Eggplant Diamond: variety description and nuances of care


Eggplants are massively grown by Russian gardeners relatively recently, but have already managed to fall in love with many, because these vegetables are both tasty and remarkably healthy. Breeders have bred a lot of varieties and hybrids, but not all enjoy sustainable popularity. Among the few exceptions are the Almaz eggplant, which has been tested by several generations of gardeners, which is highly appreciated for the ability to adapt and stably bear fruit in climatic and weather conditions that are not the most favorable for the culture, high productivity, and relative lack of whimsical care. The variety is also loved by those who grow fruits on an industrial scale, because Diamond is distinguished by transportability, good keeping quality and drought tolerance.

What looks like eggplant Diamond

Eggplant variety Almaz appeared in the Russian State Register in 1983. It was bred more than fifty years ago in Ukraine (Donetsk Experimental Station). It was recognized as suitable for cultivation throughout the state, with the only difference being that in regions with a more familiar climate for culture (the Black Sea region, the North Caucasus, the south of the Volga region) it can be planted without shelter, and in areas with less suitable conditions for eggplant ( Urals, Far East, Western Siberia) planting of plants in closed ground is recommended.

Eggplant variety Diamond in Russia can be grown wherever gardening is possible.

In terms of ripening, Diamond belongs to the category of mid-ripening varieties. The first fruits can be removed from the bushes in 109-149 days after the seeds germinate. Such a large time difference is determined by the climate in the growing regions.

The bushes at the Diamond eggplant are compact, they do not stretch more than 45-56 cm. Even in a greenhouse, the height of the plant is a maximum of 60 cm. The plant is slightly leafy, the leaf plates are not large. Shrubs are characterized by early active branching, respectively, at the same time more fruits are tied. By planting these eggplants, you can quite successfully save space on a personal plot. This question is invariably relevant for most gardeners, especially for those who are the owners of the notorious "six acres."

The fruits themselves are quite thin, in the shape of a cylinder. The diameter of a fully ripened eggplant reaches 3-6 cm, length - 14.5-17.5 cm. The variety is considered large-fruited. The calyx is devoid of spikes, so there is no risk of injury when harvesting. The skin is thin, glossy, purple-black. When the fruit overrides, it acquires a chocolate-brown tint. The pulp in overripe eggplants becomes cottony and almost tasteless, the seeds germinate and are bitter.

Eggplant Diamond looks very presentable

The weight of the fruit is 100-164 g, in all, you can count on 2.1-7.5 kg / m². The latter depends both on climate and weather, and on the landing conditions (the presence of shelter or its absence). The bushes give back the crop gradually, it lasts until the first frost.

The pulp is very dense, greenish-white with a beige underton, genetically without bitterness. The taste is wonderful, reviews about them are extremely positive. The seeds are small, there are very few. The density of the pulp and peel determines good keeping quality and transportability of the fruit. Under suitable conditions, they can be stored for 30-50 days. This variety is suitable not only for manual but also for mechanized cleaning.

The eggplant pulp is dense. Diamond has a positive effect on the shelf life and transportability of the fruit.

Diamond is a variety, not an eggplant hybrid. Accordingly, the seeds from the harvested fruits can be used for planting next year. But still it is worth remembering that if you practice this constantly, varietal traits are gradually “eroded”, productivity decreases, and taste qualities deteriorate. Therefore, once every 4-5 years, planting material will have to be updated.

Seeds from Almaz eggplant fruit grown personally can be planted next year

Resistance to disease in Diamond cannot be called absolute. Plants well resist such crop-dangerous diseases as phytoplasmosis (columnar) and mosaic virus. But they can greatly suffer from fusarium and late blight. The very first fruits are formed low, this is due to the size of the bush. Therefore, eggplants touch the ground, which creates an additional risk of infection. Also, this variety is very sensitive to deficiency in potassium soil, as a result of this, vertex rot often develops. Of the pests for the Diamond, the Colorado potato beetle is the most dangerous. Contrary to popular belief, he is not only interested in potatoes, he can eat any Solanaceae.

Eggplant Diamond is not least appreciated for the versatility of the destination. Fruits are suitable for home canning, any main dishes, salads and snacks. They are good as an independent side dish or its component to any meat dishes. Grilled eggplant is very tasty.

On the taste qualities of eggplants Diamond gardeners respond extremely positively

Harvest must be collected regularly. This stimulates the formation of new fruit ovaries. In addition, overripe eggplants quickly begin to rot. If the temperature drops to 12 ° C or less on the street for three days or more, all fruits are removed. With such indicators, their maturation stops.

Ripening eggplants Diamond must be removed regularly, otherwise the taste and quality of the fruits spoil sharply

Growing seedlings

Even the minimum maturity of Diamond eggplant is more than three months. Accordingly, gardeners living in regions where the climate differs from the optimal one for the crop for the worse (and this is most of the territory of Russia) prefer not to risk future crops by planting seedlings, not seeds, in the garden or in the greenhouse, but ready-made seedlings.

Be sure to preplant. This is a set of measures that improve seed germination, increase their resistance to adverse weather and climatic conditions, and improve plant immunity.

First of all, the quality of the seeds is evaluated. To do this, they are literally 8-10 minutes immersed in a 5% solution of ordinary table salt. Those that contain the embryo weigh more and remain at the bottom. Surfaced to the surface, you can safely throw it away.

Soaking in saline helps to immediately discard "substandard" eggplant seeds

Next, the seeds need to be “woken up” by activating biological processes. They are kept for several hours in cool water, preferably thawed, and then dipped in hot (45-50ºС). The time of such processing is no more than five minutes, otherwise the eggplant seeds simply cook.

Genetically determined immunity to fungal diseases. Diamond is not endowed. Therefore, disinfection is an obligatory stage of preparation. Most often, a bright raspberry potassium permanganate solution is used. Etching in a solution of any fungicide (Bactofit, Gamair, Agat-25K) has a similar effect. All these are preparations of biological origin, not dangerous to human health and nature. In potassium permanganate, seeds are kept for 6-8 hours, in fungicide - for only 15-20 minutes.

Potassium permanganate solution - one of the most common disinfectants

Disinfected seeds under a stream of cool water and wrap in wet gauze, cotton wool, linen napkin. You can moisten it with plain water or a biostimulant solution. In addition to store preparations (Emistim-M, Heteroauxin, Kornevin, sodium or potassium humate), there are many folk remedies with a similar effect. This, for example, aloe juice and potatoes, a solution of baking soda and honey, succinic acid tablets. The seeds are provided with heat (it is easiest to put a saucer with them on the battery) and kept there until they hatch, preventing the material from drying out. After such processing they are not washed, just dried to a friable state. And they are ready to land.

Germination of eggplant seeds before planting contributes to the faster emergence of seedlings from them

Soil and containers for planting Diamond seeds must be taken care of in advance. Eggplant reacts sharply negatively to picking, this is a serious "trauma" for the plant, which may not recover from it. It is better to immediately plant the seeds in separate cups of small diameter, peat or plastic. The first option is preferable in that it allows you not to injure the root system of the plant when transplanting into the garden.

Seedlings grown in peat pots are transferred to a permanent place without removing from the tank, that is, without damaging the root system

A special substrate for Solanaceae can be easily found on sale. For Diamond, this is quite a suitable option. But often gardeners prepare the soil for eggplant seedlings on their own, mixing fertile turf with about half the volume of humus and sand, adding a little chalk or activated charcoal crushed into powder to prevent fungal diseases. Any soil before use is disinfected with heat, frost, steam. The quickest way is to simply spill it with a thick purple solution of potassium permanganate.

For growing eggplant seedlings, Diamond Diamond is quite suitable store soil

The time of mid-season Diamond planting for seedlings depends on the cultivation region. In the south, seedlings in a bed without shelter can be moved already in the first decade of May, in a temperate climate - only at the beginning of summer. It takes 55-70 days to grow it. Accordingly, the landing should be planned for the end of February or the first half of March. When cultivated in a greenhouse, the dates are shifted 12-15 days ago.

Act as follows:

  1. Tanks are filled with prepared substrate. If the cups are not peaty, they must make several holes in them and fill up the drainage layer. The soil is moderately moistened and compacted.
  2. 2-3 seeds are planted in each cup without deepening. They are covered with the same soil or sand, creating a layer with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. Spray from above with water.
  3. Shoots do not appear quickly, at least 10-14 days. Containers with non-germinated seeds, closed with glass or polyethylene, are kept in a dark place, ensuring a constant temperature of 25-27ºС and heated from below. The soil is moistened little by little, as its top layer dries. The greenhouse is cleaned daily and the planting is ventilated for 10-15 minutes, getting rid of the condensation drops that accumulate under it.
  4. When the seeds hatch, the seedlings immediately bring to the light. For normal development, they need daylight hours of at least 10-12 hours. Naturally in Russia it is problematic to ensure this. It is necessary to illuminate the seedlings with the help of fluorescent, LED or special phytolamps. The temperature of the content is lowered to 20-22ºС during the day and 16-18ºС at night.
  5. Seedlings are watered every 2-3 days, alternating ordinary water with a weak solution of biofungicides (Planriz, Trichodermin). Fertilizers are applied twice - in the phase of the third real leaf and one and a half weeks before transplanting into the garden. Any store tool for seedlings is suitable.
  6. A couple of days before the first feeding, they get rid of the "extra" seedlings, leaving in each cup the highest and healthy-looking sprout. Unnecessary, so that its roots do not suffer, do not pull out from the soil, but cut the stem flush with the soil level.
  7. The hardening procedure is started after 40-50 days from the moment of seedling formation. This procedure will help plants adapt quickly to a new place. Eggplants take out a balcony or to the street and leave at a temperature of 12-15 ° C first literally for a couple of hours, then gradually increase the period to a whole night. Several days before planting, the pots can not be transferred to the room at all. The whole procedure takes 1.5-2.5 weeks. Some gardeners practice hardening by temperature difference - 12-14ºС during the day and 26-28ºС at night during the week.

Eggplant seeds sprout for a long time, so you have to be patient

The readiness of the Diamond eggplant seedlings for planting in a permanent place is determined by its dimensions. Seedlings should grow up to 18-25 cm in height and have at least 7-9 real leaves. The presence of buds and even open flowers is not an obstacle for planting.

Eggplant seedlings may even have time to bloom on the windowsill, this is not an obstacle to its landing in the ground

Video: eggplant seedlings from seeds to planting in the ground

Preparation of beds and transplanting seedlings into the ground

The future harvest of the Diamond eggplant largely depends on the choice of the right place for the garden and its preparation. Of course, he is able to put up with some deviations from ideal growing conditions, but there is a limit to everything.

Initially, eggplant is a southern culture. For abundant fruiting, he definitely needs warmth and sunlight. The beds for Diamond are broken in open areas, oriented along the north-south axis. Mandatory presence of wind protection. The wall of the house, a fence, or simply a “backstage” of tall plants, can completely cope with this, provided that the structure does not obscure the bed, it is at some distance from it.

Eggplant productivity is greatly influenced by whether the plants received enough heat and sunlight.

Like any fairly old eggplant variety, Diamond is considered a short daylight plant. If it lasts more than 12-14 hours, fruit ovaries in the beginning and middle of summer are formed much less than usual. By August, the length of the day naturally decreases, eggplant actively begins to be tied. But not the fact that they have time to ripen.

The planting pattern is the same, regardless of whether Diamond is cultivated in open or closed ground. Bushes in this variety of eggplant are low, compact. Therefore, row spacing of about 60 cm wide and an interval of 30-35 cm between adjacent wells are sufficient.

Diamond productivity is high; many nutrients are required for the formation and maturation of a large number of fruits. The soil on the bed with eggplant must certainly be fertile, but at the same time providing the possibility of normal aeration and preventing moisture from stagnating at the roots. Loam, sandy loam or forest sulfur is best suited. The quality of the soil can be brought closer to what you want by adding sand, sawdust to a heavy substrate, and powder clay and peat crumb to a light substrate.

In acidic soil, culture simply will not survive. The same applies to Eggplant Diamond, planted where groundwater rises to the surface for a meter or less. In the first case, the situation is corrected by introducing during the preparation of the substrate not only fertilizers, but also dolomite flour, crushed eggshell to a powder state. In the second - constructing beds at least 30 cm high.

Dolomite flour - a natural deoxidizer of the soil, subject to the dosage without any side effects

When choosing a site, you must pay attention to exactly which garden crops grew here before. Eggplant Diamond is very undesirable to plant after other Solanaceae. But the plants from the family Pumpkin, Cruciferous, Legume, as well as any other root crops and spicy herbs as predecessors and neighbors are quite suitable. Crop rotation is also very important. In one place, Diamond is planted no more than three years in a row. Then a minimum of the same length of break is needed.

Tomatoes, like other Solanaceae, are the most unfortunate predecessors for eggplant

When preparing the beds (this should be done at least 2-3 weeks before the planned planting of seedlings in the ground or in general in the fall), 1 m2 of humus or rotted compost, as well as potash (15-20 g) and phosphoric (35-40 d) mineral fertilizers. The latter also has a natural alternative - ordinary wood ash (0.5-liter jar).

The introduction of humus has a positive effect on soil fertility

For transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, choose a dry, dry day. The substrate by this moment should warm up to a minimum of 15ºС. Reliable enough national sign - flowering bird cherry.

The depth of the holes depends on the quality of the substrate. The lighter it is, the more plants are buried. Usually about 20 cm is enough. The soil should be watered abundantly about 5-10 minutes before planting, spending 2-3 liters of water so that a layer of dirt forms at the bottom of the hole. Diamond seedlings are planted in it. Saplings themselves, unless they are placed in peat pots, are also well shed with water - so it is much easier to remove them from the tanks, causing minimal damage to the earth coma. The stem in the process is buried 1-1.5 cm more than before.

When planting in the ground, eggplant seedlings are buried a little more than before

After the eggplant is planted, the soil on the bed is moistened once more, when the water is absorbed, the soil is mulched with straw, sawdust, and peat crumb. Then the watering is stopped until the seedlings take root in a new place and start growing. At the same time, it is protected from direct sunlight with the help of a covering material stretched over the bed on the arcs.

The covering material protects the eggplant from the cold, and from the heat, and from too much rain

In general, it is advisable to preserve this design, since the dimensions of the bush allow. At a temperature of less than 20ºС, the processes of pollination and fruit growth cease. Even its short-term reduction to negative values, Diamond, despite all its unpretentiousness, will not survive. He does not like this eggplant and extreme heat, falling at a temperature of 28-30ºС and more into a state similar to “hibernation” and sharply slowing down in development.

When planting Almaz eggplants in a greenhouse, they can adjoin exclusively to tomatoes, and the latter must be placed so that they do not obscure the undersized bushes. With the rest of the crops traditionally grown indoors (cucumbers, bell peppers), they have radically different requirements for the moisture level of the substrate and the air. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, but the diamond does not like the humid atmosphere, it quickly rots or is affected by other pathogenic fungi.

Eggplant greenhouses are also prepared in advance. If possible, the substrate is completely changed. If not, remove the top 10-12 cm, replacing it with fresh humus. Be sure to remove all plant debris.

A greenhouse, like a bed for planting eggplants, is prepared in advance

The excavated soil is disinfected by pouring with very hot water or a thick purple solution of potassium permanganate. The greenhouse itself also needs processing. All surfaces, especially glass, are washed with slaked lime solution. Inside, covering the doors and windows, they burn a small piece of sulfuric saber. In the spring, about 15-20 days before planting, the soil is loosened and phosphate and potassium fertilizers are applied in the indicated dosage.

Video: planting eggplant seedlings in a permanent place

Planting eggplant seeds in the ground

Planting Diamond eggplant seeds immediately in the garden or in the greenhouse is practiced relatively rarely. In general, this is possible exclusively in the southern regions. The procedure for preparing the soil in this case is no different from the one described above, the planting pattern also does not change. Mandatory and preplant seed treatment. The best time for the procedure is the first two decades of April. Harvest ripens 12-15 days later than when cultivating Diamond seedlings.

2-5 seeds are planted in each well. Then you will need to thin out the seedlings, as with growing seedlings. Before emergence, the bed is tightened with a black plastic film. After the seeds sprout, they are kept under cover material for the first month or two. To protect against fungal diseases, especially from the "black leg", the soil is sprinkled with wood ash or colloidal sulfur. The seedlings themselves are powdered with crushed chalk or activated charcoal.

The ripening period for the eggplant Diamond is quite long; planting seeds instead of seedlings will delay the harvest

Experienced gardeners are advised to plant Diamond mixed with radishes. Firstly, eggplants sprout for a long time, they can be elementarily lost in the garden. Secondly, radishes, closing with a continuous carpet, will protect young seedlings from weeds.

The nuances of caring for the crop

Eggplant care Diamond is not particularly difficult, nothing supernatural is needed from a gardener. But like all cultures, there are certain nuances of agricultural technology, which you need to familiarize yourself with in advance. In addition to maintaining the garden clean and its regular loosening, the gardener will need the right fertilizing and sufficient watering.

In particularly fruitful years, Diamond eggplants may need a garter or support. The root system of plants is quite fragile, as are the stems. Bushes often break under the weight of the fruit.

When cultivated in a greenhouse, it will be necessary to provide insects with access to it. Or do the pollination by hand. Without this, the fruits of the Diamond are not tied.

Regarding the need for the formation of bushes of eggplant Diamond, gardeners have different opinions. Most people think that compact plants need pinching, only if the weather is cool for a long time and it often rains.

A fairly long growing experience indicates that in the south of Russia, the Eggplant Almaz abundantly bears fruit without any bush formation. In regions with a temperate climate, the bush is turned into a standard bush, exposing the trunk to the first fork completely. This applies to both leaves and stepsons. Due to the stunted eggplant, they often touch the ground, this increases the risk of infection by pathogenic fungi.

Stepsons - lateral shoots that form in the sinuses of eggplant leaves

However, one should not be too diligent with pruning - in this variety ovaries form on the stepsons too. 2-3 stems are left on each bush, you can not let it branch intensively so that unnecessary shoots do not draw strength from the plant.

In order for the fruits to ripen faster and be larger, a maximum of five eggplants are simultaneously left on each plant. As soon as the required number of ovaries is formed, pinch the top of the bush. Flowers appearing at the top are regularly removed.

Eggplant Diamond tolerates drought not bad, but a plentiful harvest is possible only if it is provided with sufficient watering. In general, this is the most moisture-loving culture of all Solanaceae. Therefore, only the topsoil is allowed to dry, moistening the substrate every three days. If there is intense heat, plants generally need daily watering. The fact that the bush does not have enough moisture is clearly evidenced by the drooping leaves that lose their tone.

Watering eggplant from a watering can is not recommended, other methods are also excluded in which drops of water fall on the plant

Eggplant is watered so that drops of water do not fall on the plant. This can cause massive dropping of buds and fruit ovaries. And if they are planted in a greenhouse, the drops turn into a kind of lens, the plants get serious burns. Accordingly, immediately dousing of bushes from a watering can, hose and sprinkling is immediately excluded. The most suitable way is drip irrigation. After all, if you pour water directly under the base of the stem, the soil quickly erodes, the roots dry out in the open. When it is not possible to build such a system, water is poured into shallow longitudinal grooves or ring grooves with a diameter of 30-40 cm.

The drip irrigation system helps to "address" deliver water to the roots of eggplant

Each plant takes 2-3 liters of water (or 10-12 l / m²). It must be settled and heated to a temperature of at least 25 ° C. The soil needs to be wetted about 20-25 cm deep. The best for watering is in the early morning. It is especially important to provide plants with moisture during flowering and the formation of fruit ovaries. The ripening fruits also need it no less. For gardeners visiting their own plot only from time to time, it is advisable to loosen the soil and renew the layer of mulch after each watering. This helps retain moisture in the soil.

Mulching the bed with eggplant helps gardeners save time on watering and weeding

Interestingly, Diamond has a negative attitude to high air humidity. Accordingly, when cultivated in a greenhouse, you will have to follow this. A comfortable indicator for eggplant is 60-65%. Every time after watering, the windows are always open. If the water tank is in the greenhouse, it is covered with a lid.

The requirements for soil and air humidity in eggplants vary radically, you need to carefully monitor the last indicator in the greenhouse

Video: eggplant care in the open

Variety Diamond refers to mid-season. During the season of active vegetation, it is fed 3-4 times. For the first time this is done no earlier than two weeks after transplanting seedlings. She must have time to settle down in a new place and start to grow. Bushes actively growing green mass need nitrogen, but instead of carbamide, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate (10-15 g per 10 l) and so on, it is better to use complex fertilizers (Azofoska, Diammofoska, Nitrofoska). A natural alternative to such remedies is an infusion of fresh manure, chicken droppings, nettle or dandelion leaves.

Nettle infusion allows you to provide eggplant with nitrogen, without saturating the soil with this macrocell

The second and third feeding is carried out when the first flowers appear on the Diamond eggplant and approximately 15-18 days before the first fruits are picked. Biohumus-based preparations and any complex fertilizers for Solanaceae are used respectively. It is also useful to spray the bushes about once a month with a solution of boric acid (2-3 g / l) - the ovaries become stronger.

Eggplant Diamond can be fed with any fertilizer for Solanaceae

Ripening eggplants vitally need potassium. To maximize the fruiting period, wood ash is scattered across the bed. If there is little rainfall, plants water it with infusion. Of mineral fertilizers, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate, and kalimagnesia can be used.

Wood ash is a natural source of potassium needed for ripening eggplant and prolonging the fruiting period.

Video: the nuances of growing eggplant in a greenhouse

Of the diseases for eggplant, Diamond is the most dangerous fusarium and late blight. Their prevention should be given special attention when planting plants in a greenhouse. For many fungi, high humidity, heat and fresh air are very suitable for development.

Fusarium wilting often affects eggplant in the southern regions. It develops very quickly. Literally in 4-7 days, the leaves turn completely yellow and the plants wither, the stem becomes covered with a pinkish bloom, the bush dries and in most cases dies. Surviving specimens are far behind in growth, there are almost no fruits on them or they are very small. Fusarium can be distinguished from ordinary wilting due to moisture deficiency by making a section of the stem or petiole. In the first case, dark brown dots are clearly visible.

Fusarium wilt develops rapidly, thereby depriving the gardener of the chance to successfully deal with it

Fusarium can not be fought due to its transience. For prophylaxis, seeds must be treated with a fungicide solution before planting. The soil in the bed during cultivation is sprinkled with ash or crushed chalk, ordinary water for irrigation is alternated with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Folk remedy - a piece of copper wire wrapped around the base of the stem or buried in the hole when planting.

Phytophthora is a real scourge of any Solanaceae. Subtle lime spots appear on the leaves of the eggplant. Gradually, the tissues in these places turn black and dry, only a bright border remains. If the street is damp and cool, the wrong side of the sheet is tightened with a layer of whitish plaque resembling cotton. On the fruits appear black seals of irregular shape, the tissues under them rot.

Late blight is a disease characteristic of all Solanaceae, it can develop when growing eggplants, and during storage

For the prevention of late blight, the same measures are suitable as for fusarium. Additionally, it is possible to spray eggplants with infusion of onion or garlic gruel or shooter once every 1.5-2 weeks. A good effect is given by water-diluted kefir or whey with the addition of iodine. Next to the eggplant and in the aisles, leaf mustard, clover, marigolds are planted. To destroy the fungus, they use drugs Abiga-Peak, Ridomil-Gold, Bactofit, Tsineb.

Vertex rot is not a disease, but an eggplant reaction to potassium deficiency. Grade Diamond is very sensitive to this. Ripe greenish spots appear on unripened fruits. Gradually they increase in diameter and darken. If you feed, the condition of the plants quickly normalizes. After it, within 15-20 days, it is recommended to increase the watering rate for plants.

Top rot eggplant indicates that plants lack potassium

It is a mistake to assume that the Colorado potato beetle is dangerous exclusively for potatoes. This pest, which all gardeners must have seen, eats foliage of any Solanaceae. Therefore, for the prevention of primary importance is the observance of crop rotation. A good effect is given by traps - dug in containers between rows, filled with slices of chopped potatoes or peeling them. Bushes of eggplant are sprayed weekly with infusions of wood ash, soda ash, horsetail rhizomes. It repels the pest, planted in the aisles, calendula, garlic, bush beans. In case of a mass invasion of the pest, biologics (Bancol, Boverin, Colorado) or chemicals (Decis, Corado, Aktara) are used.

What a Colorado potato beetle looks like is known to absolutely all gardeners

Gardeners reviews

I plant eggplant Diamond every year. He is in my favorites. Always a great harvest. Delicious, thin peel. She was also planted by a handsome Black man, but he only took a place, so she did not see the fruits from him.



The most unpretentious and stable eggplant - Diamond, bears fruit in any weather. And better to experiment, there are many new varieties.



In shape, color and taste, the eggplant Diamond is pretty, and in yield worse than the King of the North, but no worse than all the other varieties. In height, all varieties grown by me were low, grew in open ground with agrospan in arcs. With fourteen bushes on my bed, about three buckets of eggplant are growing. I don’t know whether it’s a lot or a little, but we don’t need more.



That's how eggplants, Almaz variety, grew in me. I planted them in open ground in the first year of gardening. I did not know that this was not an easy task for the Moscow Region, and acted boldly. There were ten bushes, the seedlings were planted overgrown, and still not covered, the leaves were badly burned and regenerated for a long time. But the harvest was good. For our little family, it was quite enough to eat and to preserve.

Masha Petrova


This year I bought 4 varieties of eggplant: Diamond, Black Beauty, Swan and Japanese dwarf. This dwarf did not ascend a single one! The rest - with varying success. Most of all I liked this year Diamond. Despite the very difficult summer, I did not disappoint.



Diamond, of course, is an old proven variety of eggplant. But there are varieties and tastier!

Kat leo


Eggplant Diamond stands out among varietal variety.The variety is mid-season. From germination to harvesting takes 110-150 days. The plant is low - 45-55 cm. The color of the fruit is dark purple, the shape is cylindrical, the mass of the fruit is 100-165 g. It is good because there is no bitterness, universal use. Sowing seeds in March (2-3rd decade), planting seedlings in May (last decade). Harvest can be harvested from the end of July. Planting pattern 70 * 40 cm. Throughout the whole time protection from the Colorado potato beetle with special preparations is required.



Eggplant - the culture is quite whimsical, because it loves warmth. And to grow them, as well as tomatoes and peppers, you need seedlings. Therefore, for a long time I did not pay attention to the seeds of this culture. And only last spring, when they came to our place to sell seeds, under the general excitement, I took a bag of eggplant seeds Diamond. Planted only three seeds for seedlings, for the sake of interest. Plants from these seeds developed well, they did not require any special care. In May, I planted the grown eggplant bushes in a greenhouse. Then the fruits began to appear. In the fall I harvested. It should be noted the excellent taste of the fruit. The family council decided that next spring we will buy these seeds again. The plans to grow not three bushes, but much more.



I’m a beginner at the cottage, I have been practicing for three seasons, but I have already made some conclusions. For example, regarding eggplant. She grew seedlings herself, bought different seeds. And only Diamond has not let me down yet. Moreover, the seedlings grew successfully, and then the harvest was good. Therefore, I think this variety is not very moody. The seeds sat in the ground for a long time, I was already worried, sowed another batch, but then all came up. There was enough seedlings for us, relatives and friends. All provided. The harvest was good. Eggplant blossomed and fructified until the fall, only then cool days and nights arrived, and the last eggplant failed to grow. Tore them small. I am pleased with this grade. All the others went up badly, after landing at the dacha they were taken for a long time, were ill, and still died. Therefore, while I choose Diamond. Taste qualities suit me too. It froze for the winter, covered salads - excellent!



The Eggplant variety Diamond has many undoubted advantages, which ensured its steady popularity among Russian gardeners. This variety is most appreciated for the undemanding care and growing conditions. It is also worth noting the high productivity, versatility of destination, presentability and wonderful taste of the fruit. Of course, the lack of whims of this eggplant does not mean that it can be planted in the ground and simply forgotten. Landings will have to pay regular attention. There are certain nuances of care that you need to familiarize yourself with in advance.


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