Leek: Features of Growing


Leek is also called pearl onion. It is found in wild form in the Near East and in the Mediterranean region. As a vegetable crop has gained popularity since ancient times.

It was the unusual taste that made it so popular that at the moment it is ubiquitous.

Description of Leek

Leek grows over two seasons. In severe climatic conditions, it is grown as an annual. In the middle lane, wintering of an adult plant is possible with mulching or a lot of snow. Propagation by self-seeding is permissible in the south.

The height of compactly collected flat leaves can vary depending on the variety and reach from 40 cm to 1 meter. The roots are quite powerful and well developed. Leek has a small bulb of white elongated shape - it is called false. Its diameter is from 2 cm to a maximum of 8 cm, and its length is on average 12 cm (with good care up to 50 cm). Flows into a green stalk and leaves. The leaves themselves are linear-lanceolate, arranged fan-shaped.

In the second season, the onion gives a strong peduncle, which reaches two meters in height. The flowers are arranged in umbrella inflorescences; their shade is from pale pink to white. Reproduction occurs by seeds forming at the end of the arrow. Seeds appear in late summer - early fall. The safety of planting material is 2 years. Distinctive characteristics of the plant are cold resistance and exactingness to moisture.

Types and varieties of leeks

Ripening timeGradeDescription
Early-ripening varieties in which technical ripeness occurs on average for 140 days.ColumbusA ripening plant of Dutch selection. It has excellent taste. The height is 75 cm. The white section is about 20 cm in height and 6 cm in diameter and weighs 400 g. A distinctive feature of the variety is that you can not spud it so that a tasty white leg appears.
VestaHigh-yielding, tall - 1.5 m. If the onion is provided with the necessary conditions, then the height of its white part grows to 30 cm, and the mass becomes 350 g. The taste is sweet.
Elephant's trunkIt forms a fairly high leg, up to 30 cm, but only with regular hilling. Keeping quality is quite long. To taste sweetish.
GoliathA false onion can reach large sizes - about 6 cm in diameter, 30 cm in height and about 200 g, but only if the plant is properly looked after. Leaves are greenish gray.
KilimaHarvested. Weights of 150 g, length can be as much as 10 cm, or more, depending on conditions and care.
Average maturing species, 150-180 days.JolantEdible trunk 35 cm. Not prone to fungal infections. Differs in high productivity.
CasimirAt high heights, the bush is compact. High productivity. The tendency to disease, especially fungal, is low. The stem is about 20-30 cm, with a girth of a little more than 3 cm.
CamusThe leaves of this species are grayish due to plaque. The bush is quite compact, resistant to damage by diseases and pests. Bulb is weakly expressed. The height of the edible portion, as well as the diameter, is average.
TangoFrost-resistant and productive. The leaves are erect. The white part is not high, but rather thick.
BastionIt shows resistance to spotting. The bleached part of the stem is elongated - up to 30 cm and has a mass of about 220 g.
Later varieties - are distinguished by high keeping quality. Ripen on average in 180 days.ElephantThe variety is resistant to drought and frost. The edible white part reaches a mass of 200 g and has an island taste.
Quarantine25 cm in the white part has a diameter of 4 cm, the leaves are formed quite spreading and wide.
MercuryThe white part of the variety has a leg weighing 200 g, which has a slightly island flavor.
AsgeosWinter-hardy onions. The taste of the white part is semi-sharp. Its mass can reach 350 g.
BanditThe cold-resistant Dutch appearance has a slightly shortened but thick stem.

Methods for growing leeks

Growing and caring for leeks is a very exciting process. It is unpretentious and does not require much attention.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the region where the landing is planned. For example, in the south, the land warms up in the spring much faster, which allows the use of the seedling method.

But in a temperate climate and northern latitudes, this method will not work. The warm period begins much later, in addition, negative temperatures can return. Since planting leeks immediately in an open area does not work, you should do this through seedlings.

Dates of sowing and planting leek seedlings in the ground

The time for sowing must be chosen depending on the region, and on temperature and weather conditions in a particular year. In the southern regions, it should be held as soon as it has become warmer and there is no longer a threat of frost return.

For more northern regions, seedlings should be planted, this can be done in February and until mid-March.

The second point to consider is the lunar calendar. If you focus on the phases of the moon, then the most favorable period for planting will be the following dates:

  • 27-31 - January;
  • 1-3, 11-13, 16, 17, 23-25 ​​in - February;
  • 1, 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-29, 30 in March;
  • 7, 8, 11, 12, 21-26 - April;
  • 8-10, 17, 21-23 - May.

The technology of growing leek seedlings at home

First of all, you should choose the containers in which the seeds will be planted. Plastic pots are suitable, they should be quite deep, at least 12 cm, as a long root system grows in leeks.

If you do not want to dive, then it is better to choose special peat pots.

Next, you need to prepare an earthen mixture. Leek prefers light soil, heavy clay will not work. It can be bought in a specialized store or prepared independently by mixing 25% of peat and ordinary garden or garden land and 50% humus.

In order to prevent infection of seedlings with various pests, the soil must be decontaminated by spilling it with plenty of potassium permanganate solution or Fitosporin.

Next, process and prepare the seeds. The first is necessary for a higher percentage of germination and resistance to diseases and pests.

The main methods of disinfection:

  • acceleration of germination can be achieved by soaking for 24 hours in warm water;
  • You can also use Fitosporin for soaking;
  • if you want to reduce the time of seed standing in warm water, it is enough to use a thermos - 3-4 hours in +40 ° C water, rinse with cold water and dry.

If the containers are individual cups, it is better to close 3 seeds in them. This will make it possible to select the strongest plant afterwards. If a large container is used, then the seeds should be planted evenly, so that later it can also be conveniently thin out seedlings.

Snail Leek

In order not to dive onions when transplanting seedlings, you can use landing in a snail. To organize such a design, take a plastic substrate, a covering or conventional packaging film and an elastic band or thread.

Cut a snail from flexible plastic into a strip, 15 cm wide, 1 m long. Lay soil on it, gently pressing it. Then, on one of the edges of the long side, carefully place the seeds of leek through the same distance (about 1 cm, but not more than 2 cm). Wrap the film with a roll and fix it with an elastic band - the snail is ready. Place the bundle in a pan filled with water and tighten the top with a film. This will create a greenhouse effect and accelerate seed germination. The film will need to be removed as soon as they hatch.

Conditions for growing seedlings

From planting to seedlings takes 15-24 days. At this stage, it is important for them to create cool conditions. It is necessary to achieve temperature indicators at night at + 10 ... +12 ° C. In the afternoon at + 15 ... +17 ° C. Hold them like that for about 7-9 days. After moving to a warmer place (+ 13 ... +15 ° С - at night, + 18 ... +20 ° С - during the day). Under these conditions, keep seedlings up to planting in open ground. You can put shoots in the greenhouse.

Seedlings need daylight hours of at least 12 hours. You can put it on the windowsill. But, since in winter sunlight is not enough, it is advisable to additionally illuminate the crops with a phytolamp or LEDs.

Watering is often and plentiful. Due to the fact that the sprouts are very thin and delicate, watering must be done as carefully as possible so as not to erode the plant. If necessary, add soil. Do not allow the soil to dry. Otherwise, growth will slow down. When 30 days have passed from the first seedlings, it is very important to thin out the onions, maintaining a distance between adjacent seedlings of about 3-4 cm. A picking is undesirable; landing in spacious or single containers is recommended.

Another key point is the pruning of the plant to prevent the formation of greenery, which has a length of more than 10 cm. It is advisable to cut it 2 times a month.

You also need to feed twice. First, two weeks after emergence. And then a few days before the dive and transfer to the open ground. Kemir wagon is suitable for this. You can also make an infusion of bird droppings. To do this, take 0.5 kg and mix thoroughly in 10 liters of slightly warm water. Then make as watering under the plant.

It is possible to fertilize with a solution of 5 g of calcium chloride, 20 g of superphosphate and 10 g of urea, mixed in the same amount of water.

We recommend reading an article about how our author planted leek in his Tver region.

Planting leek seedlings in open ground

Leek can be planted in the soil when 4 real leaves are formed in it - this period under favorable growth conditions occurs on average for 55 days.

At this time, you need to prepare the land on the site. Dig it with the simultaneous application of fertilizer, given that acidic soils are poorly tolerated by this type of onion. At the slightest suspicion of an increased level of acidity, dolomite flour or lime must be added.

Leek is best planted after legumes, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage and green manure. Good neighbors such as strawberries, carrots, beets, and celery influence its development. It is not recommended to plant leek where other types of onions grew before that.

At the time of transplantation, pinch the root system by about a third or a quarter. This will contribute to the fastest rooting and the formation of quality greens.

For each plant, a conical-shaped hole is made with a depth of about 12 cm, leaving about 17 cm between them. Neighboring ridges dig at a distance of 35-45 cm. These are the parameters that will make it more comfortable to cultivate leek plantings in the future.

You can make deep grooves, and in them holes, planting seedlings there, not forgetting to sprinkle soil as they grow. It is good to sprinkle the grooves with a mixture of ash with humus (proportion 1:20).

Sowing leek seeds in open ground

In the month of April, you can start planting leek seeds directly into the ground. At this time, the soil warms up enough and there is no threat of freezing.

In open ground, the following rules must be observed:

  • the soil should have neutral acidity and not be clay;
  • the place should be sufficiently lit and humid.

Seeding sequence:

  • seed treatment;
  • thorough loosening of the soil;
  • fertilizer - 40 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt and the same amount of urea with 4 kg of compost - per 1 m2 soil;
  • the formation of a ridge or individual conical pits having a depth of about 10 cm

Winter sowing

You can bookmark the seed in the winter. The soil in this case needs to be prepared as soon as the crop is harvested. It is enough to dig it carefully with fertilizer. Then it’s important to choose the right seed placement time. You need to be completely sure that the first frost has come, and there will be no thaw anymore. After all, if the seeds have time to germinate, then it will simply destroy them. In order not to cut through the plants too intensely, it is advisable to plant 3 seeds per hole right away. Between them there must be at least 10 cm. Rows are made after 20 cm. For winter, it is necessary to cover the beds with peat - this is mulch. After the snow falls, it is raked on the furrows of the wheatgrass.

Leek Bed Care

Care is quite easy. But in order for the harvest to be rich, you still need to follow the following tips:

  • loosen the soil;
  • spud, which will make it possible to form a white part - otherwise the trunk will be green;
  • timely moisture;
  • to feed;
  • prevent or control pests.

Spud only when the stem reaches the thickness of the pencil. If you ignore this procedure, then the taste of the plant is deteriorating. After all, without this, the onion grows without a white part or it becomes smaller.

Watering is necessary once or twice a week, depending on the temperature and dryness of the soil. It is important not to allow strong drying of the soil and, conversely, stagnation of water. Excellent effect on onions top dressing chicken manure, superphosphate and potash fertilizers.

Diseases and pests of leeks

The most common leek diseases.

ProblemsRemedial measures
Tobacco thripsFor the purpose of prevention - to fight weeds, remove fallen leaves and plant waste from the soil, alternate crops, mulch and moisten the soil. Preparations - Actellik, Karate, Agravertin.
Leaf tree
Onion flyTreat with salt with water (1:50) once every 2 months. Spray with potassium permanganate - 5 g per 1 liter of water. Use wood ash and water (1:10) to treat plants and soil. Plant next to carrots and celery.
Powdery mildewFitosporin - with its solution, the green part is sprayed.

Mr. Summer resident informs: how to save leeks

Cleaning is always a matter of proper storage. This can be done by placing the onions in the refrigerator. It is necessary to leave only the white part - everything else should be cut off and thoroughly cleaned from the ground. Pack in small packets a small number of petioles. So the vegetable will remain fresh for 4-5 months. It is important to periodically inspect the onions to prevent fungus or drying out.

It can be placed in a cellar, on a balcony, in wet sand at a temperature of + 1 ... -1 ° C, at a humidity of 85%. The maximum decrease is up to -7 ° С.

Useful properties and contraindications of leeks

Leek includes a large number of vitamins and minerals, carotene and protein components. Positive properties include:

  • improvement of the gallbladder;
  • mild diuretic effect;
  • stimulation of appetite;
  • normalization of the liver;
  • recovery of the body, especially after diseases;
  • increased tone.

However, fresh this vegetable is not recommended for people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With accuracy, you need to eat it for those who have abnormalities in the work of the kidneys and bladder.


Watch the video: Wild Leeks, Spring Onions & Ramps-The Definitive Spring Vegetable-Snobs Dictionary-Vanity Fair (September 2024).