Bubble Luteus: photo, description, cultivation


The popular unpretentious plants used in the modern decorative design of the garden plot include the ornamental vesicle of the Kalinifolia Luteus (Latin: Physocarpus opulifolius Luteus). It looks great when forming a hedge, since the various shades acquired by the leaves during the warm season create bizarre, beautiful compositions. This shrub cannot be found on the territory of old parks and squares, because it has been cultivated in Russia for only a few years. You can see it in modern private garden areas.

Description of the Luteus Bladderwort

In the vesicle, in appearance and structure, they resemble viburnum, which is why he acquired the prefix to his name. Depending on the plant variety, from 3 to 5 peaked peaks of foliage are observed, which at different times of the year take on a variety of colors. For the first time blossoming in the spring, the shade is orange, in the summer it is light green, and in the fall it turns into a bright red or copper.

The bubble grows up to 3 meters in height and also in width. Spreading and drooping branches form a domed crown.

The lush inflorescences of Luteus with many small blue-white or pinkish five-petalled buds, with many stamens, open in early summer, and after a month form the fruits of a tulip shape. From reddish, they gradually turn into brown, which contrasts with the background color of the bush.

The leaves and fruits will be brighter and richer, the more sun is available to the bush at the place of growth.

Bubble Luteus: planting and care

For splendor and beautiful flowering, the bush needs acidic and fertile soil with drainage.

Planting a Luteus shrub consists of the following:

  • on a site well-lit by the sun, dig holes 50 cm deep, at a distance of 100 cm from each other - for a hedge, 200 cm in a group composition;
  • peat or humus is placed on the bottom of the hole;
  • a seedling with a lump of soil is set into a recess and covered with a fertile layer of earth;
  • water abundantly, which will accelerate the process of rooting the bush.

Caring for the vesicle is optimally simple - regular moistening, loosening of the soil and the release of the root section from weeds.

In winter, in severe frosts, branches can freeze, but in spring you can just cut off the dead parts, the shrub itself will not be affected.

Dates and features of planting

The closed root system of the seedlings of seedlings allows the plant to take root at any time of the year, except winter. In late autumn, shoots with open, but not dry roots are planted. Early spring, before the appearance of buds in the shrub, is also suitable for the initial or repeated planting of perennials.

An area with partial shade or in the sun with good drainage will be an ideal place for photophilous Luteus.

Stagnant water and soil with limestone are the main reasons why the bush may not take root. All other conditions during planting are not particularly important for a frost-resistant and unpretentious plant. Diseases and pests are almost never found on the leaves and trunks of the vesicle, so it gets along well with any environment.

The landing features include the following:

  • dig holes and fill them with a fertile layer of turf, peat and sand, it is necessary 14 days before planting;
  • leave the root neck above the surface of the soil;
  • Do not use additional fertilizers;
  • add land to the pit after shrinkage of the soil and make sure that the soil remains moist;
  • mulch the area around the seedling with peat once a month.

Watering and feeding

Maintaining moisture in the earth is a key component in plant care, essential for lush flowering and rapid growth.

Water the vesicle should be watered once a week, and in hot summer twice 40 liters of water.

The plant does not need regular dressing, but their use positively affects the splendor of flowering and the brightness of foliage. One of the recipes for watering fertilizer is as follows. In 10 l of water, 0.5 l of mullein is stirred. Add 0.15 liters of urea and the same amount of ammonium nitrate.

Fertilizers with nitrogen also affect the density of foliage. Mineral supplements such as nitroammofoski are important in the fall to strengthen the root system for the winter.

Pruning bushes

Pruning is not scary, but even important for cystic fibrosis. In spring, it is necessary to remove frozen and dry branches. Do this before the leaves bloom. Shaping the bush is necessary for a beautiful and aesthetic appearance. Mowing is necessary for the plant, especially after flowering, in the middle of summer, when the active growth of branches begins. Fresh shoots cut no more than half the length.

The bush’s own shape is like a round fountain. To change the shape and make a wide cut, the branches are cut at a height of 0.5 m. Young shoots are removed, leaving 5-7 of the strongest. For intensive growth, shear to a height of one and a half meters.

Rules for transplantation

Usually, the decision to transplant the commonweed comes when it blooms a little, withers or you need to change the place of growth for a more suitable design of the flower arrangement in the garden. Then the mature bush is transferred to another place along with a lump of the former land, in early spring or late autumn. In order not to burden the rhizome system, healthy branches are cut off, leaving 30 cm from the stem, and dried ones are completely removed.

Further care for transplanted bushes occurs according to the usual rules for the maintenance of a young seedling. Fertilizers in this case can be a one-time watering by Kornevin immediately after moving and processing of the trimmed crown with Epin.

Propagation Features

Luteus breeding methods are the same as in most garden shrubs.

Cuttings and division are carried out in early spring or autumn in the following order:

  • lignified branches are cut and rooted in a mixture of peat and sand;
  • dissect the roots of the bush and quickly transplant, not allowing to dry;
  • abundantly water the planting site and cover with a film, periodically lifting and ventilating the stalk;
  • protect from frost by warming with covering material.

Layering is done during the period of growth and flowering. Having chosen a healthy branch, press it to the ground and fix it, removing the foliage in this place and sprinkling it with soil. Frequent watering and destruction of weeds around will create good conditions for rooting the branch. In the autumn, a young bush is planted in a new place.

To such a method of propagation of the vesicle, as planting seeds, plant breeders rarely resort. This is justified by the unpredictability of varieties and their varieties, as well as mixed shades of flowering buds.

Seed germination is quite high, so creative lovers can experiment with varieties.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: luteus vesicularis in landscape design

Today, lutheus bladderwort attracts landscape designers with the color scheme of leaves and the possibility of painless pruning to give unusual shapes to the bushes.

The plant is distinguished by such qualities:

  • picky about the soil;
  • frost resistant;
  • easily propagated;
  • changes the color of foliage during the warm period of growth;
  • the hedge is dense, fluffy.

A lover of modern methods of gardening a personal plot is able to grow the vesicular luteum Luteus, without using special care technologies and original fertilizers. Not afraid of curly pruning, the bush looks equally beautiful in an alpine hill and framed by a lawn or flower bed.

Different shades of foliage - from dark green to lemon yellow, reddish, will give the garden an unusual color picture that will change during the summer and please the eye.


Watch the video: Best Flowering Shrubs, Physocarpus Lady In Red Ninebark (October 2024).