All about planting and caring for lobelia


Lobelia, an annual plant, a representative of the bellflower family. It owes its name to Matthias de L'Obel, who courted the English Royal Botanic Garden. In its homeland - in South Africa it is known as a perennial. Prefers wet and rocky areas. The best places to plant include the temperate zone and subtropics. There are 300 species, some of which are considered medicinal. There are more than 10 popular ones.

Description and features of lobelia

The presence of delicate, vibrant flowers and lush bushes is characteristic. Different heights up to 10-70 cm. In Russia, without greenhouses they are grown, mainly in the middle lane. She pleases others with her long flowering throughout the summer. Lobelia forms lush rugs, giving a kind of charm to the garden, so it is used as a groundcover. Small beautiful flowers stand out clearly on the green foliage, and their appearance resembles a hat. Can be compared with a bell or forget-me-not.

Before frosts, plants are sometimes transplanted into containers and stored during the cold season. In winter, development is practically not observed, but repeated planting in the garden will give more magnificent flowering. The differences between the varieties - the height and shape of the bush, a variety of colors: white, blue, pink, purple, red and many others. There are inflorescences with two shades, where the second is usually located in the center and resembles a peephole.

Types and varieties of lobelia

Lobelia has all kinds of bellflower family: from herbaceous plants to trees. Among this variety you can find:

  • powerful representatives with many buds and large flowers;
  • miniature bushes with small inflorescences forming a ball.

Distinguish forms:

  • compact, 20 cm;
  • direct growing (resemble a column), 30;
  • climbing (branches fall in cascade), 30-50.

There is a wide variety of varieties, the name of which indicates the main shade of color.

Lobelia is beautiful

It is the most popular and most common perennial hybrid winter-hardy species. Sometimes grown as an annual. On its basis, a large number of varieties, differing in red shades, were bred:

  • ruby Compliment Deep Red;
  • hot pink Fan Deep Rose;
  • rich scarlet color, reddish hue of the Fan Scarlet plant itself;
  • same Russian Princess, smaller size.

Lobelia Gerardi

Pretty tall plant. It can reach 1.2 m. The lilac-purple flower resembles the appearance of a bell. The most famous variety is Vedrariensis.


Occasionally found in the garden. Blue-purple flowers that perfectly imitate water and resemble a waterfall. In the Middle Ages it was believed that with its help syphilis can be cured. This misconception found correspondence in the Latin name Lobelia siphilitica.


An annual and most used species in landscape design. A low bush of 10-15 cm, all covered with small flowers. There are several forms that differ in size and structure of the bush:

  • sprawling;
  • compact
  • dwarf;
  • erect;
  • ampelous.

Each of them has several varieties. The most popular: Half Moon, Riviera Lilac, Reggata Rose, Cascade Mixed.

Crystal Palace

An annual, compact, ornamental shrub. Through the blue flowers it is almost impossible to make out the leaves. Afraid of wind and drafts. Peat tablets are recommended for cultivation.


Early flowering variety (10-13 cm) with graceful flowers. Grown in partial shade or in sunny places.

Emperor Willy

A low plant with blue flowers. Used in decorating the garden and in group plantings. Prefers fertile soil. Thin stems form a strong branching. Pruning will allow you to get a second bloom in early autumn.

White lady

Small white buds (up to 2 cm) cover each stem and form a beautiful snow-white carpet. The care has no features.

Pearl thread

Flowers of the most diverse colors with all their appearance are similar to jewelry that was scattered on the ground. 10 cm high. Likes timely watering, sunlight. Pearl thread

Perennial varieties

The following types are distinguished.

Swallow's Nest

Blue-violet flowers are spike-shaped. A beautiful ornamental plant (up to 70 cm) can decorate the garden for a long time.

Red volcano

Leaves have bronze and orange hues. Inflorescences are fiery red. Durable, branched stems up to 80 cm do not require additional garter. Perfectly used in garden compositions. It is found near water bodies.

Crystal Palace

It is characterized by strongly branching thin stems forming a ball (about 23 cm). The flowers are dark blue (1.5 cm). Pinch to get a strong branch.


A hybrid that has been created from several species. It features long and hard shoots. Grow in pots, pots or hanging baskets. The most popular varieties:


Ampel spreading appearance. Pale green leaves. Cornflower flowers with a white dot in the middle. Demanding on soil and fertilizers. Drainage is added to the tank.


In the leaves on short legs flowers (up to 2 cm) of carmine red color and a speck inside are hidden. A compact ball (15 cm) is formed by strongly branching stems.


Its appearance resembles Erinus (40 cm). The difference is in large flowers and leaves.

The thinnest

Occurs occasionally. It can grow up to 30 cm. Large, most often pink flowers.


Long, falling down shoots are completely covered with small flowers, form a spherical bush. Prefers sunlight and moist soil, is not afraid of wind and cold. Can be transplanted during the flowering period. White or blue of various shades of color is characteristic.

Purple (Cardinal)

Coming from reservoirs of North America. The name comes from the shade of flowers. It grows well in aquariums, does not require special maintenance, which contributed to widespread distribution. Oval leaves are arranged in a spiral on a straight stem, their lower side becomes red-violet under intense light. Good conditions will ensure the appearance of a bright red flower on the surface of the water. Pinching the top will ensure the growth of lateral shoots, which looks very nice. Shrimp and fry love to eat leaves. Propagated by cuttings.

Dortman (water lobelia)

Refers to herbaceous plants. A rare relict look. It is listed in the Red Book. It grows near ponds or in shallow water, on silty, sandy or rocky-gravelly soils. Under water at the basal rosette are leaves. On a long straight stalk (60-80 cm) they are not. Blue flowers appear in the axils of the leaves or at the top of the plant, less often they are white-pinkish or purple. Dortman (water lobelia)

Lobelia Care

Successful cultivation and obtaining sufficient flowering requires compliance with a number of basic conditions:

  • the soil should be light, loose, but not fertile (sandy loamy or loamy soil is well suited);
  • good sunshine;
  • constant hydration;
  • the introduction of certain doses of necessary fertilizers;
  • pinch or cut seedlings;
  • crop adult plants.

Planting and care has its own differences depending on the place of planting: soil or special containers. Limited space requires increasing the frequency of fertilizer application; dry, hot weather means additional humidification. In warm regions, you can keep perennial lobelia on open ground. It is necessary to cover it with a special material in a large layer (at least 20 cm), so as not to allow frost to damage the roots. Air access should be provided, the possibility of outflow of melt water. Most often bred seedlings, like an annual.


The main ones are fungal and bacterial diseases. If the first signs appear, then the infected plants are isolated or destroyed, the remaining ones are treated with fungicides. All used equipment is disinfected. A lack of moisture is characterized by curling of the leaves, and an excess of white mold. Being attacked by pests. In the fight they use standard measures:

  • mechanical (restrict access using special traps, assembled manually);
  • chemical (treated with pesticides in accordance with the attached instructions).

Mr. Dachnik recommends: the use of lobelia in the landscape

These plants do not require simple maintenance, but the resulting beauty fully justifies all the efforts. To decorate garden plots, they are planted along paths, around a flower garden, near a reservoir, in flowerpots or on an alpine hill. Ampelic varieties grow in crates, pots, in special pots, completely hiding them. These containers adorn terraces and balconies.

Thanks to a diverse range of colors, the use of neighboring plants with contrasting shades, beautiful flowering compositions are created. Near the lobelia, flowers can grow that have similar soil requirements. It turns out a beautiful look and when combining different shades of this one plant. All these advantages allow you to organically fit into any landscape and style.

The aquarium species of purple lobelia beautifully decorates them and pleases them with their colors. The requirements presented by her: volume 40 l, soft or medium hardness of water, temperature + 18 ... +26 ° C, top dressing and bright lighting.


Watch the video: How to Take Care of Lobelia Plants (October 2024).