Varieties of ficus with photos and names


Ficus is an evergreen plant native to the tropics. A representative of the Mulberry family is grown as an indoor flower around the world. Such a widespread ficus was due to its unpretentiousness and decorativeness.

Ficus: genus description

Most species are epiphytes forming aerial roots, which, descending into the soil, give rise to a new plant. The shape of the leaf plate is very diverse: with serrated edges, oval, cordate, xiphoid or with a pointed end. Ficuses contain a special white juice - milky, used in medicine, but if it comes into contact with the skin, certain types of excretion can cause irritation. Inflorescences are also different, they group or grow separately, representing a dense ball, in the upper part of which there is a hole. Small flowers appear inside the sphere. At home, ficuses bloom extremely rarely, since insects are necessary for pollination. The fruits are like small nuts with pulp and lots of seeds.

Ficus Classification

To date, breeders have bred a large number of different varieties with characteristic features. They are usually divided into three groups, each of which has its own distinctive features, care requirements and external parameters:

  • tree-like
  • ampelous
  • shrubby.


Most often these are large branched plants reaching a height of 2-5 m. The main feature is the stiffened stalk that reliably holds the shoots. The shape of the leaves of the species is different: there are representatives with small ovate plates or with long glossy, coated with vegetable wax.

This type is actively grown by indoor flower lovers due to its unpretentiousness and rapid growth.


The most decorative type, which includes dwarf and compact varieties with long hanging shoots. The leaves are rounded, dark green, often grow opposite. Instances are shade-loving, can be grown even in an open area.

The stems are represented by lianoid sprouts that do not need additional supports. Propagated by layering and kidneys. Cuttings of this type take root relatively quickly and form a new root system in a matter of days.


In the natural environment, individual representatives of this type are able to reach 60-70 m in height, however, small varieties have been developed for keeping indoors that are convenient to care for. The stems are dense, often woody, contain white juice, which when irritated by the mucous membranes can cause irritation.

Oval leaves with a pointed tip, saturated green color. It rarely blooms, small round buds that do not represent decorative value appear on the shoots. Shrub specimens need bright diffused light and regular watering.

Photo gallery of the most popular ficuses with names:

The most popular ficuses

For breeding at home, breeders have developed special species and varieties that are very popular among gardeners, thanks to lush foliage, numerous shoots and rapid growth.


Branched ficus-succulent with numerous branching plastic shoots in the upper part, which must be regularly trimmed. The stalk is thick, woody, grows up to 50 cm tall, with a diameter of about 10-15 cm.

The leaves are small, greenish. It tolerates a variety of work, including transplanting and cuttings. Unpretentious, resistant to pests and infectious diseases. Does not bloom.

Read more here.


A popular species that includes a variety of varieties: dwarf and tall. The shape of the leaf plate is different: there are representatives with an ovoid, xiphoid or resembling a maple leaf with rounded edges, there are curly ones.

The stem is cylindrical green-brown in color. The fruits are small, looking like slightly elongated nuts. The main requirements for care are direct access to sunlight and maintaining the temperature regime within +18 ... +23 ° С, abundant regular watering and spraying, especially in hot weather.

More about Benjamin Ficus is written here.

Rubber bearing

Large with large glossy elongated leaves of dark green color, which are covered with vegetable wax. Ficus grows abundantly and quickly, the root system is stable, takes up a lot of space, so this species requires deep containers and regular transplants so that the plant is not crowded.

Sheet plates should be regularly sprayed and dusted with a damp sponge or cloth. The name of the species was due to the consistency of the juice contained in the stems, used in antiquity for the production of rubber.

Read a lot about rubber ficus care here.


At home, grows by 50-60 cm, in nature it can reach more than 20 m. The leaves have an unusual shape: elongated, with a pointed tip (acutifoliate), variegated or one-color light green in color. The stalk is straight, stiff, in the upper part it abundantly branches and lets out numerous shoots used for reproduction.

It requires maintaining room temperature and ambient light, is shade-tolerant, with frequent drafts it gets sick and can die. It tolerates pruning and needs regular feeding.


A characteristic feature is the numerous airy shoots that descend from the crown of the plant and take root in the soil, which greatly complicates the cultivation at home. The height of the ficus in the apartment is 3-5 m, while the diameter is several times larger. The leaf plates are wide, pointed, dark green with prominent whitish veins.

The trunk is numb, thick. The plant requires a large pot and regular pruning. Representatives are unpretentious in leaving and perfectly develop both in the shaded, and in well-lit places.

Also read a great article on Bengal ficus.

Dubolistny (mountain)

A wicker ficus with unusual leaves, rough and similar to oak.

The shoots are branched, brownish-green.


A unique plant with an unusual appearance: a thick large trunk and a small crown with many small leaves (small-leaved). The root system is represented by both above-ground and underground branches, while the first is stiff and has the same whitish color as the stem.

Ficus does not tolerate direct sunlight and can change foliage when changing locations. However, the species is not demanding in care, tolerates low temperatures well and actively develops even in winter.


Shrub with creeping lianoid shoots on which dark green rough leaves with pointed ends grow, reaching about 8 cm in length. It has small fruits, as they mature, changing color from yellowish to bright red.

An excellent decorative representative, which is suitable for growing in any light. It is used for landscaping, although it is considered a weed in its homeland. Heat-loving, does not need special care.


Tall with a rounded crown. Thick elastic stalk, at the top of which grow large dense leafy plates of light color. It is important to choose the right location, since the plant does not tolerate drafts, temperature extremes and direct sunlight, so the pot should not be placed on the windowsill or next to the batteries.

Dry hot air negatively affects the condition of the flower. The rest of the ficus is unpretentious and quite resistant to various diseases.


A valuable specimen for gardeners, since delicious sweet fruits - figs grow on it. A culture grown at home can survive up to 15-17 years with proper care. The plant regularly discards leaves, in the place of which new ones appear.

Ficus requires regular transplantation and circumcision to maintain vitality and vegetation activity. The stem is brown, stiff, with many branches. The leaves are large, greenish with prominent whitish veins.


Development is carried out in an unusual way: initially, air roots form on the bare stem, which descend into the soil, creating banyan trees (life forms with a separate trunk). The leaf plates are glossy, wax coated, dark green with a pointed end.

The fruits are poisonous, the juice of the plant causes irritation to the skin and mucous membranes. It does not tolerate hot air and sudden changes in temperature. In its homeland in Indonesia, this species is classified as a sacred plant.


It has drooping branches and unusually colorful oval leaves. The decorative look used to decorate the premises is quite unpretentious and can be grown in partial shade.

It grows and develops rapidly, forming many branches. In summer, it is also grown in open ground, does not require additional fertilizers, and is resistant to insect pests and fungal infections.


Lianoid branches reach large sizes, so a large space is required for active growth and vegetation. It is grown in a variety of locations, both indoors and in greenhouses or greenhouses.

It is not picky about soil composition and lighting, but does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. The leaves are dark green, ellipsoid with a pointed tip, plain. It does not need additional support; it is used for vertical gardening.


Unusual ficus with a unique interlaced form of a stiff stalk. At the top there is a large crown with numerous elongated green-beige slightly drooping leaves of medium size.

It is able to grow even in direct sunlight, so in the summer it is not recommended to additionally shade it without special need. Watering should be regular, but not frequent, since stagnation of water in the ground can lead to death.

Pumila White

Lianiform with numerous long branches. The leaves are medium, oval in shape with a pointed end, variegated colors. Sprouts are able to reach a width of about 5 cm, tolerate doom and transplant well.

It has many aerial roots used for reproduction. Actively growing and developing under any conditions. It does not need additional care; regular watering and moist air are required. It is recommended to feed the flower with mineral fertilizers.


It reaches a height of about 1-1.5 m and, with proper care, forms many branches. The stalk is woody, thin, gray-brown color. The main feature of the ficus is its unusual leaves: they are able to grow in a variety of forms, for example, on one plant are rounded, heart-shaped, oval and xiphoid.

Their color is dark green with a light brown tint. The fruits are small, ellipsoidal, similar to olives, but are not eaten, as they contain poisonous juice.

Large leaf

In the natural environment it can reach 60 m or more, at home grows by 3-5 m. The stem is cylindrical, dense, stiff, highly branching. Numerous shoots should be regularly trimmed so that the ficus becomes more magnificent and actively develops.

The leaves are wide, shiny, large, they are not called a large leaf, they are covered with a thick layer of vegetable wax, therefore they are resistant to insect pests and fungal infections. This species is considered one of the oldest on Earth.


Compact tree with a well-developed root system. Another name is Laurel tree. Leaves are medium in size with a characteristic odor. On the trunk there are many small channels, outwardly resembling red marks, through which air exchange with the environment takes place.

The branches are flexible, tolerate pruning well. Dry and hot air negatively affects the flower, so the ficus should be placed away from batteries and heaters. Regular spraying is required.


A plant native to Africa has become widespread as a flower for office space, due to its unpretentiousness. It is able to reach huge sizes, therefore, it needs regular pruning, otherwise it loses its decorative effect.

The trunk is thick, the leaves are large, wide, taper towards the end, rough. It does not tolerate direct sunlight and stagnation of water in the soil. Resistant to pests and infectious diseases. Actively develops in partial shade.


Medium in size with an unusual color of the leaf plate: at the base it has a dark orange hue that resembles rust, so the other name of the plant is Rusty leaf. It develops with the help of numerous aerial roots and layering. Young shoots are reddish. Good for breeding.

It is unpretentious in care, but grows poorly in rooms with high temperature and low humidity. Regular mineral supplements are needed.

Sacred Fig (Religiosis)

The stem is flexible, dense, stiff at the base. Leaves are heart-shaped with a pointed end. It has a unique property: when the atmospheric pressure changes, the flower begins to “cry”.

At the ends of the leaf plates, a discharge of juice appears dripping into the soil. Good diffused lighting and high humidity are required. In Buddhists, this ficus is considered sacred.

Also read an article about sacred ficus.


It got its name due to the unique triangular shape of the leaves, which have a dark green color. Shrub compact plant is used for landscaping apartments and office premises.

It develops comfortably both in partial shade and in well-lit places. It does not tolerate drafts and a sharp drop in temperature. At home, it practically does not bloom. The trunk is slightly curved, gray.


Lianiform with long branches, on which many small variegated leaves grow. It is able to reach large sizes, so the presence of support is necessary. The shoots are quite flexible, tolerate pruning perfectly.

Hardy, can grow at low temperatures, tolerates heat and dry air, but watering and spraying should be carried out regularly. It is recommended to feed organics every spring, but not often, otherwise the plant will begin to lose leaves.


Large tree-like, the main feature of which is a thick short stem and a lush crown. The leaves are elongated, light green, with pointed ends. It has a strong underground and aerial root system.

Needs direct bright lighting, additional sources such as phytolamps are needed in winter. It tolerates drafts poorly, the temperature should always remain room temperature. This decorative look is used to decorate apartments and greenhouses.


Compact plant with creeping shoots. The leaf plates are small, there are representatives with a motley and plain color. For active development, ficus needs a special soil mixture, the composition of which is as close as possible to the natural. In addition, the plant needs a certain temperature and humidity, which greatly complicates the cultivation of this species at home.

The plant is quite painful and, if improperly watered, becomes infected with root rot.However, taking into account all the subtleties of leaving, you can easily breed ampelous ficus in greenhouses and greenhouses.


Medium in size with standard leaves and stiff stems. It is necessary to provide diffused lighting and high humidity.

The soil should always be moist, but too frequent watering can damage the flower. He poorly transfers the change of location and transplantation to new soil.


In nature, it is a tree with small leaves. In a room culture grown on a support. Moderately photophilous. Heat-loving, content temperature + 17 ... +22 ° C.

He likes moderate watering and spraying with chilled boiling water. From the end of winter to summer, pruning is carried out with the rapid growth of shoots.


Watch the video: Best top 10 ficus varieties (October 2024).