4 ways to help you “revive” stale old seeds


Long-lying seeds can significantly lose their germination capacity. However, it is not so difficult to increase this indicator - there are several proven methods.

This technique can even be applied to seeds that have been lying for about 10 years. Temperature buildup or temperature shock is a method, the essence of which is the alternate treatment of seeds with water of contrasting temperature.

It is necessary to prepare two containers filled with water - in one of them there should be very hot water (in no case boiling water, 70-80 degrees is enough), in the other - cold.
Seeds are placed in a small cloth bag. It is best to use dense natural fabric, for example, linen or cotton, for its manufacture. For convenience, you can attach a long thick thread to the bag.

Next, in turn, you will need to lower the seeds into the water, starting with hot. In each glass, they should stay no more than 5-7 seconds. Having done this several times, they are dried and sown according to conventional technology.

This method is suitable for almost all seeds, with the exception of some demanding flower crops and planting material with violated storage rules. So, if they were stored in conditions of high humidity and with sharp fluctuations in temperature, they probably will not be able to “revive”.

Vodka seed treatment

Some seeds have a lower germination rate due to the presence of a large amount of essential oils in their shell. These are dill, parsley, carrots and some other crops. For their germination, it is recommended to use not ordinary soaking in water, but vodka treatment. This will not only help to open up a dense shell, but also additionally disinfect.

Instead of vodka, you can use any other liquid with a high alcohol content - for example, a pharmacy tincture of calendula or hawthorn. It is the alcohol component that affects the seeds.

For processing, they are placed in a tissue bag and lowered into a container with an alcohol solution. The duration of such germination is no more than 30 minutes, otherwise they are mothballed and will not be able to ascend.

After soaking in vodka, the planting material must be washed with clean water, dried and planted according to standard technology.

Processing in aloe juice

Aloe juice is a natural growth stimulant that was used to accelerate seed germination long before a wide range of chemicals for rapid growth appeared on the market.

Aloe juice is collected as follows:

  1. An adult (over 3 years old) stop watering the plant for 2 weeks.
  2. Cut large leaves from the bottom and put them in the refrigerator, wrapping them with thick paper or cloth.
  3. After a week, squeeze the juice and mix it with water in the same proportion.

It is not necessary to squeeze the juice - you can put the seeds directly into the pulp of aloe leaves.
Before processing, you will need to warm them up on a battery and rinse them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate - these procedures will help reduce the number of pathogens.

Next, the seeds are wrapped with a thin clean cloth and dipped in aloe juice for about a day. After subsequent drying, they are ready for planting.

Soaking in the stimulator “Bud”

There is a whole line of “Bud” products, which allow to increase germination and increase fruit production.

To prepare the seeds for planting, you will need to prepare a solution according to the instructions on the package of the drug (usually 1-2 grams of dry matter per liter of water are used). It is necessary to observe the precautionary rules: to dilute the product, separate, non-food, utensils must be used, the treatment is carried out with gloves.

Seeds are soaked in such a solution for several hours, then dried and sowed.

It is recommended to use the “Bud” for seeds of fruit trees, but there are also varieties of means for seedlings of vegetables and flowers.


Watch the video: When Nuts and Seeds Are Rancid (October 2024).