Tomato Pink Honey: Care and Growing


Tomato Pink Honey is a popular variety that is recommended to be grown in central Russia and in Siberia. The variety is distinguished by the large size of the fruit, a pleasant sweet taste and unpretentiousness when grown. Summer residents and professional agricultural technicians prefer to plant a variety due to the high yield from one bush, beautiful views and taste of fruits.

Characteristics of the variety pink honey

The tomato is mid-ripening, the ripening time is from 110 to 115 days. Harvest can be harvested in early August, in the greenhouse 1-2 weeks earlier. The plant grows well both in open ground and in the greenhouse.

Additional grade description:

  • total yield up to 6 kg;
  • plant height 70-100 cm;
  • from 3 to 10 tomatoes are formed on one brush.

Fruit Characteristic:

  • weight 600-800 g. or 1.5 kg (at the beginning of ripening);
  • 4 or more chambers, heart-shaped with pronounced ribs;
  • thin outer layer;
  • fleshy flesh with small bones, not sour, juicy;
  • the hue of the skin and flesh is pinkish.

Advantages and disadvantages

Attractive presentation.Shortened shelf life.
Low frequency of watering.Low resistance to characteristic diseases of nightshade crops.
Pleasant taste.Problems when transporting long distances.
The fruits are large and weighty.
Seeds can be harvested for sowing.

The variety has its own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to cooking. Harvest is great for making various sauces, cooking dishes with stewed tomatoes. Pink honey is used to create salads, adjika, cold and hot soups. However, for long-term preservation, the fruits are not used. Too large sizes do not allow to place them whole in a jar, and thin skin easily bursts in saline.

Growing Features

The variety is suitable for growing both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Depending on the chosen planting method, the conditions for seed germination differ. If you plan to plant a crop in a greenhouse, seedlings are not required. Seeds are immediately placed in open ground. If the gardener lives in the northern regions, then to accelerate the ripening time, you will first need to grow seedlings.

Seedling method

It is practiced in the middle lane and Siberian conditions, but sometimes it is also used in the south. The growing algorithm is as follows:

  • Preparation of seeds and soil.
  • Sowing seedlings (in the southern regions in the middle or end of February, in the more northern - in early March).
  • Pick
  • Landing in the open ground.

Soil can be used from a bed. Be sure to add sand, superphosphate, ash to it. The soil mixture must be calcined in the oven to exclude the likelihood of developing fungi or bacterial lesions. Treat the seeds with potassium permanganate, then sow in one common container and pour plenty of water. When the resulting sprouts appear 2-3 true leaves, you need to pick - planting plants in separate pots. The optimal capacity is a peat pot.

About 60-65 days after emergence, the bushes should be transplanted into the open ground. The air temperature at night should not fall below +15 ° C. 2 weeks before transplanting, the bushes need to be hardened. Every day you need to take them to fresh air, gradually increasing the rate from 40 minutes to 12 hours.


It is used in southern regions or when grown in a greenhouse. No need to prepare seedlings, the seeds are immediately placed in open ground. But first, preparation is needed.

Seeds should be checked for quality. A salt solution is usually used. If the seeds come up, it means they will not germinate during planting. You can throw away such instances. The remaining seed must be treated with a fungicide or potassium permanganate solution. When the temperature of the earth reaches + 15 ° C, you can start sowing.

Soil also needs to be prepared. You can not plant a tomato where solanaceous (pepper or eggplant) used to grow. In this case, the likelihood of developing diseases increases. You can use the land from onions or zucchini, pumpkins, legumes. The soil should be fertilized. For 1 square. m. make 10 liters of humus, 50 g of ash, 1 tbsp. l potassium sulfate and the same amount of superphosphate.

Seeds should be placed in the ground at a distance of about 50 cm from each other. The distance between the rows should be kept in the region of 50-60 cm. In this case, future bushes will not interfere with the development of the root system of neighbors.

Tomato Care

Pink honey is unpretentious. To maintain the bush in good condition, it is enough to water, mulch the soil, remove weeds and periodically apply fertilizers. To ensure that the foliage receives enough sun, and the fruits do not crumple during growth, it is important to carry out the tying.


The volume of water needed for the plant varies depending on the stage of its development. Immediately after transplanting, 4 l must be added under each bush. Further, from the time of planting until flowering, plants are watered at the rate of 2 liters per instance twice a week. During pollination, the gardener needs to pour 5 l under the bush every 7 days. From the formation of the ovaries to the redness of the fruit, watering once every two weeks is enough. When the fruits begin to acquire color, you should switch to a 2-4 liter system every 7 days.

Add liquid under the root without touching the leaf plates. It should be at room temperature.

Top dressing

The easiest option is to use a universal mineral mixture. It must be applied 4 times, immediately after transplantation, during flowering, after the formation of ovaries and with reddening of the fruit. Separate formulations with potassium and phosphorus can be used. Contains phosphorus such a fertilizer as superphosphate. Enough 1 tbsp. l per square meter of land.

Fertilizer such as ash is good. Stove ash (200 g) should be left to infuse in a bucket of warm water and after 10-12 hours to bring under the bush.

Bush formation

To achieve maximum yield, the bush should be formed in such a way that it has 1-2 stems. If you plan to leave only one stem, all lateral shoots originating from the axils of the leaves must be removed. If the gardener decided to form a bush with two stems, it is necessary to pinch all the shoots, except for one coming from the first flower brush.

How to deal with diseases and pests

ProblemChemicalsFolk ways
Vertex rot
  • Brexil Sa;
  • Fitosporin.
  • Dilute 20 g of soda to 20 l of liquid and treat the stems and foliage.
  • Sprinkle the soil under the plant with ash.
Brown spotting
  • Bravo;
  • Ditan Neo Tech 75.
  • Every day, water the bush with a decoction of ash. For 1 liter of water, it is necessary to use 300 g of ash from the furnace. The liquid must be brought to a boil, cool before use.
  • Use a solution of manganese 1%.

The methods must be alternated using one of them every 7 days.

  • Lepidocide;
  • Inta Vir;
  • Decis Expert.
  • Spray onion infusion until symptoms disappear. Finely chop the onion quarter, add a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 12 hours. Then strain and place in a spray bottle.
  • Peel and finely chop 2 cloves of garlic. Put in 1 liter of boiling water. Leave on for 4 days. Before spraying, dilute in clean water in a ratio of 1: 5.
Gray rot
  • Abiga Peak;
  • Copper sulfate;
  • Home;
  • Oksikhom.
Dissolve 80 g of baking soda in 10 l of food water. Spray with a spray gun. If the signs reappear, complete the second procedure after 5-7 days.
Late blight
  • Ditan;
  • Gates;
  • Agate 24;
  • Quadris.
Grind fresh garlic (1 head) with a stalk using a meat grinder and pour hot water. After a day, dilute in 10 liters of clean water and use to spray the bush. The procedure is repeated every 14 days.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: tomato pink honey - anti-stress fruit

The dessert variety not only has attractive palatability, but also produces tyramine. This substance after assimilation by the body turns into serotonin, the hormone of happiness. With its deficiency, apathy, depression occurs, and endurance of a person decreases. Regular consumption of the tomato variety in question will help restore strength and emotional balance.

Fruits help with diseases of the internal organs. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart, improve the transmission of nerve signals, enhance bone marrow function, accelerating the regeneration of bones and cartilage.
