Katasetum: Home Growing and Care Tips


Katasetum is an epiphyte, i.e. a plant attached to another, but not a parasite. In nature, there are about 150 diverse species. Distribution area - Brazil, America (central and southern part).

Biological features of catasetum

Katasetum orchids grow on trunks or branches of various trees. Under favorable conditions, grow from 10 to 70 cm, depending on the variety.

They have distinct seasonal features - the flowering period, leaf fall, dormancy.

They are divided into spring and autumn flowering. The color of the flowers represents almost the entire available color palette: from pale white to purple shades, from light green to dark green with a variety of splashes, patterns and a unique aroma.

Male and female flowers

Katasetum differs from most orchids in its heterogeneity. One plant produces male, female, and bisexual flowers. Outwardly, they differ in size and brightness. Men's are larger with a variety of colors. Female small, pale yellow, light green.

Bisexual flowering on one plant is found mainly in wildlife. Indoor orchid can be only one gender. Depending on the type and care on one peduncle, from 3-4 buds to several dozen appear per season. The duration of flowering is about 2 months.

Katasetum Orchid Care

Katasetum is a demanding plant, but any ceramic or plastic pot is suitable for planting. In most cases, orchids are placed in special transparent containers. It is better to observe the state of the roots. According to them, in turn, determine the start time of irrigation after a period of rest.

Ready-made mixtures for orchids are purchased as soil, but gardeners consider this filling for the pot to be too small and are advised to prepare the substrate on their own.

To do this, in equal proportions mix:

  • pine bark;
  • sphagnum (moss);
  • chopped fir cones;
  • some charcoal;
  • peat.

After planting a flower, home care consists of watering, feeding, keeping at the required temperature and humidity.

IndicatorDetailed description
LightingYear-round, scattered, illuminated in winter by lamps.
TemperatureDuring the day + 28 ... +32 ° C, at night + 21 ... +24 ° C.
Watering, moisturizingAfter complete drying of the substrate, copious. The pot or the whole flower is dipped in water. Additionally use humidifiers, trays with water, spraying.
Top dressingOnce a week during irrigation, excluding the dormant period.

In nature and with indoor breeding, the rest period for the orchid catasetum begins in mid-November. The temperature at this time is reduced to 20 ° C and watering is stopped.

Catasetum propagation

For reproduction, division of rhizomes is carried out. Do this until new roots appear. A plant with 4 or more pseudobulbs must be separated to preserve both flowers, otherwise the old pseudobulb will die.

Diseases and pests attacking the catasetum

The most dangerous insect for an orchid is a spider mite. Remove it by washing the flower under a warm shower, thoroughly cleaning each leaf.

It is important to water the catasetum well, but not to over-moisten, otherwise putrefactive spots appear, which will have to be removed with part of the plant.


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