Onion set: planting and care


Onions are one of the most common crops for growing on personal plots. In order to get an excellent crop of this vegetable without hassle, it is better to choose onion sets. There are many varieties, so before you buy any of them, you need to decide what you want to get.

Some inexperienced gardeners do not know what the onion sets are. Sevocs are small onions obtained from small seeds called chernushka, as a rule, in the second year.

The best varieties of onion sets: description and features

SturonThis species is one of the best. Early ripe. The mass of the head is from 80 to 160 g. Germination and productivity are quite high. Resistant to various types of diseases. Perfectly kept.The taste is characterized by a pleasant taste with moderate spiciness.
Stuttgart RiesenGives an early harvest. Bulbs can be of different sizes. From a small mass of 50 g to large in 300 g. It gives a high yield and has good keeping quality.The disadvantage of this onion sets is the low degree of resistance to downy mildew or rot.
OrionHybrid of English selection. The variety is early ripe, round bulbs have an average weight of about 180 g.The view is fairly well kept. Very popular.
StardustOn ripening - mid-season. Germination is friendly. The vegetable heads are well kept.White color of the husk.
CenturionThis is a selection of Stuttgart Riesen. Bulbs are a little oblong. Can be stored up to 8 months. If the plant is provided with favorable conditions, germination can be 100%. Few susceptible to disease. Shooting low.The variety is suitable for obtaining turnips, but not greens. The taste is quite spicy.
ShallotIt is considered the most elite. The biochemical composition of the variety has a large number of vitamins and minerals.Differs in tenderness of taste, juiciness of fibers. Does not cause tears when the structure of the bulb is destroyed. It has the most harmonious taste.
Red baronPeninsular, fragrant and pleasant. Dark red.When growing, it requires careful maintenance - regular watering and weeding the soil.
ExcisibleThe maximum mass of the onion variety gains in 130 days. Weight up to 800 g. Shelf life - average, not more than 4 months.The taste of pulp is sweet.
KabaLate ripening. The head is round with a slight run down. The pulp is white, it can sometimes have a slight green tint. The outer husk is light brown or yellow.The variety is susceptible to diseases, including peronosporosis and attack of the onion fly.

Benefits of growing onions from sevka

Sevoc is often used as a garden crop because of its advantages:

  • growing season for six months;
  • when applying two-stage cultivation, it is possible to get a fairly good crop in all regions;
  • the plant has a sufficiently powerful root system, which allows it not to suffer damage from neighboring weeds.

Planting onion sets

Onion set is a plant that does not require intensive care. He is not capricious, only needs to create suitable conditions:

  • when landing, use the recommended scheme:
    • between two turnips should be 8-12 cm;
    • adjacent rows should be located at a distance of up to 20 cm;
    • deepen by 4 cm;
  • regularly weed the soil, removing weeds;
  • to accelerate germination, soak for ½ days in water with a temperature of about 40 ° C;
  • immediately before sticking the bulb into the ground, cut off the top of it.

Seat selection

Sowing must be carried out in the correct sequence and in compliance with certain actions:

  1. Seed disinfection should be carried out using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is important to periodically change the solution. There are other methods that we will discuss later in the article.
  2. It is worth choosing the earliest possible period for planting. A constant temperature of +15 ° C is excellent. You can also focus on thawing the earth - it should warm up to a depth of at least 5 cm.

It should be borne in mind that onion sets in the form of seeds during planting can withstand weak frosts, which makes it easier to care for them in the early stages. But bulbs can not tolerate frost, so they can be laid in the soil only when there is no threat of frost.

  1. In order to better see the landing, you can mix it with something light, such as sand or chalk.
  2. Before laying the seeds in the soil, it is necessary to shed the bed with hot water. The number of seeds per 1 m² is 10 g.

Selection and preparation of onion sets for planting

Before you begin to plant onion sets, it should be sorted out, removing damaged ones. Medium sized heads are best for planting. For greens - large.

For landing at the top, the tops must be carefully removed. Do not be afraid of a violation of the integrity and the fact that an infection will fall into the incision. After all, the seedling will be subsequently processed.

Onion treatment before planting with salt, potassium permanganate and ash

Most often, it is recommended to combine soaking both in growth stimulants and in agents that prevent decay, parasite attack or the formation of mushrooms.


  • Potassium permanganate. It is necessary to withstand the onions in a light pink solution for 2 hours, no more, to prevent damage to the roots. After rinsing them in running water. This method will eliminate the appearance of rot, fungi and mold.
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon per liter jar of water. The tubers are immersed in the solution for two hours. You can not rinse. Such soaking gives positive results from putrefactive processes and the formation of mold spores.
  • Copper sulfate - 1 teaspoon per ten-liter capacity of water. Bulbs are soaked in the composition for 5-8 minutes. Disinfection occurs, the risk of disease damage is reduced.
  • Ash also eliminates the risk of mold growth and reduces susceptibility to disease. It is combined with salt and potassium permanganate solution. The proportion is in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate with a volume of 3 liters. add 2 tbsp. l ash from wood and salt. The heads are soaked for 2 hours.

Processing onions before planting pests with birch tar

Tar from birch is a remedy that can suppress the defeat of a vegetable with an onion fly. It is enough to make a solution of 1 tbsp. l birch tar per liter capacity of water. Soak bulbs in it no more than 15 minutes. In addition, it is good to water under the root with such a liquid.

Dates of planting onion sets in open ground

Young onion heads need warm soil. The optimal time is at soil temperature + 12 ... +15 ° C. It is important that at a depth of a few centimeters the earth is not frozen.

Despite the fact that frosts can damage the bulb, pulling too far with a landing is also not worth it. After all, just planted, it will not tolerate dry, hot weather. Yes, and waking up insects can pretty much damage a young bulb.

In a temperate climate, cherry blossoms are oriented toward a period. In warmer regions, landing can begin in March.

Important - the return of frost can ruin the bulb.

If you do not want to wait long, you can simply make a higher ridge. This method has proven itself in the northern regions.

Raising the ground level a few centimeters from the main layer, you can increase the temperature of the soil by + 5 ... +8 ° C.

Planting technology for onion sets

If the onion seedling is planted to obtain a turnip, a distance of 10 cm should be left between the bulbs. Aisle - 20 cm.

To get greens, you can use a denser planting option. In this case, the bulbs are adjacent to each other. And you can plant them not as deep as in the first case.

If both turnip and greens are needed, use a chess variant of planting. Rows are performed more often. And the bulbs are planted in two neighboring furrows, shifting relative to each other and slightly denser than in the case when only a turnip is needed.


  1. Make grooves with a depth of about 5 cm.
  2. To process a bed with a solution of Fitosporin with a concentration of 1 teaspoon per 10 liters. or just salt the earth in the garden with small salt. You can pour wood ash for disinfection.
  3. After planting the onion sets. Deepen it so that part of the bulb sticks out about 1/3 above the surface of the earth.
  4. After that, fill the ground with about 2 cm above the bulb.

Outdoor onion seed care

Sevk care is very simple:

  1. Weeding will help make the soil more loose, this is what this vegetable likes. In this case, the earth will not turn into a crust and will not be taken by a solid lump.
  2. Get rid of any weed in time.
  3. If onion greens begin to turn yellow or whiten, add nitrogen-containing fertilizers, but only in May, after their application will provoke the growth of greens to the detriment of turnips.
  4. 2 weeks after the first top dressing, a potassium mixture can be added to enhance the effect.
  5. If there is no desire to use chemistry, biohumus, ash or infusion on nettles or other types of herbs are suitable.

Instead of nitrogenous fertilizers, you can use ammonia. To do this, just take two tablespoons of ammonia, dilute them in containers with ten liters of water. To properly make such top dressing, you must first moisten the bed with clean water and only then walk along the row with a solution of ammonia.

Mr. Summer resident advises: what to do so that the bow does not go in the arrow

To prevent the bow from throwing out the arrow in advance, use one of these options:

  1. Wintering in a heated room - this option can be checked only if the bulbs are stored in your home.
  2. In the case of purchased bulbs, you can also prevent premature throwing arrows. It is necessary to arrange a period of adaptation. Keep them near the heating device for 14-15 days, and then place them in a heated room.
  3. A warm bath with water at +40 ° C can help. In it you need to hold the bulbs for 8 hours. But most importantly, the water should be warm all the time. After that, it is necessary to dry the bulbs thoroughly and send them for storage to a place with room temperature.

Growing onions is not a troublesome task. It will turn out to harvest a good crop if you follow the recommendations presented in the article.


Watch the video: Planting Onion Sets: What to Watch Out For (October 2024).