additional Information! Looking at the spectacular lush flowers, you should not expect the same unforgettable aroma. Their smell is hardly perceptible.

If you properly care for the variety, it will delight with its flowering. The lack of buds on the bush is an occasion to review the care procedures and adjust them in the right direction.

Flower propagation

One way to propagate a rose bush is to divide it. To do this, from the end of April to mid-May, an adult bush is dug up and divided into several parts using a secateurs. In this case, damaged and weak roots, leaving only healthy parts. Slice areas are treated with garden var. The root system is dipped in a mash of clay and manure. And then the plant is planted in a permanent place.

Propagation of roses by layering

Roses Focus Pocus can also be propagated by using layering. Peat or rotted manure is brought into the proposed place for their planting. An adult, but still a flexible shoot, is selected, an incision of his bark is carefully made, then the upper part bends to the ground.

On a note! For better fixation, wooden pegs are used. The sowing procedure itself is best done in the spring. By autumn, layering should take root. A transfer to a permanent place is possible by next spring.

Diseases and Pests

The variety has good immunity against black spotting and powdery mildew. In general, with good care, the plant is extremely ill. As for pests, these roses are susceptible to aphids and, as a result, to garden ants.

Variety Focus Pocus is a real surprise for gardeners. After all, you can not predict in what color scheme, and with what patterns the flowers will be in the next season. These roses are the best option for a person with a delicate taste and uniqueness.


Watch the video: Focus - Hocus Pocus (October 2024).