How to transplant gloxinia - step by step instructions at home


Gloxinia attracts gardeners with its buds of an unusual shape and a variety of colors. For normal growth and development, the plant needs regular transplants.

Why transplant gloxinia

Moving a houseplant into a new pot may be required in different situations. Cases when it is necessary to transplant gloxinia:

  • primary planting of young tubers;
  • picking seedlings into an individual container when germinating a flower from a seed;
  • transplanting plants from purchased containers;
  • the need to change the landing capacity after hibernation.

Bright gloxinia flowers will decorate any windowsill

Also, the gloxinia transplant from one pot to another may be required when a flower is infected with a fungal disease or in order to combat insect pests.

When should gloxinia be transplanted?

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Before sending the pots with tubers to a cool, dry place to rest, where it will be until next spring, the plant should bloom. After the flowering stage is completed, the gloxinia bush gradually withers, leaves die off from it.

A flower transplant is carried out at the very end of winter or at the beginning of spring. In this case, it is not necessary that the plant has the first sprout.

Do you always need a transplant after winter

From being in the same soil, gloxinia tubers can rot. That is why the procedure should be carried out regardless of whether there are obvious indications for replacing the pot and soil.

Is it possible to transplant blooming gloxinia

Flowering plants do not like transplanting during flowering. But if the situation is critical, and gloxinia threatens death, the movement is carried out regardless of seasonality. A mandatory event for the care of gloxinia at home is a flower transplant after purchase.

Transplant Preparation

When moving a flower from one pot to another, it is important to first figure out how to transplant gloxinia correctly. Compliance with basic requirements will avoid a lot of problems.

Pot selection

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When choosing a planting capacity for gloxinia, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the root system of the flower. The roots diverge away from the tuber, so it is recommended to select a low, but wide cache-pot. The depth of the pot should allow you to place in it a drainage layer, the necessary flower. Of all the materials, it is better to choose ceramics.

Important! Before planting, the container should be washed, dried and disinfected.

The flower feels most comfortable in a low wide planter

Soil selection and preparation

Soil for room gloxinia requires light, loose, air- and moisture-permeable. Its acid value should be neutral, so as not to provoke rotting of tubers. Of the universal ready-made mixtures, the primer for violets is most suitable.

Independently, the soil mixture can be prepared from sand, leaf and peat land in the proportions of 1: 2: 2. The soil should be decontaminated by heat treatment.


Tender tubers of flower gloxinia need a drainage layer. As components for it, you can use:

  • expanded clay or pebbles;
  • ceramic shards;
  • Styrofoam.

If you select a pot too deep, the height of the drainage layer will help compensate for this drawback.

Tuber preparation

Preparing gloxinia for moving to a new planter starts with a thorough examination of the tubers. Dry roots are removed from them and washed in water, removing soil residues, after which it becomes possible to assess the state of tissues.

All parts of tubers that look unhealthy are removed with a sharp, sanitized knife. Slices sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or any fungicide. The tuber thus treated is left in the open air until the next day.

Note! Root tubers that look sluggish are recommended for 3 days to be wrapped in a damp cloth so that they are nourished.

If, at the time of transplantation, the tuber still has not sprouted, but looks healthy, it is placed in a plastic bag with peat soil and left in a fairly warm and lighted place.

Leaflets peck for 2 weeks

Step-by-step transplant process

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The landing procedure consists of several standard steps. Procedure:

  1. The tubers are incubated for half an hour in a solution of a fungicidal preparation (Fundazole, Fitosporin or a saturated solution of potassium permanganate).
  2. The upper part of the tuber, in which there is a small depression, and the lower, more convex and smooth one, are determined so as not to mistakenly plant a flower on the wrong side.
  3. A small hole is made in the center of the pots and a tuber is placed in it.
  4. Sprinkle it on top of the ground, leaving a sprout above the surface.
  5. Water the soil in a pot very carefully, without falling on parts of the plant.
  6. To create a greenhouse environment, a transparent plastic bag is pulled over the pots and placed in a warm, well-lit place.

After the transplantation, gloxinia is not watered until the greenhouse is removed. Ventilate the plant for 15-20 minutes daily. When the first leaves are formed, the shelter for the daytime begins to be removed.

Further care

For the quick adaptation of the plant in a new capacity and stimulation of its flowering, it is important to ensure proper care. Experienced flower growers recommend observing the following rules:

  • Water gloxinia sparingly, carefully distributing water throughout the pot and preventing its stagnation.
  • Ensure indoor air temperature within + 22 ... +24 ° C, avoiding short-term drops above +28 ° C and below +18 ° C.
  • Ensure adequate lighting of the flower for 10-14 hours.

Note! Direct sunlight is detrimental to gloxinia and can cause burns, so the light must be diffused.

After the correct transplant, the flower sets many buds


Even an inexperienced grower can cope with a gloxinia transplant. Following the described planting and care rules will help preserve the health of the flower and help it bloom.


Watch the video: Sprouted Gloxinias From Cuttings. . (October 2024).