Diplomacy - cultivation and care at home, reproduction, photo species


Dipladenia is a winding perennial plant of the kutra family. These are evergreen creepers with smooth saturated green leaves and inflorescences of tubular flowers 10 cm in diameter. On one liana-like specimen, up to 50 inflorescences with a pleasant aroma can bloom simultaneously.

The homeland of diplomacy is South America, Argentina. A flower can reach a size of 5 meters, but with competent pruning, it is successfully grown in room conditions with a maximum length of half a meter. Dipladenia is a perennial flower with high growth rate. For a year, the plant adds 60-70 cm in length.

See also how to grow indoor allamanda and catharanthus.

Growth rate is high. For a year, the plant adds 60-70 cm in length.
It blooms in summer with proper care.
The plant is difficult to grow.
It is a perennial plant.

Diplases: home care. Briefly

Diplomacy at home is considered quite demanding in care, but subject to a number of growing rules - even inexperienced gardeners will succeed.

Basic care requirements:

Temperature modeOptimal in summertime - 25 ºС, in winter - 10-15 ºС.
Air humidityPretty high, at least 70-80%.
LightingProlonged sunshine, south window or backlighting.
WateringFrequent, plentiful in hot weather, in winter - as the soil dries.
Dipladation primerLight, permeable and nutritious soil.
Fertilizer and fertilizerTwice a month means for decorative flowering.
Grafting transplantAnnually in the spring, perennial flowers, and for young plants, transplantation may be required 2 times per year.
BreedingApical cuttings, less often - seeds.
Growing FeaturesThe flower juice is poisonous, care should be taken when leaving. The plant needs support - the antennae and the main branch should be directed upwards, and not hang down.

Care for dipladenia at home. In detail

Flowering diplladation

Home diplomacy is also known as the “Bolivian rose,” “Brazilian balsam,” or “Chilean jasmine.” Its flowering begins in early spring and continues until the first frost. The flowers of diplomacy are quite large, about 10 cm in diameter, have a pleasant aroma and varied color.

As a rule, these are inflorescences of raspberry, yellow, pink or cream shades. After blooming, the flowers retain their appearance for 10 days. This plant is ideal for growing on loggias, balconies, verandas, garden plots and are beautiful not only as a flowering bush, but also as a beautifully curling vine.

Temperature mode

Since dipladeniya is a tropical plant, in the phase of active growth, the flower needs a warm, humid climate with a temperature of 21-25 ºС. Also, the liana easily survives hot weather, provided that a high level of humidity is maintained in its habitat. In winter, the diplomatics arrange a rest period, which can take place both at a temperature of +5 ºС, and at + 15ºС.


Dipllad at home perfectly perceives humidified air, frequent spraying. In a too dry environment, the flower is additionally placed in a tray with pebbles or sphagnum, supported in a wet state.

Directly the plant itself is sprayed with soft water, avoiding contact with the buds.


"Bolivian rose" is one of those rare exotic plants that are able to grow actively under hot sunshine and in slight shade. The southern, southeastern and eastern windows are great for her. In cloudy, cold weather, it is recommended to organize regular hours-long lighting.

Watering the Diplade

A homeowner plant does not tolerate overflow, but in summer it needs frequent watering with soft water. It is carried out as soon as the top layer of the earth becomes dry. For this purpose, rain, softened filtered or distilled water is used, since the plant is very sensitive to moisture quality.

In winter, during a period of growth retardation, especially when stored at low temperatures, the flower is seldom watered, as diplases are able to stay with a dried earthen lump for a long time without prejudice to subsequent development.

Diplomacy Pot

Choosing a flowerpot for a flower of diplomacy, they prefer wide, but not too voluminous containers. The developed root system of diplladation does not tolerate the constant moisture of the roots, which always forms if the plant is placed in a large deep pot "for growth".

When transplanting, lianas are guided by the size of its rhizome, picking up a flowerpot 3 cm wider than before.


The soil for diplomacy must be acidic and nutritious. Suitable universal azalea soil, as well as a mixture of the following composition:

  • garden soil (2 parts);
  • sheet land (1 part);
  • peat soil (1 part);
  • small pebbles or perlite (1 part).

It is important to remember that a young flower is preferable to loose soil with a predominance of peat. For adult plants, turf land is predominantly used.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Fertilize the flower twice a month liquid complexes for beautifully flowering. Fertilizer used for azaleas is also favorable. In summer, it can be used a little more often, every 10 days. In winter, the plant does not need to be fed with minerals.


The transplantation is carried out every year in the early spring or at the end of April. Perennial, plentifully flowering plants are carefully transferred into a larger pot or simply replace the top 4 cm of soil. Young flowers, due to their rapid growth, require transplantation two to three times a year.

In both cases, it is important to ensure high-quality drainage of the soil, to select flowerpots with good openings for draining excess water.

Diplodation Trimming

As a rule, pruning is carried out in early spring at the same time as transplanting. At this moment, it is most convenient to correctly form the growth of the plant, to ensure abundant flowering. Highlights of diplladation trimming:

  • "whiskers" in a flower are formed if more often it is in a shaded place. If available, such shoots are necessarily cut to compact internodes;
  • flower buds appear only on young branches, therefore pruning should be regular;
  • during flowering, pruning is not recommended;
  • you can remove the old branches after flowering, before the flower enters the dormant period.

Diplladies are not recommended for ampel growing. The most favorable option is to grow a flower near a wall, stand, ladder or other suitable object, which will serve as a support for the liana. When growing a diplade in the form of a bush, frequent trimming and a guiding frame are also required.

Rest period

Care for dipladenia at home includes the periodic phase of plant relaxation. Most often this time falls on January, February and the beginning of March. For this purpose, the flower is cleaned in a cool, but well-lit room with a temperature of 5 to 15 ºС. Watering is reduced to a minimum. In this case, the rule works - it is better to underfill, that is, it is better to allow slight drying of the soil than excess moisture. Dipladenia does not tolerate constant dampness of the roots, rot may begin.

Growing diplladation from seeds

This method of flower cultivation is quite laborious and problematic. But experienced gardeners most often successfully achieve the result, acting as follows:

  • plant seeds are soaked in a stimulant solution for a day;
  • prepared seeds are lightly embedded in a calcined and moistened peat-sand substrate;
  • a greenhouse is created using a film or a glass cover;
  • the crops are regularly ventilated, moistened with a spray gun, condensate is removed;
  • two-leaf seedlings that have appeared dive into separate pots with a diameter of not more than 7 cm.

Full seedlings planted in this way dipladency should be expected at least 2-3 months.

Reproduction of propagation by cuttings

A simpler and more affordable way is propagation by cuttings. There are two methods:

  1. Rooting in the ground. Cut off under the node, in the phase of active development, the young shoot is processed by a growth activator and planted in a mixture of sphagnum and peat. The sprout creates greenhouse conditions with regular moisture, ventilation and a germination temperature of 25-27 ºС. After about a month, rooted cuttings with new leaves are planted in permanent soil.
  2. Rooting in water. Cuttings cut slightly below the knot 5-6 cm long are dipped in a growth stimulant (for example, root) and placed in water with a coal tablet dissolved in it. With the appearance of callus growths, and this is usually 3 weeks of waiting, the plant is planted in a mixture of azalea soil and coconut substrate. Next, the sprout is covered with a vessel with holes and placed in a warm place. Full-fledged roots appear already on the 4th day and the flower can be rooted in a permanent soil.

Diseases and Pests

Common problems of growing dipladage:

  • diplladation leaves turned yellow and fall off at extremely low air temperature;
  • diplomacy is slowly growing due to the absence or insufficient supply of mineral substances;
  • diplomacy does not bloom in the event that the flower is in the shade, it lacks bright light;
  • rot roots with severe waterlogging of the soil, as a result of too frequent watering;
  • fast falling flowers occurs after a sharp change in temperature;
  • brown spots on the leaves formed in arid conditions and temperature too high;
  • reddish spots and thin cobwebs indicate that the flower was struck by a spider mite;
  • white spots on the underside of the leaves appear when a mealy worm appears;
  • drooping leaves talk about a severe lack of moisture.

Among other things, diplladies are most susceptible to pests such as whiteflies and scale insects.

Types of home diplomacy with photos and names

This flower includes over 40 varieties of liana-shaped shrubs. Among them, the most famous plants are:

Diplladies brilliant

It blooms with bright pink inflorescences of 5-6 flowers. With the age of the plant, its stem becomes bare, without foliage.

Dipladennia Laxa Dipladenia

It is distinguished by a powerful stem, abundantly blooming white semi-double inflorescences, resistant to low temperatures.

Diplomas of Sander (Dipladenia sanderi)

Its main feature is a yellow pharynx framed by soft pink petals and small rounded leaves 5 cm long.

Diplodnia x amabilis

Bell-shaped liana with flowers with a diameter of 8 cm.

Popular varieties of diplladation, successfully grown not only in greenhouses, but also at room conditions:

Yellow - a kind of creeper with golden yellow inflorescences.

Cream pink - for the species characters are pale pink flowers with an orange center.

Classik red - a plant variety that has rich red flowers with a yellow core.

Cosmos pink - a variety of diplladation with very large inflorescences, up to 12 cm in diameter for each flower.

Red star - It has colors of red and white with elongated petals.

Now reading:

  • Balsam Waller - growing and care at home, photo varieties
  • Jasmine - growing and care at home, photo
  • Home-grown rose in a pot - care, cultivation and reproduction, photo
  • Fatshedera Lise - growing and care at home, photo species and varieties
  • Koleria - home care, photo species and varieties


Watch the video: Raising Cute Pandas: It's Complicated. National Geographic (October 2024).