5 plant amulets that will decorate the garden and protect the inhabitants of the house


For a long time, our ancestors surrounded their courtyards and dwellings with certain trees, flowers and herbs. Plants not only fed the person and decorated the room, but also brought happiness, protected from negativity, guarded the house and maintained the health of its inhabitants.


In ancient times, it was believed that a viburnum bush should grow in every yard. At the same time, you can not plant other plants next to it or break flower beds. It was believed that if the tree is not offended and taken care of, it cleans the territory of the yard and house from any negative manifestations. According to legend, viburnum was a living charm and protected from dark forces, evil, unkind people, troubles, misfortunes and sorcerers with witches. She protected the inhabitants of the house from evil eye, damage, curses, love spells and other magical influences.

Kalina has many useful and medicinal properties and is not inferior in this many medicinal plants. If you stand next to this tree, it will fill a person with energy, patience, wisdom and protect him from frivolous actions.

For our ancestors, this plant was considered sacred and it was strictly forbidden to cut it down by customs.

The tree has a very clean and soft energy, it contributes to family well-being, prosperity and prosperity.

Kalina was considered a tree of love and a symbol of brides. At each wedding, her flowers adorned the bride's hairstyle. And the girls who wanted to get married as soon as possible, had to tie a red ribbon on the trunk of viburnum and read to him their desire.


The mountain ash tree is considered the guardian of the family hearth in the house, it heals, brings good luck, peace and prosperity. This plant is a powerful neutralizer of negative energy, strong resentment, anger and envy. Rabin also protects against evil influence, turmoil and directs energy in the right direction. Also, its berries reflect the evil eye, spoilage and drive away people with unclean thoughts.

Rowan tree was recommended to plant newlyweds. It contributed to the preservation of family union, health and conjugal love. They also made a mountain ash amulet for a child, which, with its powerful energy field, scared away all the negativity, and it gave women attractiveness and prolonged youth.

It is recommended to plant a tree by the window or porch, so dark energy cannot penetrate the home. Ripe clusters can be placed on the windowsill to reflect the evil eye, troubles and misfortunes. A person who deliberately broke or damaged a mountain ash is in for trouble.


Dill is considered a talisman in many countries. Its branches were hung over the front doors to protect the house from people with evil intentions; attached to the cradle to protect children.

This plant is considered an excellent amulet, its smell can not be tolerated by evil people and sorcerers. Dill is one of the best means of eliminating magical effects. It removes the spoilage and disease from the human body.


Peppermint has a positive effect on energy. She gives strength, vitality and perseverance to achieve prosperity.

Its aroma attracts wealth, strengthens material flows and, like a magnet, attracts favorable circumstances to life for earning and improving finances. To do this, it is recommended to wear mint leaves in a wallet.

This plant heals from various ailments, it also brings luck, strengthens creative inclinations, cleanses the house of negative energy and improves the quality of life.

Peppermint is a powerful sedative, as well as a guard against the representatives of other worlds.


Poppy is considered a symbol of youth, female charm, fertility and fertility. Previously, those who wanted to get pregnant were advised to carry fresh poppy buds with them. Therefore, women braided them in wreaths, and also hung poppy heads in the house to prevent evil forces from influencing procreation.

This plant was planted around the house so that it scared away people with evil intentions, witches and otherworldly evil. It was believed that the poppy can protect against witchcraft, sent even by a powerful magician, as well as attract wealth and love.


Watch the video: How to Decorate Your Home with Good Luck Symbols (October 2024).