Fittonia mix - home care


Fittonia Mix is ​​an exotic plant. It is often grown on the windowsills of apartments, private houses and offices. The popularity of the flower brought beautiful veins on the foliage. To get a highly decorative plant, it is worth considering in more detail how to care for fittonia at home.

What does Fittonia look like, varieties of a flower

Shrubs Fitton mix small height, its stems beautifully spread on the soil. The length of the leaf can be from 2 to 16 cm. The leaves are painted green, sometimes with a purple tint. Streaks are clearly visible on the plates.

Home growing Fittonia of different species

Common varieties

The most common variety of Fittonia Mix is ​​Belozhilkovaya. Other popular plant varieties:

  • Vershaffelt - shoots of a plant twist, they are covered with fluff. Over time, their silver color changes to olive. The leaves of this variety are decorated with red veins.
  • Silver - the hybrid is relatively new, the leaf length is only 2.5 cm. At this plate size, the white pattern seems even more attractive.
  • White Anna - the variety is distinguished by a white pattern on the foliage, along the edges of which there is a dark border.

Picture 2 Sort White Anna

How to care for fittonia at home

If agricultural cultivation techniques are observed, a highly decorative plant can be obtained.


Fittonia - home care and reproduction

In summer, Fittonia prefers a temperature of +24 degrees, and in winter it is enough and +20. Lower temperatures in winter will lead to plant disease. Due to the presence of drafts or sudden changes in temperature, the foliage can fly around the fittonia.

Important! In spring or summer, placing a flower on the balcony and even in the garden is strongly discouraged.


With indoor growing Fittonia, a lot of bright light is needed. The southern windows for the plant will not work, but if there are no other options, the pot needs to be placed deep into the room to protect the foliage from direct sunlight. Western and eastern windows are best suited. On the north side, the flower will not die, but a lack of light will reduce the decorativeness of its foliage. When daylight hours are shortened, it is important to use fluorescent lamps to illuminate fittonia.

Fittonia on the window


When watering Fittonia, you need to ensure that the earthen lump does not dry out, otherwise the plant will remain without foliage. Stagnation of water in the pot is also harmful, because it causes rotting of the root system. In summer, watering is carried out as soon as the land has dried up from above, and in winter, 2-3 days after drying of the top soil layer. Humidification is carried out only with standing warm water.


A systematic spraying of foliage to this plant is simply necessary, otherwise the plates will begin to dry, grow dull and lose their decorative effect. Spraying is carried out once a day, and if possible - in the morning and in the evening.

Important! It is not necessary to polish the leaves, it will cause fittonia harm.


Low humidity leads to various diseases of Fittonia, in addition, pests can appear. To increase humidity, you can put a pan with water and pebbles poured into it, and put a flower pot on top.


The soil for fittonia should be loose, well-permeable, but nutritious. Perfect mix of peat, sand, turf and coniferous land.

Fitton soil

Top dressing

Culture requires year-round feeding. But too much nutrient content will negatively affect the development of the plant. On the manufacturer’s packaging, the required dosage is usually indicated, but it is better to take half of the indicated volume. Complex mineral fertilizers are ideal.

Important! In winter, top dressing will be required once a month, and in the warm season - 1 time in 2 weeks.


Hedera Helix mix or ivy - home care

To branch the plant was beautiful, and the bush itself turned out to be magnificent, you need to pinch the top of the stems. This procedure should be done regularly. In the process of growth, the lower part of Fittonia is exposed, in this case the plant loses its decorative effect. Rejuvenation can be achieved by cropping at the end of March. Cutting off all the foliage at a time is not recommended, as the growth of young shoots will be extremely slow. Trimming is best done in several steps.

Fittonia: reproduction

Dieffenbachia flower - home care

Propagate the flower is recommended every year at the time of transplantation, if necessary. Possible breeding methods:

  • cuttings;
  • division of the bush;
  • the use of air layers.

Rooting cuttings

From the top of the bush you need to cut off part of the stem, on which several leaves remain. To root quickly, the stalk should be no longer than 8 cm. The cut part of the flower is placed in the sand. Landing on top is covered with a jar. Roots will appear in a month.

Propagation of the flower by cuttings


Air lay

The plant propagates by layering on its own, but if you do not want to wait, then the flower can be helped. The foliage-free shoot needs to be pressed to the soil and dug a little. After some time, roots will appear in this place. The shoot is cut and planted in a separate container.

Bush division

When transplanting, the bush is divided into several parts, and then the resulting plants are planted in different pots. The procedure is carried out carefully so as not to injure the delicate roots of the plant.


The bush grows quite quickly, so at a young age it needs to be replanted annually. As Fittonia grows, transplants are less frequent - 1 procedure in 3 years will be enough. Fittonia mix in a pot should feel spacious. The transplant is carried out by transshipment without clearing the root system of the soil.

Fittonia mix planting in wide containers


Possible problems in growing and disease

Despite the high resistance of phytonia to diseases and pests, problems may arise if agricultural regulations are not followed.

Flower drops buds and leaves

So Fittonia reports that she lacks light and humidity. Perhaps the plant does not receive enough trace elements. You need to rearrange the pot in a more lighted place and revise the watering schedule.

Leaves turn pale

This symptom appears when moisture stagnates in the soil. The volume and quantity of irrigation should be reduced.

The tips dry on the leaves

This is due to a lack of nutrients or a saturation of the soil with fertilizers. It is worth revising the feeding scheme.

Dried leaves of fittonia


Lower leaves fall off

This process is natural, nothing needs to be done. As the stem grows, it is exposed, but you can rejuvenate the flower to increase its decorativeness.


Fittonia is often attacked by insects:

  • aphid;
  • scale shield;
  • thrips;
  • spider mites;
  • mealybugs.

To control pests, soap solution is used, and in more advanced cases, the use of chemicals can not be dispensed with.

Signs and superstitions

All signs associated with fittonia are positive. The plant helps to improve the atmosphere in the house and smooth out any conflicts that arise. With it, you can reduce the number of quarrels in the house and increase the frequency of visits to guests. Fittonia helps strengthen friendship and love. Negative energy in the house is completely absorbed.

Fittonia mix and care for it at home will not cause much trouble even for a beginner grower. To get a decorative and healthy plant, you need to conduct elementary agricultural work in a timely manner.


Watch the video: Fittonia albivenis Nerve Plant Houseplant Care 223 of 365 (October 2024).