Planting bulb flowers in autumn and spring


With the advent of autumn, it's time to decide what the spring flower beds will be like. To enjoy beautiful primroses in spring, you need to make planting of bulbous plants before the onset of winter cold.

Many of them are unpretentious perennials in the care, which are properly planted in the ground, creating suitable conditions for them, and they will decorate the garden for several seasons in a row.

Planting bulb flowers

If you plant onion flowers before winter, this will ensure their early awakening and flowering.

Basically, planting bulbous flowers in autumn is suitable for spring primroses: tulips, crocuses, daffodils, spring bloom, hyacinths, allium (decorative onions), muscari, imperial grouse. Extra-season onion lilies are also best planted in the first half of autumn through October, but not later than so that they can take root. There are bulbs that prefer spring planting (gladiolus, tigridia, etc.)

Some varieties are planted in August-September, so that they have time to take. And others only at the end of autumn, so that they do not sprout or freeze.

Benefits of Autumn Planting

Many experienced gardeners prefer the autumn planting of even those bulbous plants that can be planted in the spring, because:

  • it is more easily tolerated by them in the cool season, when there are fewer pests (insects, rodents) and pathogenic bacteria, and the soil is still warm enough for the roots and underground shoots to germinate;
  • during this period, a natural stratification of the bulbs in the soil occurs, which has a beneficial effect on the endurance and strength of plants;
  • these flowers are not afraid of spring frosts after thaws, because they managed to harden;
  • with autumn planting, growth and abundant flowering in spring begins earlier than usual;
  • in the autumn there are a lot of rains that provide sufficient moisture to the soil and planting bulbs do not need to be watered until they are accepted;
  • at this time, you can profitably buy quality onion specimens on sale;
  • in the fall, when the crops are harvested and garden work is completed, more time to do flower beds.

Description, planting months, features of spring blooming bulb

Features of planting bulbous ornamental plants in autumn:

TitleDescriptionMonth and Landing Features
TulipsPerennial spring primrose 15-70 cm high, from the genus Liliaceae, has a short vegetative period. There are many varieties, colors of petals. Bulbs are ovoid or pear-shaped in different sizes and colors, depending on the variety.The duration of the autumn landing depends on the region: in the Moscow Region from the end of September to mid-October, in Siberia - from the end of August to mid-September.

Large healthy bulbs are selected, placed in the refrigerator overnight, then treated with antifungal agents.

Planted in a well-lit, without drafts, place. Provide good drainage so that the roots do not rot, the earth must be fertile. Bulb planting depth 10-18 cm (deeper on loose soil). The distance between them is 10 cm, between the rows 25 cm.

DaffodilsHerbaceous plants, belong to the Amaryllis family, there are about 50 main species and 60 hybrid. Leaves are linear basal, flowers are large, white, yellow, pinkish.The place for landing is chosen by a well-lit (partial penumbra) protected from the wind. The plant is hygrophilous, but with excess water, the roots rot.

In the southern regions they are planted before the beginning of November, in the suburbs - from mid-August to mid-September.

Planting pits are prepared from 10 to 25 cm, depending on the size of the bulbs. Before falling asleep planted in the wells, wood ash is added to each.

Snowdrop (Galanthus)The earliest snow-white flower is about 20 cm. Two oblong-lanceolate leaves and a flower appear from the bulb almost simultaneously. Cultural Views: Snowy and Elves.They like places where a lot of snow falls, bright, but closed from direct sunlight. They reproduce themselves well, growing bulbs, children. They don’t like transplants.

Planted in July-September at a distance from the earth's surface of 10 cm.

CrocusesFrom the Iris family. Height 20 cm, basal leaves, single flowers, different colors.Landing time is from August to September. The depth of the holes is 10 cm.
Scilla (Scylla)No more than 15 cm. Flowers - drooping bluebells from blue to purple, located on straight peduncles. Leaves are strap-shaped.Planted in late August and early September to a depth of 10 cm.
Spring flower gardenFrom the Amaryllis family. Reminds a white violet or a snowdrop. Root leaves, white flowers with a pleasant aroma.It is planted by daughter bulbs from mid-August to mid-September. Wells with a depth of 10 cm. It should be borne in mind that these flowers grow rapidly.
BulbocodiumLow (10 cm) stemless perennial from the Liliaceae family. It is a basal rosette of bunches of bluish-green leaves and 1-3 pinkish flowers.He loves sunny places, fertile soil. Landed in September. The depth of the holes is 8 cm.
Kandyk (dog fang)Refers to the Liliaceae. Height is 10-30 cm, but when special conditions are created, it reaches 60 cm. The flowers are large, single, pink, purple, yellow or white. Bulbs are ovoid.He loves shaded areas, a flat surface, but on hills, because he does not tolerate stagnation of water at the rhizomes. Too dry soil also does not suit him. Need moist, acidic (or slightly acidic) soil, but not alkaline.

Bulbs are planted to a depth of 10-20 cm, depending on the type (you need to specify when buying), at a distance of 15 cm from each other. They are without a protective layer, so wet moss or sawdust is used for storage up to 20 days.

HyacinthsUp to 30 cm high, with a thick stem, small leaves and flowers in the form of bells collected in inflorescences. Bulbs are dense, fleshy.Planted from October to mid-November. The depth of the pits is about 10 cm, sand is added to the bottom. After planting the bulbs, mulching with compost is done.
Allium (decorative bow)With spherical beautiful light purple inflorescences. It grows very quickly.Planted in September. The place is chosen sunny, provide good drainage. Fertilizers in this period make mineral, ash. Depth of landing is 10 cm.
MuscariPerennial blooming in spring, 10-40 cm high. Outwardly similar to miniature hyacinth. The aroma resembles musky.Depending on the region, landing time is from mid-August to October. Wells are 8 cm deep.
Emperor grouseFrom the Lily family. They are characterized by high frost resistance. High trunks (1 m or more), at the top of which are inflorescences of variegated flowers resembling bells.The optimal landing time is in late August and early September. Otherwise, the flower does not have time to take root before the frost. The place is chosen sunny, sheltered from the wind. The soil needs loose, fertile. The depth of the holes is 20 cm.
HionodoxUnpretentious, one of the first spring flowers. Peduncle - 20 cm. Flowers - bells 2-4 cm, various colors blue, blue, white, pink.Planted in late August-early September, at a distance from the surface - 5-10 cm.
PushkiniaElongated linear leaves grow directly from the bulb; white or blue-tinted bells bloom on the flower-bearing arrow.It suffers from weeds, which can completely destroy it, if not released from them in time.

Planted in September to a depth of about 15 cm.

Ornithogalum (poultry house)10-30 cm high. Leaves grassy-linear. Inflorescences from six-petalled white flowers. There are varieties used in medicine (tailed).It does not withstand moisture stagnation.

Landing in September at 6-10 cm.

LiliesFamilies of Liliaceae. More than 80 varieties differing in size, shape of leaves, flowers. They have different requirements for the conditions of detention. Flowering from August to September.Autumn landing from August to September. At this time, you can dig and plant the bulbs of overgrown plants or plant bulbs from the leaf axils (to a depth of 2 cm). Bulbs are planted to a depth of 10-20 cm, depending on the variety. The landing site is mulched and covered for the winter with spruce branches.
IrisDifferent varieties grow from 15 to 80 cm. The leaves are linearly elongated, appear along with fragrant flowers, the color of which is diverse.They can grow up to five years without digging. Planting the end of September to the beginning of October, to a depth - three heights of the bulb.

Features of autumn planting

Planting bulbs requires compliance with small conditions for full growth and flowering.

Departure Dates

It is not always possible to accurately select the date of planting of bulbous plants due to the unpredictability of the weather. Therefore, you need to know some rules in order to keep plants healthy at any whim of nature.

The average period of rooting of bulbs in the soil, which has not yet been frozen, is about 2 weeks. If necessary, when unexpectedly unexpected frosts descended, you can protect the landing site by covering it with a spruce branch. Even if early frost sets in, you can still wait for the thaw and plant the bulbs.

Selection of planting material

It is important to sort the bulbs before planting. They must be strong, without damage, otherwise they will quickly decay in damp, cold soil. Source:

You can leave it only with minor defects if these places are covered with dried crusts. It is necessary to treat them with antifungal drugs.

Do not buy second-rate planting stock at sales. Good plants will not grow from them.

Site selection and soil preparation

For most bulbous places of planting in open ground, you need to choose sunny (partial shade in extreme cases), without a high occurrence of groundwater (provide good drainage). And also these plants do not like drafts.

The place needs to be prepared in advance, 2 months before landing:

  • make the earth quite loose;
  • normalize acidity;
  • fertilize with compost.

Landing technology

To ensure normal conditions for growing bulb flowers, you need to follow a few rules:

  • treat the bulbs with fungicides to protect against pathogenic microorganisms;
  • with dry soil, moisten it first;
  • Do not loosen the soil before planting, so that during irrigation or rainfall the roots do not rise, otherwise the plant will develop poorly;
  • the depth and width of the holes depends on the variety and size of the bulbs, but it should be borne in mind that if the depth is too shallow, the plant may freeze in the winter, and if it is deep, it will develop poorly and bloom.

In cold regions, it is better to cover most varieties of onion for the winter with a heater, and with the onset of spring, remove it in time so that they do not overtake.

Bulbous planting in spring: gladiolus and others

Not all bulbs tolerate frosty winters of the middle lane, so some of them can be planted only in spring, when it is already warm, or at the beginning of summer.

GladiolusHigh peduncle-spike, consisting of lily-like flowers of various colors. The leaves are narrow.Late April - early May (soil +10 ° C). Solar location, well-drained soil with a slightly acid reaction. In one place they plant only once. Before planting, the bulbs and the ground are treated with Fitosporin-M. Buried at a distance corresponding to the three sizes of the bulbs. Fall asleep with peat, abundantly watered.
AcidantheraThey call it fragrant gladiolus (120 cm) because of its similarity to this flower. Large flowers (approximately 12 cm).The end of April-May. Loves the sun, heat and moisture. Depth of landing - 10-12 cm.
Crocosmia (montbrecia)Not more than 1 m. Flowers (3-5 cm) are pure yellow or with reddish hues.April May. A sunny location is required, without stagnation of moisture. Depth - 7-10 cm. Cutting of peduncles after wilting is obligatory.
Freesia30 cm-1 m. Varied colors fragrant flowers. It is mainly grown as a houseplant.May (soil +10 ° C). Preliminary disembarkation in the house, to be buried no more than 4 cm (March). Protected sunny place. When landing directly in the ground, at a distance of 6 cm underground.
Ixia30-60 cm. Flowers from white to red, with a darker middle.May. Sunny location, with fertile, fertilized soil. Drainage required. Depth of landing - 5 cm.
TigridiaFlowers are very short-lived, so it is worth planting several plants nearby.In the end of May. Speed ​​up planting at home. Sunny place, well-drained fertile soil. Depth from 5-10 cm, depending on the bulbs.

And also in the spring in May, planting of lilies is possible.

If you follow all the recommendations, you can grow beautiful hardy plants.

The landscape combines bulbous flowers of different colors to give unusual colors to flower beds and flower beds.


Watch the video: Planting bulbs in fall for spring bloom (October 2024).