The best table grape varieties: descriptions, taste and characteristics


Since prehistoric times, the vine has been cultivated in the East, and later in the Mediterranean. Dessert grapes, which include an incredible number of varieties, are known to many gardeners and descended from the forest. Modern selection proves that this thermophilic crop grows remarkably on various soils and can withstand negative temperatures. A competent approach to agricultural technology allows you to get an enviable crop of table varieties in the middle lane of our country, in the northern and southern regions, and varieties of grapevines correctly matched by maturity will certainly delight the unimaginably sweet and aromatic fruits of beginning gardeners.

What does a table variety mean?

Depending on the purpose of use, universal, table, and technical varieties of the vine are cultivated. Table grapes are grown for eating berries without prior processing and for decorative purposes. The fruits are appreciated for the balanced composition of acids and sugars, good appearance, impeccable transportability and keeping quality.

A variety is a vegetatively propagated offspring of one plant, which has a stable complex of all its characteristics.

There are more than 8000 grape varieties in the world, which are divided into groups depending on biological characteristics, origin and field of application. Table (dessert) grape varieties are grown for fresh consumption, bookmarks for long-term storage and obtaining dried grapes (raisins, raisins). Table grapes are distinguished by:

  • small amount of seeds;
  • thin skin;
  • pronounced nutmeg or fruit-honey aroma;
  • pulp structure (tender, juicy, crispy);
  • taste - sweet, sour, tart or bitter;
  • the shape and size of the fruit.

Table varieties with large, uniformly colored berries of the same size and compact, dense clusters are in greatest demand. The more outstanding qualities of such grapes include a subtle, specific aroma and seedlessness. Together, these characteristics are inherent in a minority of table grapevine varieties. Dessert grapes are usually divided into 3 color groups - black, white and red.

Irrigation (small berries), the intermediate color of table grapes, which differs from the main one, significantly affects the marketability of berries, despite the fact that these indicators are very variable depending on agricultural technology and climate.

The best varieties of table grapes with description and characteristics

Cultivated grapes are believed to have descended from the forest dark-fruited wild game Vitis silvestri, which has spread widely to southern Europe and East Asia. Modern selection divides table grape varieties into groups according to ripening dates: early, middle and late.

Early grades

Early table grape varieties are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Superearly (90-105 days).
  2. Early (110-125 days)
  3. Medium early (125-145 days).

The vine of most varieties of varietal early grapes ripen on average in 100 - 140 days. These plants practically do not suffer from spring back frosts, are tolerant to dampness and are rarely damaged by mildew and oidium. Such hybrids are suitable for cultivation in the northern regions, in Transbaikalia, in the Urals, in Bashkiria, Moscow Region and St. Petersburg.

Mildew (downy mildew) and oidium are some of the most dangerous fungal diseases of grapes that affect the entire plant.

The most famous white-fruit varieties of super-early table grapes:

  • Aleshenkin gift matures within 105-110 days. On a medium-sized plant, clusters ripen from 200 to 600 g. Sugar content of fruits - 16%, acidity - 8.7 g / l; juicy berries with a delicate nutmeg flavor. The variety is highly resistant to disease. Mounted on a vertical trellis, Aleshenkin's gift will be a wonderful addition to the decorative decoration of the garden.

    White-fruited Aleshenkin grape variety ripens in late July

  • Dessert grapes Pearl Saba with a pleasant nutmeg and floral notes has loose clusters of 0.2-0.5 kg with small, round berries. The bush is medium-sized, pruning in the spring is medium. The variety is not resistant to disease. Saba pearls are grown in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, Rostov and in the Krasnodar Territory.

    Early ripe table grapes of the Pearl Saba variety, despite the small fruits, are an excellent dessert and decoration of the festive table

  • The white, round fruits of Lyubava grapes are collected in dense, lush brushes 200-400 g each. The berries are aligned, differ in muscat aroma and delicate pulp, the skin is tender, the seeds are small - from one to three pieces. Sugar in fruits - 21%, acid - 7 g / l. In the middle lane, super early grapes ripen in early August. To a moderate extent affected by disease.

    Lyubava dessert grapes contain 2-3 seeds in the pulp

  • Citrine (Super-Extra) in the shape of berries is similar to Arcadia and Libya, the taste is fruit and berry, pleasant, sweet; fleshy flesh without much flavor. This hybrid, obtained by mixing pollen varieties Talisman and Cardinal. The average weight of clusters is 500 g; shelter is required for the winter; it is often damaged by mildew and oidium.

    Citrine grapes with light yellow fruits demanding watering and top dressing

The best varieties of dessert grapes of early ripening with pink fruits:

  • Zoreva of a very early ripening period at the end of June is decorated with light pink, compact clusters (up to 250 g). Sweet and sour berries with a thin skin, seeds - 4 pieces. Shoots ripen by 85%. Protection against fungal diseases is required.

    Variety Zorevoy - table grapes with a classic dessert flavor

  • Libya is one of the best dessert varieties with pink fruits, ready for use at the end of June. Large, red-lilac berries contain 19% sugars and 6 g / l of acid, nutmeg flavor. The bush in Libya is powerful, pruning is required for 8-10 eyes. The variety is affected by diseases to a moderate degree.

    One of the largest dessert grape varieties - Libya, ripens in late June

  • Transformation - elongated, even berries fill dense, powerful clusters, weighing from 800 to 1200 g. The berries are sweet, with delicate muscat. The pulp is juicy, with 2-3 seeds, the skin is dense. Transfiguration is a decoration of a garden plot and an unforgettable berry dessert. Hybrid is sometimes affected by fungal diseases.

    Unbelievably large bunches of grapes of the variety Transfiguration gardeners receive in the suburbs and on the Volga

  • Tason is an ultra-early grape variety; the berries are pinkish-cream colored unevenly. On a powerful stem, fruit brushes grow up to 1.5 kg. The taste of berries is harmonious, characterized by a pleasant, honey-floral note; the skin is thin. Sugar content - 20%, acidity - 5-6 g / l. Damaged by powdery mildew and phylloxera.

    Tason grape berries are uneven in color

Varieties of super early dessert black grapes:

  • Cardinal is a loose, asymmetrical fruit cluster with light violet, in full ripeness - purple with a wax coating of berries (fruit weight 5-6 g). Light nutmeg and sourness give an unusual flavor to the Cardinal berries. The variety must be regularly treated for diseases and pests.

    Dessert Cardinal grapes obtained in Europe almost 100 years ago

  • Codrianka is a mixture of hybrids of Moldova and Marshall. The most famous dessert variety, ripening in mid-June. A massive brush gains up to 500 g. The pulp is crispy, aromatic; the skin is moderately dense. The hybrid tolerates mildew and oidium, sometimes affected by phylloxera. For a hybrid, crop overload is unacceptable, cut vines for 4-6 eyes. For the winter, Kodryanka is covered.

    Kodryanka grapes with black fruits can grow in any climatic conditions - in the northern latitudes and in the humid southern climate

  • Muromets is a winter-hardy, dessert variety characterized by sweet, aromatic fruits and an amazing cluster size. The berries are almost black, with a wax coating, collected in a brush weighing 400-600 g, contain from one to four seeds. The variety is resistant to mildew. This hybrid is grown in the Urals, Siberia, Chernozemye and the Volga.

    A relatively young grape variety Muromets admires large, dense clusters

  • The content of sugars in the hybrid form Gift of Unlight (Dawn of Unlight) is 20%, and the acidity is only 4 g / l. The purple berries are juicy, with a musky hint, the juice is bright red in the section, and the skin is moderately dense. A tall bush was obtained by crossing Beauty and the Talisman. Bunches weigh up to 1500 g, individual berries - up to 14 g. The hybrid is often affected by mildew and oidium.

    A gift from Nesveta - one of the largest grape varieties of early ripening

Table: Characteristics of Common Early White Grape Varieties

TitleFruit characterizationRipening periodPlant features
  • the berry is greenish-golden with a musky taste, the skin is thin and dense;
  • sugar - 16-18%;
  • acid - 8 g / l;
  • berry weight - 4-6 g;
  • bunches are loose, weight - 250-350 g;
mid august
  • medium;
  • parents: Madeleine Anzhevin and Galan;
  • immunity is average;
  • pruning for 6-8 eyes;
  • self-pollination;
  • white-yellow berries with juicy pulp and dense skin;
  • sugar - 15.4%;
  • acid - 6.8 g / l;
  • berry weight - 8 g;
  • cluster weight - up to 600 g;
end of July - beginning of August
  • strong-growing bush;
  • parents: Delight and Original;
  • increased resistance to disease;
  • Withstands up to -25 aboutFROM;
  • pruning for 8-10 kidneys;
  • bisexual flowers;
Long awaited
  • yellow berries, fleshy flesh of the fruit, tender skin, contain 1-2 seeds;
  • sugar - 16-18%;
  • acid - 6 g / l;
  • berry weight - 8-10 g;
  • cluster weight - 700-900 g;
  • vigorous;
  • parents: Kishmish Luchisty and Talisman;
  • disease resistance is average;
  • pruning for 7-9 kidneys;
  • hermaphrodite;
  • white berries, sweet and sour flesh with a pleasant berry taste;
  • sugar - 17%;
  • acid - 8 g / l;
  • berry weight - 5-7 g;
  • cluster weight - 600 g;
July August
  • medium;
  • differs in high immunity to diseases;
  • resistant to freezing frost;
  • shoots ripen by 70%;
  • fruit and berry flavor, thin skin, white or amber color;
  • sugar - 20-22%;
  • acid - 7 g / l;
  • berry weight - 3 g;
  • cluster weight - 350-700 g;
end of July
  • the bush is strong;
  • the plant is occasionally damaged by oidium and phylloxera;
  • bisexual flower;
Korinka Russian
(Kishmish Radiant)
  • golden berry;
  • sugar - 22-23%;
  • acid - 6-7 g / l;
  • berry weight - 2 g;
  • the brush is small, conical, weight - 150-300 g;
  • vigorous;
  • seedless variety;
  • parents: Black Kishmish and Dawn of the North;
  • immunity is average;
  • requires warming for the winter;
  • hermaphrodite;
  • the vine ripens by 70-80%;
Muscat of Moscow
  • berries are light green, sweet-sour with refreshing fruity notes, the skin is dense;
  • sugar - 18%;
  • acid - 6-7 g / l;
  • berry weight - 6-7 g;
  • cluster weight - 400-600 g;
  • strong-growing bush;
  • affected by a spider mite;
  • resistant to frost;
  • pruning is short; bush adjustment is required - overload reduces yield;
  • bisexual flower;
  • the berry is greenish-white, the skin is thin, elastic, the flesh is tender, melting;
  • sugar - 20%;
  • acid - 7-8 g / l;
  • berry weight - 7-10 g;
  • cluster weight - up to 1.1 kg;
end of July - August (1st decade)
  • medium;
  • resistant to oidium and mildew;
  • pruning for 4-6 eyes;
  • withstands up to - 22 aboutFROM;
  • light green berries with a waxy coating
    the pulp is fragrant, moderately sweet;
  • sugar - 14-17%;
  • acid - 7 g / l;
  • berry weight - 2 g;
  • cluster weight - 370-450 g;
  • 2-3 seeds;
  • medium;
  • parents: Madeleine Anzhevin and Karaburnu;
  • disease resistance is average;
  • cropping for 6-8 kidneys;
  • self-pollination;
Russian amber
  • greenish-yellow berry with an amber sheen, medium-density peel with a blush;
  • sugar - 16-18%;
  • acid - 6-8 g / l;
  • berry weight - 2-3 g;
  • cluster weight - 250-400 g;
end of July - beginning of August
  • the bush is tall;
  • disease resistance is increased;
  • hermaphrodite;
  • frost resistance - up to -24 aboutFROM;
  • pruning for 8-10 kidneys;

The most famous mid-early varieties of white-fruited dessert grapes:

  • Augustine - the berries are white, large, oval; pulp with pronounced nutmeg and tender sourness; the plant is highly resistant to disease;
  • Anapa early - berries are greenish-yellow, round with a simple taste without pronounced taste characteristics, contain 3 seeds; immunity is average;
  • Annushka - a small bunch - up to 200 g, green berry, fleshy-juicy with a fruity aroma; the fruits do not crack; medium-sized bush is rarely affected by fungal diseases;
  • Delight - fruits are yellowish with a tan, oval, sweet (sugar up to 26%) and juicy, crisp flesh with pronounced muscatel; a variety of non-covering with increased immunity to gray rot;
  • Early white - clusters - from 500 g to 1 kg, berries are large, green, oval with a large seed; the skin is dense, it is not injured during transportation; the taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, simple; immunity is average;
  • Early Caucasian - yellowish-white berries with a wax coating, a pleasant taste with nutmeg and honey notes; eat seeds; bunches - up to 700 g; immunity to diseases is average, periodic treatment from mildew is required;
  • Nutmeg Larni - berries are round, golden yellow with pronounced nutmeg; seeds - 1-3; the cover variety is resistant to diseases and pests;
  • Amber nutmeg - oval fruits with an amber hue, sour with a nutmeg flavor; bunches - up to 300 g; the plant does not withstand frosts, it requires warming for the winter and constant preventive treatments for diseases;
  • Firstborn Skuin - oval berries, juicy-fleshy, white; normal taste with sourness; bunches up to 250 g; immunity is average;
  • White Chasselas - small clusters (150 g), yellow berries with a golden tan, thin peel, fruit and berry taste; treatments for fungal diseases of the vine are required;
  • Muscat Chasselas - berries are round, yellowish-white with dense crisp flesh; differ in a gentle muscat taste with strawberry notes; variety of cover, poorly tolerates frosts; immunity is average.

Photo gallery: early varieties of white fruit grapes

Table: Description of Early Rose Grapes

TitleFruit characterizationTerm
Plant features
  • pink berries with pronounced nutmeg, juicy flesh, dense skin;
  • sugar - 16%;
  • acid - 5-6 g / l;
  • berry weight - 8-10 g;
  • cluster weight - 1300 g;
  • seeds - 1-2 pieces;
  • strong-growing bush;
  • parents: Radix and Talisman;
  • disease resistance is average;
  • self-pollination;
  • medium pruning;
  • pink berries, fleshy flesh, sweet and sour with a dense skin;
  • sugar - 15%;
  • acid - 5-6 g / l;
    berry weight - 4-6 g;
  • seeds - 1-2 pieces;
  • cluster weight - 500-700 g;
  • medium;
  • parents: Arkady and Kishmish radiant;
  • struck by mildew and oidium;
  • bisexual flower;
Gourmet Krainova
  • berries are pink-red, peels are sweet with a muscat-honey taste;
  • sugar - 20%;
  • acid - 8 g / l;
  • berry weight - 7-10 g;
  • cluster weight - 800-1500 g, seedless;
  • medium;
  • parents: Kishmish and Talisman;
  • treatment during the growing season from fungal diseases is required;
  • flowers of a female type (pollinator Elegant Kishmish radiant and others);
  • pruning 5-8 kidneys;
Novoukrainsky early
  • pink berries with a waxy coating and thick skin;
  • sugar - 18%;
  • acid - 7 g / l;
  • berry weight - 3-5 g;
end of July - August
  • vigorous;
  • parents: Jura Uzum and Pearls Saba;
  • immunity to diseases is average;
  • productivity - up to 5 kg per bush;
  • pruning 4-6 eyes;
  • self-pollination;
  • the berry is red-gray, about 40% - the fruits are small, the flesh is tender, fleshy;
  • sugar - 14-17%;
  • acid - 5-7 g / l;
  • berry weight - 6-8 g;
  • bunch - 500-800 g;
  • vigorous;
  • parents: Cardinal and Talisman;
  • there is a likelihood of damage to the vine phylloxera and oidium;
  • hermaphroditic flower;
  • yield from the bush - 6-10 kg;

The best mid-early varieties of pink-fruit dessert grapes:

  • Alexander - pink, round, sweet and sour berries; branched bush; the variety is disease resistant;
  • Arcadia - very large clusters of up to 1 kilogram with oval yellow-green berries with fruity-nutmeg notes; the variety is highly resistant to disease; frost resistance is average;
  • Bashkirsky - the berry is round, juicy, with a refreshing aftertaste and sourness; bunches of friable 150 g; immunity to diseases is high;
  • Bogatyanovsky - on a medium-sized bush, yellowish, ovoid fruits with 2-3 seeds grow; the taste is sweet-juicy with a fruity aroma; the variety is poorly resistant to disease;
  • Brigantine - clusters large up to 500 g, pink fruits with a light nutmeg, resistant to cracking; practically not affected by mildew and oidium, requires shelter in the northern regions;
  • Karagay - black, round, sweet-sour berries without a specific aroma grow on conical clusters; plant highly resistant to disease;
  • Krasa Severa is a frost-resistant hybrid, unresponsive to disease, has white-pink fruits with small seeds; dense peel does not crack and is not damaged; bunches - up to 300 g; berry taste with refreshing notes;
  • Moscow - clusters at the hybrid reach 550 g; fruits are oblong, pink-red with a harmonious taste; disease resistance is high;
  • Neptune - lilac-red fruits with the aroma of wild berries have a thin skin and loose flesh, formed in medium clusters (up to 300 g); the plant is highly resistant to diseases and pests;
  • Fantasy - large, dense clusters up to a kilogram are strewn with pink, cylindrical fruits with delicate skin and juicy pulp; the taste is harmonious; immunity is average;
  • Pink shashla is round lilac-pink fragrant fruits in loose clusters, which come in from 200 to 500 g; berries do not crack; the variety is slightly damaged by fungal diseases.

Photo gallery: common early varieties of pink-fruit dessert grapes

Table: Early Black Grape Varieties

TitleFruit characterizationRipening periodPlant features
Academician Avidzba
(In memory of Dzheneyev)
  • the berry is blue-black, oval, the flesh is cartilaginous, the skin is of medium density, the taste is muscat;
  • berry weight - 8 g;
  • sugar - 18%;
  • acid - 6 g / l;
  • a bunch of large, loose, weight - 900-1600 g;
  • 2-3 seeds;
July August
  • average;
  • parents: Richelieu and Gift Zaporozhye;
  • disease resistance is average;
  • self-pollination;
Anthracite (Charlie)
  • the berry is dark blue, sour, fleshy flesh, the skin is dense;
  • berry weight - 8-11 g;
  • sugar - 22%;
  • acid - 8 g / l;
  • 2-3 seeds;
  • cluster weight - 0.7-1.1 kg;
Aug. Sept
  • medium;
  • parents: Nadezhda Azos and Victoria;
  • high resistance to diseases;
  • bisexual flower;
  • 90% of shoots ripen;
  • productivity - up to 15 kg;
  • the berry is dark purple with cartilaginous flesh and a dense skin, a muscat citrus flavor;
  • bones - 2;
  • sugar - 16%;
  • acid - 5 g / l;
  • berry weight - 6-7 g;
  • cluster weight - 200-400 g;
  • the bush is large;
  • a mixture of hybrids;
  • affected by disease;
    in a weak degree;
  • hermaphroditic flower;
  • berries are red-violet with pronounced nutmeg, the skin is thin;
  • sugar - 17%;
  • acid - 5 g / l;
  • berry weight - 5-7 g;
  • cluster weight - 750 g;
July August
  • vigorous;
  • the grade is gut;
  • rarely affected by disease;
  • self-pollination;
  • can withstand cooling to - 27 aboutFROM;
Teacher's memory
  • pink berries, musk-fruit pulp with sourness, thick skin;
  • berry weight - up to 10 g;
  • sugar - 18%;
  • acid - 6 g / l;
  • cluster weight - 550-800 g;
end of July
  • powerful bush;
  • parents: Talisman and Cardinal;
  • plant is medium resistant to mildew and oidium;
  • bisexual flower;
  • frost resistant;
  • pruning for 8-10 kidneys;
Early maharacha
  • blue-black berries with a waxy coating on a thin skin;
  • taste with chocolate notes, good for raisins;
  • sugar - 18-20%;
  • acid - 7-8 g / l;
  • berry weight - 3-4 g;
  • cluster weight - 300-400 g;
July August
  • powerful bush;
  • parents: Madeleine Anzhevin x Kishmish black;
  • disease resistance is average;
  • pruning for 5-8 eyes;

Middle early black dessert grape varieties:

  • Don Agate - the fruits are dark blue with seeds, the taste is pleasant, the aroma is ordinary; bunches - 400-600 g; withstands frosts up to - 26 aboutFROM ; grown in the Urals and in Siberia; disease resistance is average;
  • Cardinal Anapsky - a southern variety with large clusters of up to 1200 g; purple-blue berry with seeds; sweet and sour taste with a fruity aftertaste; has immunity to diseases of the vine; load no more than 25 eyes;
  • Bitterness vine - on branchy bushes blue-black, oval berries are collected in dense clusters (300-450 g); the variety is frost-resistant and not damaged by mildew;
  • Moscow black - blue-black fruits with a waxy coating are distinguished by delicate nutmeg and pleasant taste; resistant to most diseases of grapes;
  • Nadezhda Azos - a frost-resistant hybrid with large fruit brushes up to 1300 g; berries are juicy, blue, with a pleasant aroma; immune to mildew;
  • Lowland - this grape has pink-purple, oval, sweet fruits with fruity notes; berries do not crack during transportation; high immunity;
  • Frumoasa Albe - amber berries with a wax coating, cluster weight - 300-550 g; muscat citrus flavor; highly resistant plant.

Even if table grape varieties that are resistant to fungal diseases and do not suffer from insects - snails and ants are selected on the garden plot, preventive treatment from powdery mildew, slugs and snails will not hurt. Unstable to mildew and phylloxera early varieties inevitably require at least 2-3 treatments with fungicides, sometimes insecticides. In spring, when night temperatures are below +10 aboutC and wet, rainy weather, the immunity of the vine is not strong enough and is particularly susceptible to negative environmental influences. The first task of the gardener after the grapes are opened at the beginning of the growing season (late March - early April) is to treat the vines with systemic and prophylactic drugs. I spray with Topaz diluted according to the instructions. After 10 days, re-treatment is desirable - Topaz can be exchanged for Fufanon.

Photo Gallery: Famous Early Black Grape Varieties

Video: earliest grape varieties

Mid-season table grape varieties with description and characterization

Dessert grapes with an average ripening period are characterized by a plentiful harvest in the south of our country - in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Crimea, in the southeast of the Black Earth Region. With regular top dressing and preventive treatment for diseases, such table grapes are not uncommon in the Volga region, Stavropol region, in the central part of Russia, but here you can not do without shelter for the winter. Among the popular mid-season varieties stand out:

  • The original is a variety with an average ripening period for fruits that form cone-shaped loose clusters. The berries with a pointed tip and pink-purple color have an elongated shape, they have a pleasant muscat aroma and a refreshing sourness. Powerful, branched bushes withstand frosts up to - 22 aboutC. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests, but for the winter requires careful warming.

    Original grapes with a memorable name have unusual berries in shape

  • The dessert hybrid Rusmol ripens in late August - early September, the bush does not tolerate frosts, is very responsive to feeding and watering. The berries are round, white with a thin skin, 1-2 seeds come across; clusters up to 600-800 g. Prevention of oidium and phylloxera is required. Light nutmeg and fruity aftertaste made the variety a favorite among winegrowers.

    Mid-early hybrid Rusmol grape ripens well in the Krasnodar Territory and Rostov

  • Dessert - the variety is distinguished by clusters of medium size (350-500 g) with round, pink-purple fruits. The taste is ordinary, sugar content - 17%, acidity - 7 g / l. Bisexual flowers. The plant is pruned for 6-8 buds. The fruits ripen fully only in the southern regions of our country. Resistance to oidium and mildew is average, shelter for the winter is required.

    Dessert grape yield of about 6-8 kg per bush

Table: The most famous dessert grape varieties with an average ripening period

Grade nameFruit characterizationRipening periodPlant features
  • amber-white berries with a dense skin, sour flesh with 2-3 seeds;
  • berries weight - 6 g;
  • cluster weight - 400-650 g;
  • parents: Nimrang and Muscat de Sivalle;
  • the bush is tall, branched;
  • pruning short for 5-8 kidneys;
  • hermaphrodite;
  • it is necessary to shelter for the winter;
  • increased stability
    to the spider mite
    and fungal diseases;
Autumn black
  • the berry is dark purple, elongated, with a wax coating, sweet
    with a nutmeg aroma;
  • sugar - 18%;
  • acid - 6-7 g / l;
  • berry weight - 5-7 g;
  • cluster weight - 500-750 g;
  • pollen mixture of European hybrids;
  • vigorous;
  • medium pruning;
  • bisexual flower;
  • affected by gray rot;
  • berries are large, white-pink, sweet and sour, crunchy with a delicate berry aroma;
  • sugar - 20%;
  • acid - 6 g / l;
  • berry weight - up to 6 g;
  • cluster weight - 350 g;
  • pollen mixture;
  • vigorous;
  • trimming is short;
  • hermaphrodite;
  • resistant to disease;
  • berries are red-violet, fleshy;
  • sugar - 17%
  • acid - 7 g / l;
  • berry weight - 5 g;
  • cluster weight - 400 g;
  • parents: Maradonna and Typhi
  • vigorous;
  • bisexual flowers;
  • cropping for 6-8 kidneys;
  • it is necessary to shelter for the winter;
  • high resistance to diseases;
  • moderately sweet berries do not contain seeds, the color of the fruit is purple-red, there is a waxy coating;
  • berry weight - 4-5 g;
  • cluster weight - 400-600 g;
  • pollen mixture;
  • medium;
  • medium pruning;
  • not susceptible to infection with mildew and oidium;

Photo gallery: grapes ripening in late summer

Late grapes

Later grape varieties ripen fully in those regions where positive temperatures can persist even at night until the end of November, and real colds only occur in December. The average ripening time of such grapes is 150-165 days. Dessert grapes with a long growing season grows in Krasnodar and Bryansk, in the Crimea and the Caucasus, in the Voronezh, Belgorod, Rostov region, in Ukraine and in the southern regions of Belarus. Distinctive features of late varieties are low sensitivity to frost and high immunity to fungal diseases that develop in damp, cool weather.

The best pink-fruited grape varieties of late ripening:

  • Nimrang - a short, pink grape was first grown in Tajikistan, it is a thermophilic and demanding hybrid soil. Nimrang berries ripening after 160 days are loved for their delicate nutmeg and light astringency. Bunches gain up to 500 g. Only 65-70% of the vines ripen in this plant; shoots are cut for 6-8 eyes. Grapes are responsive to additional irrigation and require regular top dressing. The variety must be regularly treated for diseases and pests.

    Full maturity of Nimrang grapes occurs in October-November

  • Typhi - a variety of pink grapes with a ripening period of 170 days, is distinguished by pink-red berries with a purple hue. The hybrid grape cluster reaches more than 2 kg. The maximum return will be obtained from this vine, if planted in the sunniest and warmest place. The berry contains 23% sugar, 7 g / l of acids. The variety is defenseless against fungal diseases; berries often peck berries.

    Typhi grape seedlings are characterized by active growth

  • Mid-late grade Hercules is quite frost-resistant (withstands up to - 23 aboutFROM). The clusters of this variety are conical, weigh 1.1-1.6 kg; oval berries, sweet and sour with cartilaginous pulp (seeds - 1-3 pieces). A tall shoot requires pruning for 6-8 eyes and occasional treatment from oidium and mildew.

    Hercules grapes with crispy, dense flesh

The best late grapes with black fruits:

  • Asma (Black Crimean) is a disease-resistant table variety with a rather high sugar content - up to 20%, acid - 7.4 g / l. The pulp is dense, juicy with two seeds. The berries of this dessert grape are dark purple with a waxy coating. The clusters reach 350-400 g. The vine ripens only by 50-60%, the kidneys cannot tolerate frost. The plant needs moderate watering and short pruning. Asma is suitable for vertical, decorative gardening.

    Asma dessert grapes pruned for 4-6 buds

  • The high-yielding variety Moldova was bred in the 70s. Grapes with cylinder-conical clusters (up to 600 g) have a pleasant berry taste with sourness, ripen in October. The fruits are blue-black, the skin is thick with a wax coating. Well stored and do not crumble when ripe. The variety is resistant to mildew.

    Varietal grapes Moldova has been known to gardeners for over 40 years

  • Odessa souvenir of late maturity - resistant to pests and diseases, but poorly tolerates severe frosts. Loose clusters, with elongated fruits covered with a wax coating, can gain up to 300 g. Light muscat, slightly noticeable plum aroma and outlandish berries of the Souvenir are especially appreciated by lovers of grape desserts. The hybrid is resistant to many diseases of the vine, except oidium.

    Large-fruited and unpretentiousness are the main qualities of Odessa souvenir grapes

The best late grapes of light varieties:

  • Yellowish-white berries of the lobate variety with weak muscat are slightly flattened and formed into loose clusters weighing about 0.5 kg. The pulp is juicy, dense skin covered with a wax coating, contains seeds (2-4 pieces). A fairly mellow and productive variety appeared more than 50 years ago and has become one of the favorite late grape hybrids. To obtain a stable crop, regular preventive treatments from pests and diseases are required.

    Lobate grapes are large clusters and tender muscat with sourness

  • The very late grape vine Agadai manages to ripen only in the southern regions of our country. The taste in the berries is mediocre, slightly tart; 300 g fruit brushes are the maximum for this grape. But this is the latest grape variety, valued for juicy, dense pulp and strong clusters, able to lie in storage at a temperature of +5 +8 aboutC and do not spoil until spring. Hybrid processed from powdery mildew and mildew.

    Agadai's white-fruited grape variety is excellently stored all winter

  • Table grapes Italy ripens in September - October.White, oval berries have a nutmeg taste, sugar content - 21%, acidity - 6-7 g / l. The pulp is juicy, sweet; the peel is often cracked. The average weight of a bunch of varieties Italy is 1200 g. Cut this grape for 10-12 eyes. Characterized by a slight disease defeat.

    Muscat-fruit aroma - a highlight of Italy grapes

Table: late grape varieties with description and characteristics

TitleTasting ratingCharacteristic
Ripening periodPlant features
  • greenish-white with a tan, pulp with sourness, contains 2 seeds, the skin is dense;
  • sugar - 17%;
  • acid - 8 g / l;
  • the average weight of the bunch is 350 g;
October November
  • medium;
  • affected by disease;
  • the vine ripens by 80%;
  • pruning for 12-15 kidneys;
Transportable Muscat5
  • light green, peel of medium thickness, 2-3 seeds, sweet pulp with a delicate muscat lemon flavor;
  • sugar - 20%;
  • acid - 7 g / l;
  • cluster weight - 130-150 g;
  • vigorous;
  • parents: Hatmi and Narma;
  • moderately resistant to disease;
  • bisexual flower;
  • does not require shelter;
  • purple, juicy pulp, aromatic with 2-3 seeds, the skin has a waxy coating;
  • sugar - 16-18%;
  • acid - 8-9 g / l;
  • bunch weight - 300 g;
  • medium;
  • bred in Moldova;
  • increased resistance to fungal diseases;
  • ripens by 75%;
  • non-covering variety;
  • dark red skin tight, flesh with a simple berry taste, contains 2 large seeds;
  • sugar - 18%;
  • acid - 7 g / l;
  • cluster weight - 800-2200 g;
  • resistant to disease;
  • powerful bush;
  • high yielding;
  • self-pollination;
  • dark purple, fleshy, sweet fruits, refreshing taste, strong skin;
  • sugar - 18%;
  • acid - 7 g / l;
  • cluster weight - 400 g;
September October
  • resistant to many diseases;
  • medium;
  • parents:
    Criulensky and Cardinal;
  • trimming for 3-4 kidneys;
  • load on the bush - 30 eyes;
  • bisexual flower;

Video: the latest grape varieties

The best table grapes for growing in the regions

Varieties for the regions are distinguished by maturity and frost resistance, resistance to drought and soil requirements. A properly selected variety according to the growth characteristics and characteristics of the plant will allow you to get a decent harvest and keep the vine in the garden for more than one year.

Grape varieties for growing in the suburbs and St. Petersburg

The best early ripe grape varieties for the Moscow Region endure frosts and are not damaged by powdery mildew. Basically, these are those hybrids that easily grow on loams and heavy soils, are not demanding on the temperature regime:

  • Aleshenkin gift
  • Helios,
  • Bogatyanovsky,
  • Korinka Russian
  • Libya,
  • Transformation
  • Muromets,
  • Moscow black
  • Tason,
  • Julian,
  • Knock.

Video: the best varieties for the Moscow region

Table grape varieties for growing in Siberia

Early-ripening winter-hardy hybrids tolerate fluctuations in seasonal temperatures of harsh climates and have a short growing season - the ripening time does not exceed 100 days. These varieties include:

  • Delight,
  • Riddle of Sharov,
  • Kodryanka,
  • Moldova,
  • Beauty of the North
  • Russian early
  • Rusoven, Muromets.

Video: grapes in Siberia

Grapes for growing in Belarus

Table grape varieties for the temperate climate of Belarus are suitable with different ripening periods:

  • Arcadia;
  • Codryanka;
  • Chasla white;
  • Delight;
  • Kishmish 342;
  • Nadezhda Azos;
  • Fantasy;
  • Gala
  • Producer;
  • Odessa souvenir.

Video: dessert grapes in Belarus

Table grape varieties for growing in Ukraine

Hybrids suitable for growing in Ukraine can ripen even at the end of October. The southern, humid climate of the south-east and west of Ukraine allows you to get an unrivaled yield of dessert grapes of various varieties:

  • early:
    • Zoreva;
    • Libya;
    • Gift of the Unlighted;
    • Jupiter;
    • Tukay;
  • medium:
    • Annushka
    • Cardinal;
    • Harold;
    • Agate Don;
    • Lowland;
    • Black cherry;
  • later:
    • Hercules;
    • Italy;
    • Prikubansky;
    • Lobed.

Favorite Grade Reviews

For me personally, the varieties Velika and Monarch are the standards of grapes in size, taste, presentation, yield. Everything is balanced here! Depending on the time of the season, I have in my favorites that I can’t refuse, so as not to eat and can not pass indifferently: GF Gift Nesvetaya, GF Super-extra, GF Lily of the valley (when you want to bite off-scale muscat, varieties Velika and Monarch, the Kishteil and Zolotze raisins here all said numerous cocktail prizes at many exhibitions, and Zolotze would have won no less, but it just matures later than all these events are held.

Fursa Irina Ivanovna Free Cossack, Krasnodar Territory


I would add to this list the Gift Zaporizhia (simple taste, but very reliable variety), the New Gift Zaporizhia, Nadezhda Azos, Kishmish 342 (as a pollinator and just delicious grapes), Tason (rich bouquet + resistance + vigor - very good for a gazebo) This year I really liked Atlant * Timur, Richelieu, now I like to eat red Kesha, delighted with early Muscat, Friendship, White muscat, my grandchildren liked the Cardinal, and my son-in-law said that there is only one normal grape variety - Libya.

Evgenia Ivanovna, Rostov


I consider white varieties to be the most delicious, for example, Aleshenkin, Arkady, White Muscat - this is a separate song, the aroma and sweetness are off-scale, although it does not produce a large crop. Pink varieties are late ripe, with thicker skin, last year barely matured. Blue is good Codrianka, the Present of Moldova is late ripe, but the father-in-law lies in the basement until February, or even March. So we are always with wine and berries. Last year was not very successful for grapes, flowering later, there was a lot of rain, even persistent varieties were affected by mildew, the sun was not enough and autumn came early. But experienced gardeners had a crop even in such conditions. All comes with experience.

MAGRI, Belgorod


Dessert grapes on the festive table will delight any audience: unusually large black-fruited clusters or full-bodied emerald brushes of raisin hybrids - most table grape varieties can be eaten directly from the branch, they retain their presentation for a long time and complement culinary dishes well. The special tastes of table grape hybrids have gained respect and love from gardeners and connoisseurs of berry desserts. This tasty and healthy berry is still a constant companion of aesthetic table serving.


Watch the video: Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Syrah - Red Wine Guide (October 2024).