Spring planting and transplanting to a new place edible honeysuckle


Honeysuckle is used not only for decorating sites, but also as a berry culture. In early or mid-May, fragrant yellow inflorescences bloom on the shrub. And in the early summer, when there are still no fruits in the garden, the blue sour-sweet berries of the honeysuckle ripen. To obtain good yields, different varieties of edible honeysuckle should be planted. When planting bushes, you need to take into account the features of this culture.

Is it possible to plant honeysuckle in spring

Honeysuckle planting on the site should be carried out during the dormant period, which occurs at her in late July and lasts until the end of March. In central Russia, the optimal time for planting plants with open roots is the end of the season, from August to November. Spring planting is undesirable here, since honeysuckle starts vegetation early and it is difficult to adapt to a new place.

Honeysuckle bushes planted in optimal terms will successfully grow and bear fruit

In the southern regions where the earth does not freeze, planting can be carried out immediately after snow melts - in March, before buds open. Later spring planting is undesirable, since sap flow begins in early April, damage to branches and roots during planting will result in stress for honeysuckle. Therefore, planting work in the spring should be carried out as early as possible, before the start of the growing season.

How to prepare for landing

Future harvests and longevity of the bush depend on the quality of planting material, proper placement on the site and further care.

Seedlings selection

Varietal honeysuckle seedlings can be purchased in nurseries. Usually they offer plants in pots, which are necessarily equipped with a certificate, which indicates the variety, age, brief recommendations for growing. It is preferable to choose biennial bushes about 40 cm in height, with 2-3 flexible branches. You should not buy undersized weakened plants or too tall, more than one and a half meters, which painfully take root and later bear fruit.

It is best to purchase two-year-old honeysuckle seedlings with a closed root system - there is less risk that the plant will not take root due to damage to the root

How to store seedlings before planting

If seedlings are purchased after the onset of autumn cold weather, they should be properly stored until spring planting. The remaining leaves need to be cut off - they accelerate the drying of plants.

  1. In a garden on an elevated place, where meltwater does not accumulate, and snow does not blow off in winter, a trench is made with one sloping side and plants are placed in it with the tops to the south.
  2. Seedlings are watered, roots and branches 1/3 of the length are covered with loose soil.
  3. After lowering the night temperature to minus values, prikop is completely covered with soil, compacted so that cold air does not penetrate the plants. If the snow covers the seedlings without an earthen mound, during the thaw it will turn into an ice crust, which can damage the bark of plants.
  4. Thorny spruce branches are sprinkled on top to protect the seedlings from rodents.

Until spring, honeysuckle seedlings can be dug in the garden, covering them from above with prickly spruce branches or juniper branches

So that during the thaw the snow on the dug seedlings does not melt, experienced gardeners fill the snowdrift on the trench with sawdust with a layer of at least 10 cm.

Video: autumn digging of seedlings

Honeysuckle bushes are well preserved in a cool room at temperatures from 0 to +2 ° C.

  1. The purchased seedlings are removed from the packaging and carefully examined. There should not be mold or rot on the roots.
  2. An earthen lump must be integral. If it is dry, it is wetted.
  3. Then they wrap the root system with plastic film with ventilation holes and place the seedling in the basement, refrigerator or on a closed loggia, or simply sprinkle the roots to the root neck with damp sawdust.

    The roots of the honeysuckle seedlings are wrapped with plastic wrap with ventilation holes and placed in the basement.

  4. Once every 10 days, plants are checked, the humidity of the earthen coma is monitored, and if necessary, watered.
  5. Maintain a temperature of up to +5 ° C: at higher temperatures, kidneys may begin to awaken. To lower the temperature, temporarily open the doors and windows.

If in the middle of winter buds of more than 2 cm appeared on the honeysuckle, it means that she woke up and the vegetation process began. It urgently needs to be planted, but since it is still cold outside, the plant is transferred to a larger pot.

  1. Remove the packaging and inspect the root system, whether there are new white roots.
  2. If they have not yet sprouted, an earthen lump is lowered for several hours in a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin.
  3. Then a seedling is planted in a container, filling the voids with a new substrate, and watered well.
  4. The honeysuckle pot is placed in a cool, bright room, shaded from direct sunlight.

A pot with honeysuckle is placed in a bright room, watered and monitor the temperature regime

Transfer to a new tank should be carried out very carefully, trying to keep the earthen lump intact so as not to injure the young roots.

It is necessary to regularly moisten the soil, maintain a temperature of + 5-12 ° C - in a hot room the plant will begin to develop rapidly. Once the snow has melted, the honeysuckle can be transplanted into the garden.

Video: storage of seedlings in the basement

Choosing a place to land

Before planting bushes on the site, you should decide on the choice of place. Honeysuckle loves to grow in the sun, productivity decreases significantly in the shade, berries lose their sweetness. Resistance to adverse conditions allows you to grow shrubs in open areas that are not protected from the wind by hedges or outbuildings - there it grows better, blooms more abundantly and bears fruit.

In an open sunny area, honeysuckle will bear fruit more abundantly

Honeysuckle is an unpretentious culture, but feels most comfortable on fertile sandy loamy or loamy soil with a low level of acidity. In areas with acidic soil, plants grow weak, the color of foliage fades, and there are much fewer berries. Marshy lowlands with a close location of groundwater are not suitable for the berry - water layers should lie no higher than 1.5 m from the ground.

The best predecessors of honeysuckle are potatoes, cucumbers, radishes. She gets along well with berry bushes such as dogwood, blackcurrant, and barberry.

Cross-pollinated culture for the formation of fruit ovaries requires other varieties of edible honeysuckle, which are planted at a distance of 1.5 m from each other, leaving 2 m between rows. Too close shrubs, growing over time, will cast a shadow on each other. In addition, in narrow passages between overgrown bushes when picking berries, you can easily break fragile shoots.

Between the bushes should be left enough space so that they, growing, do not interfere with each other and are evenly lit by the sun

Berry bushes can be planted in a group or arranged in a row along the edge of the site as a hedge. Use honeysuckle and for zoning the garden to delimit and decorate the territory.

Step-by-step instructions for honeysuckle planting in spring

The plot is being prepared in the fall:

  1. They dig a bed, level the soil.
  2. In the spring, after the snow melts, they dig holes 40 × 40 cm wide, pour crushed stone to the bottom.
  3. The top layer of the earth is mixed with 2 buckets of humus, 30 g of superphosphate and the same amount of fertilizer containing potassium. Potash fertilizer can be replaced with ash (500 g). In the sandy areas, another bucket of humus is additionally added, a bucket of sand is added to the clay soil.
  4. Overly acidic soil is alkalized with dolomite flour or lime - 100 g per pit.

Soil composition can be improved by applying AVA fertilizer (15 g / m2) - a concentrated complex of minerals and trace elements. Top dressing dissolves in the earth slowly, saturating plants with nutrients for 2-3 years. As a result, seedlings are rapidly gaining strength, easier to adapt to the new environment.

AVA complex fertilizer slowly dissolves in the soil, saturating plants with nutrients

Instead of mineral fertilizers, biohumus is often used - vermicompost that improves and improves soil. 1.5 kg of dry fertilizer or 3 l of solution are added to the pit and mixed with the ground.

Before planting, the roots of the seedlings are dipped for several hours in water with the addition of a growth stimulant.

  1. Fertilized soil is poured into the landing pit with a knoll.
  2. A bush is placed in the center, spreading the roots. Container plants reload along with an earthen lump.

    Honeysuckle seedlings are placed in the center of the pit.

  3. They fill the plant with earth (the root neck should be 5 cm below ground level), compacting the soil around it.
  4. A hole is formed around the seedling and a bucket of water is brought into it.
  5. The root zone is mulched with straw or hay with a layer of 10 cm.

Honeysuckle bushes, unlike other berry crops, are not shortened after planting, so as not to cause a delay in their growth and development.

In the early days, young bushes must be shaded from bright sunlight and regularly moisten the soil, introducing at least 10 liters of water under the plant.

Change to a new place

The most favorable time for a honeysuckle transplant in spring is after the snow has melted before the buds open.

Site preparation

Since the roots of the dug bush quickly dry and wither, the landing pit is prepared in advance:

  1. In order not to damage the root system during transplantation, a new hole is dug up a little larger diameter than before - 70x70 cm.
  2. In clay areas, the bottom and walls when digging holes become too dense, the roots hardly penetrate into such soil, therefore, sand is introduced and the surface is slightly loosened.
  3. The fertile layer of the earth is mixed with 15 kg of humus, 160 g of superphosphate and 70 g of potassium salt and the pit is filled with this mixture.

Pits for transplanting bushes of honeysuckle season with humus

When planting honeysuckle, you cannot use fresh manure as a fertilizer - it can cause root burns and cause viral infections.

Bush transfer

Before transplanting, at bushes older than 5 years, branches are shortened by one third of the length, damaged shoots are completely cut off. Young shrubs do not need pruning, they only remove broken or dry branches.

  1. The bush is carefully dug around the perimeter of the crown. If you dig closer to the trunk, you can damage the roots that extend beyond the crown, which will worsen the survival rate of the plant.
  2. Honeysuckle is removed along with a lump of earth.
  3. The bush with the ground is rolled onto a burlap or film spread nearby, and transferred to a new place.

A honeysuckle bush with a lump of earth is removed from the pit and transferred to a tarp


Honeysuckle is planted in a new landing pit in cloudy weather.

  1. Spread the roots so that they are not bent, damaged during the transfer, carefully cut with a sharp secateurs.
  2. They fill the plant with fertilized soil, deepening the root neck by 5 cm.
  3. After tamping the soil, the planted shrub is watered with 15 liters of water and allowed to absorb moisture. Then the trunk circle is covered with mulch from hay, straw or humus.

    Organic mulch - the best fertilizer for honeysuckle in the spring

A layer of organic mulch is an excellent fertilizer in the spring, good protection against drying out roots in the summer and freezing in the winter.

Honeysuckle bushes transplanted to a new place before the start of vegetation will take root well

To reproduce the honeysuckle when transplanting a young bush, it can be divided into parts. Strong wood is sawn with a saw or chopped with an ax and each bush with roots and 2-3 branches is planted separately.

If it is correct and in time to transplant the honeysuckle bush, it will quickly and painlessly take root in a new place and in June will begin to bear fruit.

Honeysuckle is the earliest berry in our gardens

Honeysuckle is an unpretentious berry shrub, characterized by early ripening of fruits and high winter hardiness. It can grow in one place up to 20 years, while it quickly takes root after transplantation at almost any age. It should only be remembered that planting and transplanting of honeysuckle can be carried out only during the dormant period, before the start of the growing season.


Watch the video: Native Honeysuckle (October 2024).