Strelitzia: home care


Strelitzia or Strelitzia (from Latin Strelitzia) is a genus of evergreen herbaceous plants. It belongs to the Strelitzia family. Homeland is South Africa. The name of the genus and one of the species was given in the 18th century in honor of the Queen of England, a lover of flowers - Charlotte Mecklenburg-Strelitskaya.

Strelitzia Description

In natural conditions, grows from 2 to 10 m in height. The leaves are oval in shape, similar to banana leaves, but have long petioles that fan-shapedly extend from the rhizome. In tall species, petioles form a palm-like pseudo-trunk. The sheet length can reach from 30 cm to 2 m.

The flowers on a long straight peduncle are collected in horizontal inflorescences, have an unusual shape, resemble bright bizarre crested birds, South African tribes call the plant "crane". The flowers have bracts in the form of large wrapping boats from which petals appear.

Only six petals: 3 external and 3 internal. Their coloring can be white or combine orange, purple and blue colors in accordance with the look. Flowering usually occurs in spring and summer.

The leaf rosette has 5-7 peduncles. And on the latter, up to 7 flowers can be opened sequentially. Flowers abundantly form sweet nectar. It attracts nectarian birds, which pollinate the flower in the natural environment.

Types of Strelitzia

5 types are distinguished:

ViewDescriptionLeavesFlowers Flowering Period
Royal (Strelitzia reginae) or bird of paradise.The ancestor. Described at the end of the 18th century. In nature, grows up to 3.5 m. Most famous. Cultivated in room conditions.Oval, length 15-40 cm, width 10-30 cm, petiole 50-70 cm.Orange, violet, blue. Size 15 cm. On one peduncle there can be up to seven flowers.

It starts in winter, ends in summer.

Strelitzia Nicholas (Strelitzia nicolai).It bears the name of the Grand Duke of the Russian Empire Nikolai Nikolaevich. In nature, it grows up to 10-12 m. It has a tree-like pseudo-trunk. Unripe seeds are used for food, and dried stalks are used to make ropes.Reach 2 m, on long petioles.White and blue. Size up to 50 cm.

Spring Summer.

Reed (Strelitzia juncea)In bloom, similar to royal. Isolated in a separate species in 1975. Scientist-botanist R.A. Gyor from South Africa showed a genetic difference between these species. Cold and drought resistant.The narrow ones resemble needles or reeds forming a fan.Bright orange with blue. It blooms 4 years after planting.

Flowering constantly.

White (Strelitzia alba)It can grow up to 10 m in height. It is bred in room conditions with sufficient space for the root and aboveground parts.Grayish green up to 1.5-2 m.White.

Spring Summer

Mountain (Strelitzia caudate)Described in 2016. It is rare, growing in the South African Republic. It can grow up to 8 m.Smooth with pronounced veins.Size up to 45 cm, white.

Spring Summer

Strelitzia care at home

Strelitzia is unpretentious. To have a good flowering, follow some rules of care at home:

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / Lighting East or south window, bright light. They are shaded during the day from the hot sun, taken out to the balcony or to the garden. Protect from drafts.The south, west or east side, if necessary, use additional lighting.
Temperature+ 22 ... +27 ° С+ 14 ... +15 ° С. They recommend a temperature drop during the day.
Humidity70% Use bathing under a warm shower, a tray with wet pebbles.Not more than 60%. Periodically spray the crown.
WateringAbundant boiled or filtered water.Reduce, allowing the soil to dry by about 1 cm on top.
Top dressingRecommend fertilizers for flowering. Mineral 2 times a week, organic - several times a year.Not necessary.


The transplantation of young plants is carried out annually in the spring in a container 3-5 cm more than the previous one. Mature plants are transplanted after 3-4 years. A large flower may need a tub. The transplant is carried out by transshipment.

In the prepared container, a drainage layer is laid, a layer of new soil and a plant with a lump of earth are laid on it. If there are damaged roots, injured or decayed, they are removed, the places of pruning are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.

After this treatment, they are transplanted. Fresh soil is added to the empty spaces of the container by shaking gently. The flower is watered and left in the shade for adaptation for a while.


Strelitzia propagates in two ways:

  • seed;
  • vegetative.

Seeds can quickly lose their germination, so fresh ones are used, preferably not older than a year.

  • They are soaked from 2 to 24 hours in hot water (40 ° C), you can use a thermos.
  • A small pot with drainage holes is filled with prepared soil in ⅔ volume.
  • Sand is added to the moistened soil and seeds are planted no deeper than 2 cm, without sprinkling on top.
  • Cover the container with foil and leave it in a warm place.
  • Regularly watered with warm boiled water.
  • Seeds germinate for a long time, from 1.5 months to 0.5 years.
  • Small greenhouses with sprouts air.
  • After rooting, the appearance of 2-3 leaves, shoots carefully, without injuring the delicate root, are transplanted into a new pot and fertilized.
  • The plant is gaining strength slowly. It will bloom after four, or even eight years.

During vegetative propagation, young shoots of an adult plant are transplanted. This is possible in a seven-year-old plant after flowering. It must be carried out very carefully, because the roots are very delicate. If injured, the flower can become ill and even die.

  • Use containers with a diameter of 20 cm, cover them with prepared soil.
  • With a sharp knife, young shoots are separated from the maternal rhizome.
  • Powder activated carbon sections.
  • The earth should not be tamped so as not to injure the roots. To evenly distribute the soil, shake the pot slightly.
  • Capacity change as the flower grows. After about 2 years, the plant will gain strength and will bloom.

Difficulties in the care of Strelitzia, pests and diseases

Strelitzia is rarely sick, but you need to know what problems may arise:

Manifestations on the leaves, other symptomsCauseMeasures
Darkening, rotting petioles.Excessive moisture or low temperature, or fungus.It is recommended to adjust the watering: the colder, the less watering. The infected areas of rhizomes are removed, they are treated with a fungicide, the sections are sprinkled with activated carbon powder.
Yellowing.Nutrient deficiency or low temperature.They are regularly fed, placed in a warm and well-lit place.
Drying around the edges.Dry air in hot weather.Spray the foliage.
Deformation, twisting.Lack of light and nutrients.Provide bright lighting and extra power.
The death of the buds.Moving during the formation of flower buds.It is recommended not to move during flowering.
White spots and wilting.Thrips.Sick leaves are removed, healthy ones are often washed and treated with an insecticide.
Yellow and brown spots, change in stiffness, sticky discharge, converted to white plaque.Shield.The insect is removed using a sponge, treated with a solution of laundry soap and Confidor and Actara preparations, repeated after 3 weeks.
Small white spots and spider masses.Spider mite.Apply a warm shower and treatment with Actellik.
The flower does not grow.Close capacity.Transplanted into a larger container with fresh soil.

Blooming Strelitzia pleases the eye with its brightness and originality. Flowering lasts from several months to six months. It is used to form bouquets, it costs 2 weeks or longer.


Watch the video: Plant Care 101: Bird of Paradise. Strelizia Nicolai (October 2024).