8 large varieties of honeysuckle


Honeysuckle is not only tasty, but also a very useful berry. We bring to your attention the best varieties with large fruits.

Bakcharsky giant

This variety is suitable for planting in different regions of Russia, as it tolerates frost and heat well. It does not differ in high productivity, but has very large fruits weighing up to 2.5 grams and up to 4 cm long, which have a pronounced aroma.

Harvest should be done very carefully, it is advisable to spread fabric or polyethylene under the bush, as ripe berries are very easy to crumble.

The Bakcharsky Giant grows up to 2 meters in height and has a beautifully shaped oval-shaped crown. It grows and develops better by regularly weeding nearby weeds.

Leningrad giant

The variety got its name due to the fact that it was bred by biologists from St. Petersburg. It is a tall bush up to 2.5 meters with a rounded crown. Resistant to many diseases and temperature extremes.

The fruits are very large weighing up to 4 grams and up to 3.5 cm long, the surface is quite uniform without obvious tuberosity. The main difference of the variety is that the berries grow in clusters and hold tightly on a branch, which greatly facilitates the harvesting process. The first fruits can be obtained no earlier than 3 years after planting. It is well pollinated when co-grown with varieties "Morena", "Malvina", "Blue Bird".

The berries of the Leningrad Giant are best suited for winter preparations, which will be an excellent way to prevent colds due to the high content of ascorbic acid in them.


The variety was bred in 2012, the bush reaches about 1.7 meters in height and has a rounded shape of branches woven into a crown. Gardeners love him because already in the year of planting in the second half of June, he begins to give the first fruits. Their value directly depends on the sun. With sufficient light and sunny weather, the berries grow up to 2.6 g. They have a sweet taste and astringent aroma.

Due to the dense wax coating, the berries tolerate transportation well and are stored for a long time.


This self-made variety was bred in 2010 in the Tomsk region. The bush is relatively low (up to 1.5 m) and sprawling. The adjacent varieties "Giant's Daughter" and "Enthusiasm" will increase its fertility.
The berries are sweet, large, weighing up to 2 grams and up to 4 cm long. On the branch, unripe fruits hold very tightly, but ripe ones are easily showered, so it is recommended to lay fabric or polyethylene under the bush during harvesting.

This variety is characterized by uneven ripening of berries, which depends on the climate.


This variety was developed by Pavlovsky biologists for the cold regions of Russia. It is ideal for growing in cold regions of our country.

The bush reaches 1.5 in height, and its bark has a crimson hue, so it is often used for landscaping garden plots.

Fruits practically have no aroma, sour taste with hints of bitterness. They do not crumble and have a thick peel.

The variety is not very productive and begins to bear fruit for 3 years of planting, but tolerates low temperatures and gives a crop even with a small amount of sunny days and heat. It is well pollinated during joint planting with the varieties "Nymph", "Arena", "Altair".


This honeysuckle variety was bred in the Urals by crossing Kamchatka and Altai species. Fruits late, not earlier than in the fourth year of planting, but the berries have a pronounced sweet taste. Bitter notes may appear due to insufficient watering in a dry summer.

The bush is sprawling and tall (up to 2 meters). The berries are shaped like elongated barrels with an uneven surface.

The yield is average, the berries are quite large: their weight varies about 1.8 grams. They easily crumble and require timely collection.

The bush is prone to attack by aphids, therefore, requires additional processing.

Giant's daughter

A high-yielding variety with large berries, whose weight reaches 2.5 grams and a length of 3.5 cm. A good result is given by pollination from the nearby planted varieties "Delight" or "Bakcharsky Giant."

The berries are very sweet, similar in shape to a tuberous pear. They hold fast to the branch and do not crumble during collection, which greatly simplifies the task for gardeners.

The bush of this variety is tall and sprawling, it does not require serious care, but loses the taste properties of the fruit with insufficient watering. It tolerates frosts, does not require top dressing. Harvest starts 3 years after planting.

Long honeysuckle

This variety is bred for the Ural climate. It is relatively low, but sprawling. The bark has a purple color, which allows the use of honeysuckle to decorate the site and create landscape compositions.

It blooms in late May, and already in early July and late June you can harvest the first crop. The berries are long, up to 2.7 cm. Their weight can reach 2 g. To taste, the fruits are fragrant, juicy and sweet without the bitterness inherent in some varieties. They ripen evenly and practically do not crumble.


Watch the video: 3 Amazing PASTA SALAD Recipes YOU NEED for SPRING. HONEYSUCKLE (October 2024).