The best varieties of cabbage for long-term storage


Almost all gardeners grow cabbage on their plots. Its early varieties are intended mainly for fresh consumption, the later ones are great for winter storage. If you create optimal conditions for cabbages that are close to them, they will last until next summer without losing taste, density and juiciness. The choice of varieties and hybrids of late-ripening cabbage of both Russian and foreign selection is extremely wide. To decide, you need to study their advantages and disadvantages in advance.

The best varieties of late cabbage

The vegetative period in late varieties of cabbage is 140-180 days. Harvest is often harvested after the first frost, but this does not affect the quality of heads of cabbage. The main advantages of varieties and hybrids of late ripening are high productivity, keeping quality, and transportability. Heads of cabbage are stored at least until spring, and at most until the next harvest, without losing in any way presentability, benefit and taste. As a rule, these varieties have good immunity. And which is very important for Russian gardeners, most varieties of late cabbage are great for pickling and pickling.

There are many varieties and hybrids, but not all are popular.

Aggressor F1

Hybrid of Dutch selection. The state register of the Russian Federation is recommended for cultivation in the Central region, but practice shows that it brings good yields in the Ural and Siberian climates. Belongs to the category of medium-late, from the moment seedlings emerge to harvest 130-150 days pass.

Cabbage Aggressor F1 stably brings a crop, regardless of how summer is given in terms of weather

The socket is powerful, raised. The leaves are not too large, the central vein is highly developed, because of this they bend. The surface is finely bubbled, the edge is slightly corrugated. They are painted in a bright green shade with a grayish tint, a layer of a gray-silver coating resembling wax is characteristic.

Heads of cabbage are aligned, spherical, average weight is 2.5-3 kg. On a cut, white cabbage. The stump is not particularly large. The taste is not bad, the purpose is universal.

Aggressor F1 is appreciated by gardeners for the stability of fruiting (cabbage practically does not pay attention to the vagaries of the weather), a low percentage of heads of cabbage (no more than 6-8% have a non-commodity appearance), taste and resistance to fusarium. This is a dangerous disease that can destroy most of the crop and still in the garden, and during storage. Also, the hybrid successfully resists late blight, the "black leg". Aphids and cruciferous fleas hardly spoil their attention with their attention. Cabbage is unpretentious in care, does not impose increased requirements on the quality and fertility of the substrate, head of cabbage crack very rarely.

Video: what looks like cabbage Aggressor F1


One of the best achievements of Belarusian breeders. Heads of cabbage are formed in 165-175 days. They are dark green, covered with a thick layer of bluish-gray waxy coating, reach a weight of 4-4.5 kg. Cabbage is very dense, but juicy. The total yield is 8-10 kg / m². This is an ideal choice for those who ferment cabbage on their own.

Mara cabbage is very good in pickled form

The keeping quality of the Mara variety is very good, in optimal conditions it is stored until May of next year. Another undoubted advantage is the presence of immunity to most types of rot. Heads of cabbage practically do not crack.

Moscow late

There are two varieties of this variety - Moscow late-15 and Moscow late-9. Both were bred for a long time, the first in the 40s of the last century, the second 25 years later. There are almost no significant differences, except for the appearance of the outlet. Moscow late-15 has a very high stem; it is easy to weed such cabbage, to spud and loosen it. In the second variety, the outlet, on the contrary, is low, squat, it seems that the head of cabbage lies directly on the ground. Caring for her is more difficult, but she is not affected by the keel.

It is easy to take care of Moscow late-15 cabbage - heads of cabbage seem to be standing on high legs

These cabbage varieties are recommended by the State Register for cultivation in the Far East, Northwest, and Central Region. They are stored until the middle of next summer. Without much damage to themselves, the cold is tolerated to -8-10ºС.

Late 9 cabbage is not affected by keel

The leaves are large, broadly oval, wrinkled, with slightly corrugated edges. There is almost no wax coating. Heads are slightly flattened, dense, yellowish on the cut, weighing 3.3-4.5 kg on average. But there are also “champions” weighing 8-10 kg. The percentage of marriage is very small - 3-10%.

Video: late Moscow cabbage

Amager 611

A rather old medium-late variety of Soviet selection, it was included in the State Register in 1943. There are no restrictions on the growing region. The ripening period of the crop depends on the weather, the growing season is 117-148 days.

The diameter of a rather powerful outlet is 70-80 cm. The leaves are slightly raised, can be almost round, and very interesting in shape, somewhat reminiscent of a lyre. The surface is almost smooth, even slightly pronounced wrinkling is rare. The edge is also flat. The leaves are covered with a thick layer of bluish plaque. The stalk is quite tall, 14-28 cm.

The taste qualities of Amager 611 cabbage cannot be called outstanding; its leaves are dry and rough

The average weight of a flat head of cabbage is 2.6-3.6 kg. They practically do not crack. The taste cannot be called outstanding, and the leaves are rather coarse, but this cabbage is very good in salt and pickled form. Practice shows that during storage (Amager 611 can last until the middle of next spring), the taste improves. But this cabbage must necessarily create optimal conditions, otherwise the development of gray rot, necrosis is very likely.

Snow White

Bred in the USSR, but now it is popular with gardeners. The growing season is 130-150 days. It is distinguished by its general unpretentiousness in care, is not affected by Fusarium infection, does not suffer from mucosal bacteriosis during storage. The only thing that she categorically does not tolerate is an acidic substrate.

The average weight of a pale green head is 2.5-4.2 kg. The shape is almost round or slightly flattened. They are very dense, but juicy. Fruiting friendly, heads of cabbage rarely crack. This cabbage is transportable, stored for at least 6-8 months, but subject to a constant temperature of at least 8 ° C.

Snow White Cabbage is not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy

Snow White is appreciated mainly for its wonderful taste and high content of vitamins, micro and macro elements. Moreover, the benefits are not lost with leaven and salting. This cabbage is recommended to be included in the diet of children and the elderly.

Megaton F1

Another hybrid often found in household plots of Russians from the Netherlands. Among the later ripen one of the first. The growing season is 136-78 days.

Cabbage Megaton F1 - one of the most popular Dutch hybrids in Russia

The socket is spreading, powerful, squat. The leaves are large, pale green, almost round, concave due to the highly developed central vein, corrugated along the edge. There is a layer of wax coating, but not too noticeable.

The head of cabbage is also pale green, very dense, the stump is short. The average weight is 3.2-4.1 kg. The taste is wonderful, the yield is consistently high. The variety has immunity to Fusarium, is rarely affected by keel and gray rot. Insects on this cabbage also do not pay much attention.

Video: what looks like cabbage Megaton F1

Gingerbread man

Russian variety, bred in the mid 90s of the last century. There are no restrictions on the region of cultivation. The growing season is 145-150 days.

The socket is raised, the height of the stem is 30-34 cm, very compact (45-55 cm in diameter). Leaves are broadly oval, saturated green. The surface is smooth, along the edge there is a light wave. The layer of bluish-gray wax coating is thick, clearly visible.

Fresh cabbage Kolobok is not very tasty, but during storage the situation is corrected

The head of cabbage is almost round, on the cut is pale green. The average weight is about 5 kg. Taste is excellent. Cracked this cabbage is extremely rare. Gingerbread man is stored until May of next year. It has immunity to the most dangerous diseases for culture - fusarium, mucous and vascular bacteriosis, all types of rot. In fresh form, this cabbage is almost never eaten - immediately after cutting it has a bitter taste that disappears during storage.

Wintering 1474

Soviet variety specially created for bookmark storage. Even in conditions far from optimal, this cabbage will last at least until mid-winter. If it is stored correctly, in January-February they just begin to eat it. During this time, the palatability is significantly improved, the heads of cabbage as if gaining juiciness. The state registry is recommended for cultivation in the Volga region and the Far East.

Zimovka cabbage variety 1474 was bred specifically for long-term storage

The socket is not particularly powerful, slightly raised. The leaves are ovoid, large, painted in a grayish-green color, covered with a thick layer of wax coating. The surface of the leaf plate is moderately wrinkled, the edges are noticeably corrugated.

The average weight of a head is 2-3.6 kg. They are a bit flattened, with a rather long stump. The percentage of non-commodity products is not more than 2-8%. Cabbage does not crack, does not suffer from necrosis during storage.


An old variety proven by more than one generation of gardeners, bred in Holland. The growing season is 150-165 days. It is appreciated for its excellent taste, which only improves during storage, resistance to most common diseases of cabbage (especially bacteriosis), durability and the ability to tolerate transportation well. The purpose is universal. This cabbage is good both in fresh form and in homemade preparations.

Languedaker - a cabbage variety grown not only in the homeland, but throughout the world

Dark green, dense, wide-oval heads of cabbage do not crack. This also applies to those that are fully ripe, but not yet harvested. The average weight of cabbage is 3.5-5 kg. 9-10 kg are removed from 1 m². Languedaker well tolerates prolonged drought and heat, is able to "forgive" the gardener for improper watering.


German variety from the late category. Harvested after 165-175 days after mass seedlings. Heads of cabbage are stored for at least 6-8 months, do not crack in the process, and extremely rarely become infected with pathogenic fungi. Plants are rarely sick in the open ground, demonstrating the presence of "innate" immunity to phomosis, keel, fusarium wilt and all types of bacteriosis. Compared to other varieties, the variety is drought tolerant.

Cabbage Turkiz appreciated for its good drought tolerance

Heads of medium size (2-3 kg), regular round, dark green. The total yield is 8-10 kg / m². The taste is very good, sweetish, juicy cabbage. Sauer is very good.

Kharkov winter

The variety, as you can easily understand, comes from Ukraine. He entered the State Register in 1976. The purpose of the cabbage is universal - it is good fresh, in home-made preparations, and is also suitable for laying for storage (it stays up to 6-8 months). Ripens in 160-180 days.

Kharkov winter cabbage during storage is not infected with bacteriosis

The rosette is slightly elevated, spreading (diameter 80-100 cm), the leaves are elliptical, almost smooth, only along the edge there is a light wave. A thick layer of wax coating is characteristic. Heads flattened, weighing 3.5-4.2 kg. Taste is excellent, the reject rate is low (no more than 9%).

The variety tolerates well both low and high temperatures (from -1-2ºС to 35-40ºС), it is characterized by drought tolerance. During storage, heads of cabbage are not infected with necrosis and mucous bacteriosis. From 1 m² 10-11 kg are obtained. Ripe cabbage can not be cut until the first frost - it does not crack and does not deteriorate.

Mom F1

A hybrid cultivated by the State Register in the Volga region. Heads of cabbage are not particularly dense, but are well stored for up to six months. The growing season is 150-160 days.

Cabbage Mama F1 does not differ in the density of heads of cabbage, but this does not affect

The socket is slightly raised. The leaves are medium-sized, grayish-green, covered with a light layer of wax coating. The surface is almost smooth, slightly bubbled, the edges are even. Heads are slightly flattened, on the cut pale green, aligned (average weight - 2.5-2.7 kg). The reject rate is low - up to 9%.

Valentine F1

The hybrid was bred relatively recently, quickly won the love of Russian gardeners. The growing season is 140-180 days. Resistant to fusarium wilt. There are few heads of non-commercial looking, not more than 10%. Shelf life - 7 months or more.

Cabbage Valentine F1 - a relatively recent achievement of breeders, but gardeners quickly appreciated it

The outlet is quite powerful, but the leaves are medium-sized, grayish-green. The surface is almost smooth, covered with a thick layer of bluish wax coating.

Heads of medium size weigh 3.2-3.8 kg, ovate, white-green on the cut. Very high density and a small stump are characteristic. The taste is just wonderful, cabbage is crispy, sugar. Great choice for fermentation.

Sugar head

The variety is recommended by the State Register for cultivation in Western Siberia; it is distinguished by its universality of use. Shelf life - at least 8 months. The growing season is 160-165 days.

The socket is raised, powerful. The leaves are large, dark green with a grayish tint, the wax coating is not too noticeable. The surface is almost flat, characterized only by slight “bubbling” and corrugation along the edge.

Sugarloaf cabbage does not even have a slight aftertaste of bitterness

Heads are spherical, white-green on a cut. The stump is very short. The average weight is 2.2-2.8 kg. They do not differ in special density, but this does not affect the stubbornness in any way. The percentage of marketable products is 93%. The variety is valued not only for its excellent taste and complete absence of bitterness. Among its undoubted advantages - resistance to keel, fusarium wilt and bacteriosis.

Orion F1

The state registry recommends growing this hybrid in the North Caucasus. It takes 165-170 days to ripen the heads.

The outlet is vertical, low (35-40 cm), rather compact (68-70 cm in diameter). Leaves are almost round, with very short petioles. The stem is 18-20 cm high. Heads are elongated, very dense, weigh about 2.3 kg. On a slice, the cabbage is creamy white. Taste is not bad, as well as keeping quality. Until May next year, 78-80% of heads of cabbage remain.

Cabbage Orion F1 is a medium-sized, but very dense cabbage

The hybrid successfully resists bacteriosis, somewhat worse - to fusarium. The crop is stable, no matter how lucky the gardener is with the weather in summer. Heads of cabbage practically do not crack, ripen together.

Lennox F1

The hybrid is from Holland. Restrictions on the region of cultivation by the State Register are not established. Cabbage is good and fresh, and after prolonged storage. Heads of ripen in 167-174 days. Shelf life - up to 8 months. This cabbage thanks to a powerful root system tolerates drought well.

Lennox F1 cabbage is notable for its drought tolerance

The socket is quite compact. The leaves are large, ovoid, grayish-green with a lilac sheen, concave along the central vein. The surface is fine wrinkled, the edges are even. The presence of a thick wax coating is characteristic. Heads are spherical, weighing 1.6-2.4 kg, very dense. The total yield is 9-10 kg / m². Hybrid is appreciated for its sugar content, is characterized by a high content of vitamin C.

Video: Overview of Popular Late Cabbage Varieties

Cultivation recommendations

Late cabbage care is not much different from growing other varieties. The main nuances associated with the duration of the growing season. Heads of cabbage mature longer, they need more nutrients.

Landing procedure and preparation for it

Since the majority of late-ripe cabbage varieties take about five to six months from the moment seedlings emerge until the heads of seeds mature, in the temperate climate they are grown exclusively with seedlings. Directly in the soil, seeds in Russia can only be planted in southern regions with a subtropical climate.

Modern varieties and hybrids have good immunity, but in general cabbage is prone to damage by pathogenic fungi. To avoid this, the seeds undergo special training before planting. For disinfection, they are immersed in hot (45-50ºС) water for a quarter of an hour, then literally for a couple of minutes in cold water. Another option is etching in a fungicide of biological origin (Alirin-B, Maxim, Planriz, Ridomil-Gold) or in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate. To increase germination, use any biostimulants (potassium humate, Epin, Emistim-M, Zircon). The solution is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions, the seeds are immersed in it for 10-12 hours.

A solution of potassium permanganate - one of the most common disinfectants, soaking cabbage seeds in it - an effective prevention of fungal diseases

The optimal time for planting late cabbage on seedlings is the end of March or the beginning of April. Seedlings are transferred to the soil in the first half of May; the crop is harvested in October. In the southern regions, all these dates are postponed 12-15 days ago. These varieties and hybrids are not afraid of autumn frosts, negative temperatures do not affect the keeping quality.

Any cabbage tolerates transplantation and picking very poorly. Therefore, they plant it immediately in small peat pots. Soil - a mixture of humus, fertile soil and sand in approximately equal proportions. To prevent fungal diseases, add a little crushed chalk or wood ash. Before planting, the substrate is well moisturized. Seeds are buried by 1-2 cm, sprinkled with a thin layer of fine sand on top.

Cabbage planted in peat pots can be transferred to the bed without removing it from the tank

Until the shoots appear, the containers are kept in a dark warm place under a film or glass. As a rule, seeds germinate after 7-10 days. Seedlings need to provide daylight hours of 10-12 hours. The temperature in the first 5-7 days is lowered to 12-14 ° C, then raised to 16-18 ° C. The substrate is constantly maintained in a moderately wet state, but not poured (this is fraught with the development of a "black leg").

For the proper development of cabbage seedlings, a sufficiently low temperature is required

In the phase of the second real leaf, cabbage is fed with mineral nitrogen fertilizers (2-3 g per liter of water). A week later, it is watered with a solution of a complex means for seedlings (Rostock, Rastvorin, Kristalin, Kemira-Lux). About a week before transplanting into the ground, cabbage begins to be hardened, making it easier for it to adapt to new conditions. Ready for planting seedlings reaches a height of 17-20 cm and has 4-6 true leaves.

Do not hesitate in planting cabbage seedlings in the ground: the older the plant, the worse it takes root in a new place

Video: growing cabbage seedlings

The bed is prepared in advance, choosing an open place. Light penumbra is not suitable for culture. Due to the high humidity of the air and soil, any lowlands are excluded. Do not forget about crop rotation. Cabbage grows best after beets, herbs, Legumes and Solanaceae. Relatives from the Cruciferous family as precursors are undesirable.

For the cultivation of cabbage choose an open place well warmed by the sun

Soil cabbage needs light, but nutritious. It does not tolerate acidic and saline substrate categorically. When digging into the soil, humus or rotted compost, dolomite flour, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are necessarily introduced (can be replaced with sifted wood ash). In the spring, 10-15 days before planting, the bed is well loosened and mineral nitrogen fertilizers are added.

Humus - an effective tool to increase soil fertility

Wells before planting cabbage well shed. Be sure to adhere to the planting pattern (at least 60 cm between plants and 60-70 cm between rows), so that each head of cabbage has enough space for food. Seedlings are transferred to a permanent place with a pot. At the bottom of the hole put a little humus, a teaspoon of superphosphate and onion husks to deter pests. The cabbage is buried to the first pair of leaves, once again abundantly watered, mulched. Until it starts to grow, a canopy of white covering material is built over the bed. Or each seedling is separately covered with fir branches, paper caps.

Cabbage seedlings are planted in plentifully spilled water holes, almost in the "mud"

Late cabbage seeds are planted in open ground in late April or early May. The earth at a depth of 10 cm should warm up to a minimum of 10-12ºС. When planting, observe the scheme, 3-4 seeds are placed in each well. Sprinkle on top of them with peat crumb or humus (layer 2-3 cm thick).

Cabbage (both seeds and seedlings) is planted in the ground, providing plants with sufficient area for nutrition

Before seedlings appear, the bed is closed with plastic wrap. Then - tighten with covering material on the arcs. After a month, the shelter can be removed for a day, after another 1.5-2 weeks - completely removed. In the phase of the second real leaf, rejection is carried out, leaving one seedling in each well. “Unnecessary” are cut off with scissors or pinched near the ground.

Late cabbage seeds are planted in open ground only if the climate in the region allows

Water the seedlings sparingly. Ordinary water can be alternated with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. To protect against fungal diseases, cabbage is powdered with crushed chalk or colloidal sulfur. The soil in the garden is sprinkled with a mixture of ash, tobacco chips and ground pepper. This will help scare away many pests.

Further care

Late cabbage, like its other varieties, is regularly loosened, the garden is weeded. With loosening, you need to be very careful not to go deeper than 10 cm. About three weeks after planting, it is spudded to stimulate the development of a larger number of additional roots. The procedure is repeated after another 10-12 days and just before the leaves are closed in a continuous carpet. The shorter the stem, the more often you need to grow up the plants.

Ideally, the cabbage bed should be loosened after each watering - this contributes to aeration of the roots, does not allow moisture to stagnate in the soil

The main component of cabbage care is proper watering. She especially needs moisture during August, during the formation of heads of cabbage. Freshly planted seedlings are watered every 2-3 days, consuming 7-8 liters of water per 1 m². After 2-3 weeks, the intervals between procedures are doubled, and the norm is up to 13-15 l / m². Soil should be wet to a depth of at least 8 cm. Of course, the frequency of irrigation is highly dependent on the weather. In the heat, cabbage is watered daily or even twice a day, in the early morning and late evening. You can also spray the leaves and heads of cabbage.

Cabbage is a moisture-loving culture, this also applies to newly planted seedlings, and adult plants

Pouring water directly under the roots is undesirable. They are located near the cabbage very close to the surface of the soil, quickly exposed and dry out. It is better to water it with the help of grooves in the aisles. If there is a technical possibility, they will organize sprinkling (his cabbage is very fond of) and drip irrigation. These methods allow you to evenly wet the soil.

It is categorically impossible to alternate long periods of drought with rare, very plentiful watering. This is the main reason for cracking heads.

About a month before harvesting, watering is reduced to the required minimum. Cabbage in this case will become juicier, gain the sugar content inherent in the variety.

The vegetation period of late cabbage is long, therefore, it requires more fertilizing per season than early and medium ripening varieties. They begin to make fertilizers simultaneously with the first hilling. Any nitrogen-containing products are suitable - ammonium sulfate, urea, ammonium nitrate. They are embedded in the soil at the rate of 10-15 g / m² or diluted in 10 liters of water. After a month, the procedure is repeated.

Urea, like other nitrogen-containing fertilizers, stimulates cabbage to actively build green mass

Cabbage is very positive for any organic fertilizer. An excellent top dressing is an infusion of fresh cow manure, bird droppings, nettle greens, and dandelion leaves. They watered cabbage two to three times during the summer with an interval of a month. Before use, the infusion should be filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15 (if it is litter) or 1:10 when using any other raw material. Complex fertilizers are not worse - Multiflor, Blank sheet, Gaspadar, Agricola, Zdorov.

Nettle infusion - a very useful and completely natural fertilizer

Cabbage is required nitrogen, but only in the first half of the growing season. At the same time, the recommended dosage should be strictly observed. Its excess negatively affects the immunity of the plant, contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in the leaves.

As soon as a head of cabbage begins to form, they switch to potash and phosphorus fertilizers. Before harvesting, late cabbage is watered 1-2 times with a solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate (25-30 g per 10 l of water). Or you can sprinkle wood ash to the base of the stem every 1.5-2 weeks. An infusion is prepared from it (a half-liter can of 3 liters of boiling water).

Wood ash is a natural source of potassium and phosphorus, especially needed late cabbage during the ripening of heads of cabbage

Do not forget about foliar top dressing. Cabbage reacts especially negatively to deficiency in the soil of boron and molybdenum. During the season, it is sprayed 2-3 times with a solution of trace elements - 1-2 g of potassium permanganate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, boric acid, ammonium molybdenum acid per liter of water.

Video: care for late cabbage after planting in the ground

Harvested only after full maturity. Unripe heads of cabbage are stored much worse. Most varieties and hybrids tolerate small negative temperatures without prejudice to themselves, so it is better to wait with the harvest. Most often, late cabbage ripen in the first half of October, less often - at the end of September.

Experienced gardeners 2-3 weeks before harvesting are advised to chop the stem, cutting it by about a third, and slightly loosen the plant in the soil. Heads of cabbage will cease to be supplied with nutrients, increase in size and will definitely not crack.

Cabbage must be pulled out with roots. You can even store it right this way, "transplanting" into a box with wet peat or sand. But in this case, it takes up a lot of space.

Heads intended for long-term storage carefully inspect, discarding those on which even the slightest suspicious damage is noticeable. The stump is cut with a sharpened, clean knife, leaving at least 4-5 cm. Two or three cover sheets also do not need to be removed. All sections are processed, sprinkled with activated carbon powder, colloidal sulfur, cinnamon.

Cabbage intended for long-term storage is carefully selected

Cellar or cellar before laying cabbage must be disinfected, wiping all surfaces with slaked lime solution. Heads of cabbage in one layer are laid out on shelves covered with shavings, sawdust, straw, sand, scraps of newsprint so that they do not touch each other. To prevent the development of fungal diseases, it is recommended to dust them with crushed chalk or wood ash.

To save space, heads of cabbages are tied in pairs and hung on a wire or rope stretched under the ceiling. In this case, it is also desirable that they do not touch each other.

This unusual way of storing cabbage saves space in the cellar

Even the best varieties and hybrids of late cabbage will not lie for a long time, if you do not provide them with suitable conditions. Cabbage is stored in a dark place with good ventilation at a temperature of 2-4ºС and humidity of 65-75%.

Video: harvesting cabbage and storing it

Gardeners reviews

The stone head - late cabbage, stands in the bud before frosts without problems, if removed until frost - it is well stored in the cellar, it is dry for fermentation, the taste is pleasant, nothing superfluous, classic. I plant a Languedaker myself, both regular and red-headed. It doesn’t burst, it is dense, tasty, and it boils well.



I chose cabbage Kolobok. Unpretentious, small, very dense heads of cabbage, perfectly stored. And sauerkraut is good, and fresh. If marigolds are planted on the right and left, there will be no tracks. Both beautiful and useful.

Nikola 1


I really like the variety of cabbage Valentine. True, we have not tried to ferment it, but it is stored just fine - until March-April at least, while the taste and aroma do not spoil at all. In spring, when you cut the head of cabbage, it feels as if you just cut it down from a garden. Recently, I only planted it on my seedlings, the seeds of Langedeaker and Zimovka which have been untouched for a year.



From the late, we have long grown the variety Moscow Late-15. I like the fact that salting is a wonderful variety and the fact that it is easy to care for it. He is on a high leg, weeding and spudding is comfortable. But Moscow Late-9 is different: it is squat, covers the soil around itself, but it is highly resistant to the keel. For long-term storage, we will have a Valentine hybrid.



Amager - not very tasty cabbage, a very old variety. Kolobok will be better. My girlfriend respects Megaton F1 - and is stored for a long time, and you can ferment.



For a long lay I recommend Valentine's cabbage. Indeed, it lies well and for a long time. Well, for salting, I prefer Glory.



I usually lay Moscow Late and Sugar Loaf in the cellar. Heads of cabbage can grow large, from 6 kg. The head of cabbage is very dense, it is stored perfectly. Sugar Loaf is sweeter.



Kharkov winter is a good grade. It is stored for a long time;



I have cabbage. Aggressor lies until spring, this is a hybrid.

Natalya Alex


I’ve been planting Valentine’s cabbage for three years. It is stored well, heads of cabbage are average and suitable for pickling.

Forester's daughter


Harvesting late cabbage has to wait long enough, but it is more than paid for by the steadiness of the heads of cabbage. Caring for the crop has its own nuances, which you need to know in advance, but there is nothing complicated in growing late-ripening varieties and hybrids. Often the most difficult choice for a gardener becomes. After all, the land area is limited, and there are a lot of varieties of culture. And each has its own undeniable merits.


Watch the video: One Year Old Cabbage Stored in Crisper Home Grown Long Term Storage & Organic (October 2024).