Onion baton: tips for planting and care


Onion-batun with a fleshy bitter feather, popularly referred to as a connecting rod, fistula or Tatar, has long been cultivated in Russia. The culture belongs to perennials of the onion family. Batun grows in open and protected ground, grows well with green mass for the first 4-6 years.

Nutrient, rich in volatile and trace elements leaves, used in cooking and medicine. The Chinese consider it an effective diaphoretic and painkiller. In Europe, batun is as popular as leek. In gardens, it is grown to attract pollinating insects; it is a honey plant with intensive expiration of nectar.

Description and benefits of onion

Onions with their ground part are similar to turnips, a pipe with a flower stalk also appears in the second year. Batun forms a bush during growth. The pseudobulbs are smooth, not formed, a dense bunch of roots comes out of each and up to 6 leaves at once. In a perennial culture, leaves and roots die every year, in spring new ones appear. During the season, the greens are cut 2-3 times. From the bush receive up to 10 kg during the summer. Productive productivity lasts up to 6 years. Propagation of a batun is double: by seed and division of the mother bush.

The use of batun in a high content of flavonoids, phytoncides, nutrients, vitamins, essential oils. Summer residents and farmers appreciate it for juicy greens with a peculiar taste unlike other green onions. The culture is unpretentious to heat, withstands frosts on soil up to -8 ° C. It hibernates well in the soil, easily tolerates transplanting.

Varieties of onion

Breeders are constantly engaged in the cultivation of technological productive varieties with different taste qualities of the pen. Many varieties are cultivated in Russia, information on the most popular of them, characterized by active growth, intensive yield of greenery, is listed in the table.

GradeDescription. Height (cm)Application
Early ripe bows
AprilA fleshy feather with a sweetish aftertaste. About 45.Used to make salads.
TendernessHardy, feathery juicy, with a pleasant sharp aftertaste. 35.Universal, present in many dishes, used independently.
Green clearingSalad, the feather has a harmonious taste, peninsular. Up to 75.It is used independently, it is good in dry and canned form.
PierroCold-resistant, feather soft, peninsular, sweetish. About 40.Included in the recipe for salads.
Mid-season bows
PicnicResistant to disease, feather is spicy, slightly sharp. fifty.Grown for cooking second courses.
Russian sizeThe leaves are wide, dense, juicy. Reaches 70.It is used for stuffing, creating spicy dishes.
Russian winterSalad, feather soft, with a small bitterness. Up to 30.Tasty fresh, comes as an addition to salads.
KebabThe feather is delicate, semi-sharp, soft, oily. Reaches 50.Suitable for first and second courses, toppings for pies, home preservation.
MayLate, feather soft, sharp with a slight bitterness. 40.Used to prepare spicy first and second courses, added to salads.

Hybrid salad varieties bred in Holland are also popular: Parade, Performer.

The main principles and methods of growing onion

The culture is grown by seeds as annual and perennial; instead of seedlings, pseudobulbs obtained by dividing the mother bush are used. Greens can be obtained in an open, protected ground, grown on a windowsill. Landing and care do not take much time.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in January-February, after 35 days, thin shoots are transplanted to the garden. In greenhouses sow onions in late autumn "before winter" or in early spring, when a few centimeters of soil warms up. Leaving consists in watering and regular top dressing, up to 3 times per season. Introduce complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.


For annual sowing, cold-resistant crops are chosen, seeds are planted in the soil in early spring. Seedlings thin out after two weeks of growth. If the plantings are thickened, the greens will begin to heat up, root rot may develop. Greens from the shoots are not cut in summer. One-year-old batun is harvested in autumn along with pseudobulbs, dug with a pitchfork. With this method of planting, it is possible to obtain a low yield with a soft, juicy feather.


Seeding is done in the same way as with annual cultivation, at the same time. In autumn, the stems are not dug up, but left to winter. For the next season, dig up the stems as necessary, this can be done at any time:

  • in early spring, when the leaves just hatch;
  • in summer, partially or immediately;
  • dig up what is left in the fall.


For long-term cultivation, the seeds are planted in the soil:

  • in early spring, if you want to get a feather in the first year of cultivation;
  • in the summer, from the beginning of June to the end of July;
  • in the fall, with the onset of frequent frosts before the ground freezes, "in the winter".

The first crop of leaves during spring sowing is removed a month before the onset of cold weather. Onions should be prepared for wintering - grow with a feather.

Mr. Summer resident advises: little tricks when growing onions

Despite the simplicity of caring for a green perennial, it is useful to follow several rules in agricultural technology:

  • the culture needs regular, but moderate watering, when water stagnates, oxygen does not enter the soil, the onion becomes sick, it begins to turn yellow;
  • three days before the cut, the garden bed is well shed, so that the leaves are elastic, they retain their shape well during transportation;
  • after growing onion-turnip or other bulbous plants, they are not recommended to plant a batun; nematodes, root rot spores, bacterial pathogens may be contained in the soil;
  • the best previous crops that do not have common diseases with onions are nightshade (tomatoes, potatoes), carrots;
  • during winter feathering, feathers are selected for transplantation in 2-3-year-old plants with a broad pipe - a false bulb, they have a powerful root system, they quickly adapt, and grow;
  • for the emergence of early sprouts, the snow above the landing site is mulched with humus, covered with a film - the greenhouse will warm up faster under the sun;
  • after each cut of the feather, the soil is enriched, as a source of nitrogen use persistent manure; phosphorus and potassium mineral fertilizers are added to it;
  • onion seed is sown on seedlings at the beginning of winter, so it will be possible to get green mass a month ahead of schedule.

Such techniques, subject to the basic principles of onion care, increase the yield of the rod to 1.5 times.


Watch the video: How to Grow Fig Cuttings from Unique Varieties (September 2024).