Pyracantha: landing and care


Pyracantha is an ornamental shrub growing in the southern regions of Europe and Asia. He is appreciated in landscape design for decorative, abundant flowering. Forms hats of bright red, orange, or yellow fruits. In the suburbs cultivate frost-resistant varieties that can withstand temperatures up to -20 ° C.

They are used for hedges. Wide spreading crowns with spikes - excellent protection from uninvited guests. Pyracantha is grown singly or in groups. At home, in winter gardens, heat-loving varieties form cascading or single-barrel bonsai.

Description of the Pyracantha Shrub

The thorny shrub from the pink family looks like a cotoneaster. In temperate latitudes, it is compared with mountain ash, the bush forms the same clusters of fruits. Berries are more like small apples. Because of them, the spiraea culture was first ranked as a subspecies of the apple trees. Bitter but not poisonous berries are edible. In Cyprus, they make healing jams, tinctures. But more often birds feast on pyracantha, especially parrots love it.

Spreading or straight branches of the shrub are spiky, the length of rare stem spines reaches 25 mm. For them, in many countries of the world, the culture is called the "fire spike" or "fire spike." In warm climates, plants reach 6 meters tall. Cold-resistant varieties cultivated in Russia are much lower. The leaves of the pyracantha are small, leathery, elongated with a sharp or rounded tip, of a thick green color. Young greenery pubescent on top. Do not fall until late autumn. White caps of thyroid inflorescences attract bees and other insects. Keep decorative up to two weeks.

Species and varieties

In the temperate climate of Moscow Region, a pyracantha of two varieties survives: narrow-leaved and bright red. In suburban areas only cold-resistant varieties are cultivated. In winter gardens, apartments cultivate undersized varieties: small town and scarlet pyracantha. These species do not differ in winter hardiness, often freeze out.

Narrow-leaved Pyracantha

The homeland of the evergreen shrub is the southwestern regions of China. There he grows up to 4 meters tall. Narrow leaflets up to 5 cm long come with a jagged and oval tip. The pubescence is grayish, similar to plaque. Caps of inflorescences reach 8 cm in diameter. The berries are flattened, red or yellowish, dense, very bitter. Varieties of narrow-leaved pyracantha resistant to frost are presented in the table.

Grade nameBush height, mDescription of berries
Orange Glow2,5Rounded, bright orange color, up to 7 mm in diameter.
Golden Charmer3Flat, orange, up to 1 cm.

Bright Red Pyracantha

A sprawling bush with creeping branches native to the subtropical forests of Asia Minor. It reaches 2 meters high. Elliptical elongated leaves 4 cm long in the autumn period change color from saturated green to bright red. Inflorescences are white or with a creamy pink hue. The fruits are coral or red, edible.

Grade nameBush height, mDescription of berries
Red Column3Red, flattened, up to 6 mm in diameter.
Red Cash2Bright red, with a blunt tip, 4-6 cm in size.
Red Column Left

Care and cultivation of pyracants in the garden

Agricultural technology is simple, the shrub is unpretentious to the composition of the soil. It does not take much time to grow and care. For pyracants, semi-shaded open areas are chosen:

  • from a lack of light, the plant blooms worse;
  • under direct rays, the leaves become dry, brittle.

This is a drought-resistant culture, with a close occurrence of groundwater, it is withering, poorly developed.

Planting pyracantha in the open ground

Saplings tolerate minor cooling. Landing in open ground is carried out in early spring, immediately after thawing the land. The landing pit should be 2 times the size of the pot. The soil is enriched with humus 1: 1. Drainage is laid in heavy clay moist soils under an earthen ball of seedlings. The bush is sprinkled to the root of the neck, watered abundantly, compacting the earth around the roots. In the early years, branches need support. When the trunks are coarsened, the garter peg is removed.

Care of a piracantha in the garden

Watering is necessary in the first year of growth, so that the root system develops. Adult shrubs are drought tolerant. They are watered if the leaves begin to fade. Loosening is carried out in the budding phase. For abundant flowering and fruiting, fertilizing with phosphorus, potassium, calcium is added. Excess nitrogen will lead to abundant leaf formation, there will be less ovaries.

An adult pyracantha does not like transplanting; the bush is updated with pruning. Once forming, it is allowed to remove up to ¼ of the crown. Cut old shoots under the root without leaving a hemp. Forming "haircut" is done in the fall during the budding period. Sanitary is carried out in the early spring, the frozen shoots are removed. In winter, the root system of the bush is insulated with a dense layer of mulch, humus or other loose material.

Propagation of Pyracantha

In nature, the bush propagates by seeds; in temperate latitudes, cuttings are more often used. Seeds are not suitable for breeding hybrids; they are not able to inherit all species characters. A 20-centimeter stalk is cut from a two-year shoot in the upper third. It is kept in water until roots are formed, then transferred to the ground. The first year, the seedling is grown at home or in a greenhouse, the roots may not withstand freezing.

Layers are made from adult bushes for propagation: a young shoot is nailed to the ground. They are well insulated for the winter. After a year it is separated.

Diseases and Pests

Of the insects, only aphids nest on the pyracantha. It is usually carried by ants. Any insecticides are used against it.

Bacterial burns are not cured. When buying seedlings, you need to carefully examine the trunks. On wet soils, in rainy weather, fungal lesions are possible: scab, late blight, rust. Chemical or bacterial fungicides are used for processing in the form of solutions made according to the instructions. Soap is added to them for better adhesion. Spraying is carried out in the evening, so that there are no burns on the leaves.

Mr. Summer resident informs: the cultivation of pyracantha at home, using the bonsai technique

Growing a culture using the bonsai technique, take into account the peculiarity of the bush. Young shoots can:

  • bind, make braids out of them;
  • cut the bark and tie to each other to form a thick trunk;
  • adult shoots cut, pull in them young.

Shoots become plastic one hour after watering. Pyracantha give the most diverse form. A bush is able to "remember" its geometry. Pyracantha becomes the decoration of the conservatory, home, apartment and office.

At home, the plant needs to provide backlighting in the dark, regular ventilation. It is important to observe regular but moderate watering. Top dressing is applied no more than once a year by the method of sprinkling. Fertilizers are diluted according to the instructions, then double the volume of water. It is better to plant the bush immediately in a large container, he does not like transplanting.


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