Strawberry Elizabeth 2 - royal harvests with good care


The fame of strawberries Elizabeth 2 is very contradictory. Some gardeners say that the variety is super-yielding, the berries are large and tasty. Others are disappointed with bushes with an abundance of mustaches and one dry and tasteless berry. There are two main reasons for negative reviews. The first - instead of the famous Elizabeth 2, a fake was bought, the second - improper care.

The Story Of Strawberry Elizabeth 2

Elizabeth 2 is considered an improved version of Queen Elizabeth. There is a legend about the origin of both varieties. Two dozen years ago, the Queen Elizabeth, the English breeder Ken Muir, brought out a repairing and almost beardless strawberry. The scientist is famous as the creator of the best varieties of masterpieces of strawberries and strawberries.

In the Donskoy nursery (Rostov-on-Don), this variety was successfully grown, propagated, and sold to the population. And in the process of such work, breeders noticed that some bushes differ from the original ones in larger and sweet berries. There was more mustache on them, and the remontance manifested itself brighter. So, Elizabeth 2 appeared.

Elizabeth 2 bears fruit from the end of May to October

Which of this is true is not known. It is impossible to find strawberries called Queen Elizabeth on the English-speaking Internet space, just like in Russian little is known about Ken Muir. There is only one fact that can be verified: Elizabeth 2 is listed in the Register of selection achievements in 2004, zoned for all regions of the Russian Federation. The originator is NPF Donskoy Nursery, the author is Lyubov Efimovna Zakubanets. All the rest, many call the PR move to increase interest in the variety.

Elizabeth 2 is listed in the State Register as strawberries, however, by mistake or by habit, gardeners and sellers continue to call this berry strawberries.

The confusion with the origin and advertising promotion played into the hands of unscrupulous sellers. In the market you can find wild strawberries under similar names: the Real Queen Elizabeth, Queen Elizabeth 2, Super Elizabeth, Elizabeth the first and others. In order not to become a victim of fraud and not to leave angry reviews about the variety, you need to know Elizabeth 2 "in person."

Video: spring, and strawberry Elizabeth 2 already gives the first harvest

Grade description

The variety belongs to the repair and the earliest. Buds for spring flowering are formed in the fall, so Elizabeth 2 blooms before other varieties. Having given an early harvest, wild strawberries again lay flower buds and bear fruit in July, and then in September-October. For the entire season, from spring to autumn, one bush gives up to 3 kg of berries: in the spring of 600-700 g, the rest ripens from July to November. According to the observations of gardeners, during the autumn frosts, the berries freeze, and during the day in the sun thaw and ripen.

The bushes of Catherine 2 are not too sprawling, of medium density, grow up to 50-60 cm in diameter. The leaves are dark green, shiny, slightly concave, their surface is characterized by medium wrinkling and ribbing, and there are pronounced sharp teeth on the edges.

This strawberry forms a mustache a little, they do not spread far from the bush, have the usual green color.

Varietal features of Elizabeth 2: leaves are glossy, without pubescence, are covered with sharp cloves along the edges, peduncles are short, flowers are numerous, but not large

Peduncles are almost always located under the leaves, buds are collected in lush inflorescences. By the way, the flowers of Elizabeth 2 are modest, no more than 2 cm in size, but the berries grow from them large, the weight of some reaches 90-100 g. The berries are cone-shaped and rather heavy for their size, because inside they are devoid of voids. The pulp is dense, which makes the variety commercially attractive.

Elizabeth 2 perfectly tolerates transportation, storage, it can be frozen without loss of presentation.

The berries of Elizabeth 2 sometimes have an irregular shape, but always dense, without voids, so for their size they seem heavy

The taste of strawberries Elizabeth 2 is rated at 4.7 points out of 5 possible. It is called dessert, that is, pleasant, sweet and sour. There is a bright strawberry aroma. But we must understand that all this is true for wild strawberries, which had enough sun, moisture, food and heat.

In the fall and rainy summers, due to a shortage of sun, any fruits become fresh. This is another reason for the negative reviews about Elizabeth 2. Berries harvested in the fall, though not as tasty as the summer, but are great for winter harvesting.

Features of planting strawberries Elizabeth 2

Planting should begin with the purchase of seedlings. On sale, they appear in the spring and in the second half of summer. Buy strawberries in nurseries and specialized stores, consider bushes and leaves, compare: do they fit the description of the variety Elizabeth 2. In addition, there should be no signs of illness on the seedlings, that is, spots: yellow, red, round, shapeless, etc. .

The planting dates of strawberries are extended for the entire warm season, you can plant in the ground from early spring to the end of August.

Saplings of Elizabeth 2: leaves are shiny, ribbed, concave, with sharp notches, no signs of disease

Another important step, in addition to buying seedlings, is choosing a place in your garden. Usually it is recommended for strawberries to choose sunny areas, but this variety grows well in the beds, shaded part of the day, for example, with tree crowns. In the hot and arid summer, the largest bushes will grow in partial shade, the berries on them will also be larger than on strawberries under the scorching sun.

In addition to light, Elizabeth 2 needs protection from the cold wind, and in winter from frost. Therefore, place the beds so that on the north side they are covered by a fence, shrubs or the wall of the house. These barriers will protect from the wind, and the snow will be delayed. Also, for the cultivation of Elizabeth 2, a south-oriented slope is suitable. Only the rows need not be guided by the height of the slope, but by the width.

The beds of strawberries are located in a sunny area, the fence will completely cope with the snow retention function

The soil for remontant strawberries needs more fertile than for ordinary varieties, because for a crop that ripens all summer, you need more nutrients. Dig the ground after scattering 2 buckets of humus or compost and 2 cups of wood ash per square meter. Planting scheme 50x50 cm, between the beds leave passages of 60-80 cm, so that it is convenient to care for strawberries.

The planting itself is no different from the classical one: make holes in the size of the roots and plant, without falling asleep, the center of the bush from which young leaves and peduncles come out.

Water not under the base of the bush, but in the annular groove around it. In this case, the growth point will remain dry and will not be drawn in by dirt.

Video: three ways of planting strawberries: on cover material, under grass cut mulch and humus

How to care for Elizabeth 2

The main feature of caring for this wild strawberry is to provide it with water and food in an amount sufficient to grow three crops per season. And also if you plan to collect the entire crop to the maximum, in spring and autumn Elizabeth 2 needs to provide heat.

Watering methods and norms

Elizabeth 2 needs to be watered more often and more abundantly and fed several times during the season. Without these agricultural practices, the berries will be small, dry and tasteless. It is not recommended to arrange sprinkling, since berries constantly grow and ripen on the bushes, which, due to excess moisture, can become sick with gray rot.

The problem of regular water supply will be solved by a drip irrigation system. If there is no way to arrange it, water the strawberries as soon as the ground under it becomes dry. The water consumption per bush is individual each time and depends on the dryness of the soil at the time of irrigation, it should be moist to the entire depth of the roots - 30 cm. Accordingly, if the upper 2 cm have dried, enough 0.5-1 l of water should be soaked to the tips roots - pour 3-5 liters per bush.

Advantages of drip irrigation: the earth is always wet, the heart does not fill, the berries and leaves are dry, you do not need to carry water in buckets

Features of Plant Mulch

To keep the earth moist, keep it under the plant mulch. Grass cutting, hay or straw will allow less often not only watering, but also feeding. The lower layer gradually decomposes and enriches the earth with humus. However, this rule works if it rains at least occasionally. In a hot and dry summer, such a mulch burns out in the sun, crumbles, turns into dust, and is swelled by the wind. Therefore, if there has been heat on the street for several days, more often water not only the bushes themselves, but also moisten the mulch so that it rots and performs its functions.

Moistening the mulch in the heat has another plus: it absorbs water like a sponge, and gradually evaporates. Around the strawberries humidity rises, the temperature decreases, which makes it easier for strawberries to exist under the scorching sun. This is especially true when arid weather is established after the planting of young seedlings. In a humid microclimate, they will take root more quickly.

Video: mulching with expanded clay, agrofiber, sawdust, grass and even burlap

What to feed

Elizabeth 2 differs from most repair varieties in that it gives the crop not two times during the summer, but three, creating a continuous conveyor from spring until the frosts. Therefore, it should not be fed periodically, in any certain phases, but regularly - every 2 weeks, including autumn. Top dressing must be complex, containing all macro- and microelements.

Buy special fertilizers for strawberries / wild strawberries under the brands: Fertika, Agricola, Gumi-Omi or prepare your own infusions of weeds. After all, different herbs take out a whole complex of nutrients from the earth. Having made an infusion of them and watering the earth, you will return these elements back and fertilize strawberries without any chemistry.

Fertilizer weed recipe:

  • Fill any container with succulent grass, especially useful for feeding nettles.
  • Fill with water, cover, keep in a warm place, in the summer - on the street, in the fall - in a shed or greenhouse.
  • Stir the mass every day. It will ferment, a fetid smell similar to dung will appear.
  • When the contents of the tank turn into a homogeneous slurry of brown-green color, you can feed.
  • Dosage of green fertilizer: 2 liters per 10-liter watering can. Watering can be done on leaves, consumption: 0.5 l for annual bushes and 1-2 l for adults.

In addition to the main dressings, during flowering, let's foliar: spray strawberries over the buds with a solution of boric acid (5 g per 10 l).

Video: features of caring for strawberries Elizabeth 2

Other nuances of growing

Elizabeth 2 grows well and bears fruit in greenhouses and greenhouses. In the early spring, install on the beds of the arc and cover with agrofiber. The first crop will ripen even earlier and will be richer and tastier. Repeat the same in the fall. In the summer, replace the insulation with a bird net.

The arcs are multifunctional devices, in the spring and autumn they put a heater, and at the height of the season - a protective net from birds

However, shelter is an optional event. Many gardeners have enough of what they collect in the summer. In addition, the first spring berries in Elizabeth 2 are always smaller than in subsequent harvests. There are recommendations in general to remove peduncles that appeared in the spring. As a result, strawberries do not squander their strength and give an impressive summer harvest of very large and delicious berries.

This variety is resistant to diseases and pests, it is affected only on neglected beds, so surround strawberries with care and attention. After each wave of fruiting, trim yellowed and stained leaves, as well as old ones lying on the ground. Remove empty peduncles left after picking berries. Clean your mustache regularly. With this care, strawberries are well ventilated and illuminated by the sun, there are no conditions favorable for fungi and pests on the beds.

Winter hardiness of Elizabeth 2 is average. In cold winters with shallow snow, it can freeze.. In late autumn, when the temperature drops below zero at night, cover the beds with brushwood, coarse plant stems, spruce branches, burlap, or agrofibre folded in several layers. Shelter must let air through and trap snow. In the spring, as soon as the ground melts, remove all insulation from the beds.

Video: strawberry shelter for the winter

Harvesting: What Suits Elizabeth 2

Traditionally, garden strawberries are harvested during the ripening period every 1-2 days. The berries of the first harvest, of course, are consumed fresh, as a valuable vitamin product. Elizabeth 2 is well sold out in the market, therefore they grow it both for herself and for sale.

If you plan to store and transport this berry, then collect it in the first half of the day, when the dew has descended, but the sun is still not very warm.

They say that strawberries of this variety are stored in the refrigerator for a week without losing their qualities.. For the winter, you can freeze the whole, the berries will not lose their shape after thawing. Autumn harvest is less sweet. But at this time in the garden a lot of fruit is ripening. You can make compotes and add strawberries to them. Thanks to the dense pulp, the berries remain intact not only in compotes, but also in jams.

Video: strawberry jam without cooking

Reviews gardeners about Elizabeth 2

My Queen E 2 has already gone the fifth year, I will multiply. It begins earlier than all, bears fruit for a long time, finishes bearing fruit along with the late varieties. The berries are the same, do not crush, medium size, good taste, sweet. True, you need to feed periodically. But why not feed this hard worker? I didn’t get sick for 4 years. It comes out of winter best of all.

Olga Tchaikovskaya


The variety has a very friendly ripening. Therefore, one-time decent fees are obtained. And not to say that the bush is powerful, but it pulls the berry without any problems. The berry is dense, sweet, due to the dense pulp and the absence of voids, it is quite heavy for its size. For the market, that’s it. Very pleased with the grade. A decent yield is obtained, but this is only the first wave. My NSD varieties for yield and outsoles are not suitable.

Roman S.


I bought E-2 one bush three years ago. I did not let him bear fruit. It was very large with large leaves. His mustache rooted all summer in a circle. In the fall planted a bed. The following spring, the berries were large and tasty. But the bushes are much smaller than the first maternal one (it went dead, exhausted) In the fall, the berries become dense and tasteless (I use them for compote with apples). This fall planted a new bed of mustaches. Apparently I do not know how to fertilize, in the second summer bushes and berries are smaller. Well, one or two on the bush are large, the rest are then ordinary and small.



Elizabeth has a taste for herself so-so, but the trick of this variety is that he is also trying to grow something in October. Moreover, they (berries) freeze at night, and during the day thaw and continue to blush. And Mshenka and Zenga-Zengana it is clear that it is much tastier, but we only enjoy them in July.



Elizabeth showed herself perfectly in the beginning of summer (very tasty and large) and absolutely nothing in August. Although you can understand why, because repair varieties give more energy, and they need to be looked after more.



Bought 2 years ago with my sister Elizabeth-2 at Sadko. She doesn’t give me a mustache, the berries are large and tasteless, and now they hang. I don’t feel like messing with her. My sister gave me a very good grooming bush and Berries taste nothing.

little bee


Elizabeth 2 can really be called a masterpiece variety. It is very fruitful, it produces berries by the conveyor, and large and tasty.But she reveals all her strengths only with good care. If ordinary strawberries we devote time to only 1-2 months a year, then this "royal" must be looked after in spring, summer and autumn.


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