Titanopsis - growing and care at home, photo species


Titanopsis (Titanopsis) - an unusual perennial succulent of the Aizoon family, living in nature in the harsh conditions of African deserts, where it is perfectly disguised as fragments of calcareous rock. The birthplace of titanopsis is Namibia and other countries of South-West Africa.

The leaves of the plant look more like stones: they are thickened, fleshy, with warty growths along the edges. The leaf plates themselves have a greenish-bluish tint, and the warts that cover them can be painted in red, pale yellow, silver-blue and other colors.

Titanopsis blooms with small single camomile flowers with thin lemon-yellow or orange petals.

Also see how to grow a living stone plant at home.

Low growth rate.
It blooms from late summer to mid-autumn.
The plant is easy to grow. Titanopsis is very hardy and tenacious.

Titanopsis: home care. Briefly

Temperature modeTitanopsis tolerates heat and cool well, but in winter it must be kept at a temperature of + 10- + 12 ° С.
Air humidityLowered in the warm season, minimal during the rest period.
LightingIn summer, it is as bright as possible, in winter and spring moderately diffuse with shading from direct sunlight.
WateringIn summer, a rare moderate with periods of complete drying of the substrate in a pot; in winter, titanopsis is not watered at home at all.
Ground for titanopsisVery light and loose. Suitable is a special substrate for succulents or a mixture of soil from sheet earth, sand and any drainage material.
Fertilizer and fertilizerNot required.
Titanopsis transplantAs necessary, no more than 1 time in 2-3 years.
BreedingDivision of adult plants or seeds.
Growing FeaturesThe plant does not like excessive watering, especially if it is in a cool room. Such conditions can trigger the development of root rot.

Care for titanopsis at home. In detail

Flowering titanopsis

The plant titanopsis at home usually blooms in late summer. At this time, small chamomile flowers of a lemon yellow or red tint appear from the very center of the rosettes. They do not last long, falling already a few days after the buds open.

Temperature mode

Titanopsis is an extremely hardy plant, during the period of active growth it feels great both in extreme heat up to + 40 ° С, and in cool at + 18- + 20 ° С.

During the rest, the flower pot must be transferred to a cold room, where the air temperature is maintained + 10- + 12 ° С.


Titanopsis does not need to be sprayed at home, since the plant needs maximum dry air for normal development.


During the period of active growth, titanomisis needs the most bright and long-lasting lighting, so it is better to place the flower pot on the south or south-west window. In winter, illumination is also very important, but the light at this time of year should be diffused so that the sun's rays do not burn the juicy leaves.

Watering Titanopsis

In the warm season, the plant is watered very mildly and infrequently, allowing the soil to completely dry between waterings. In the cloudy months, the soil is moistened very poorly, even if the plant drops buds, otherwise its leaves and shoots can rot.

In winter, when titanopsis goes into a dormant state, watering it is temporarily stopped.

Pot for titanopsis

The container for growing titanopsis is selected wide enough so that the plant has room to grow during the growing season, and always deep so that long roots can be comfortably placed in it.

The pot should also have a drain hole to drain excess moisture.


The soil in which titanopsis grows should be as light and loose as possible. You can use special mixtures for succulents, sold in flower shops, or prepare the substrate yourself by mixing sheet soil with sand and drainage material (granite chips, pumice, etc.). It is useful to sprinkle the topsoil in the pot with a small amount of fine gravel.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Home titanopsis does not need regular feeding. You can from time to time replenish nutrient reserves in the soil through irrigation with a weak solution of liquid fertilizer for succulents.

Titanopsis transplant

The plant has a rather sensitive root system and does not like to be disturbed, so titanopsis is transplanted only when it is really necessary, but no more than 1 time in 2-3 years.

The flower is transplanted by transshipment without violating the integrity of the earthen coma.


Pruning is not required for the plant, since it does not form stems and shoots during growth. Damaged leaves must be carefully and promptly removed so that they do not develop rot.

Rest period

Caring for titanopsis at home includes organizing the plant as comfortably as possible at rest. The flower rests in the winter months, at this time it needs coolness (temperature no more than + 12 ° С), minimum air humidity, and bright diffused lighting with shading from direct sun. Watering titanopsis at rest is not necessary.

Growing Titanopsis from Seeds

Seeds are sown in loose slightly moistened soil, slightly deepening, but not sprinkling them on top. Under glass or film at a temperature of about + 30 ° C and good illumination, the seeds germinate after a few days.

Seedlings are left to grow in the same tank without diving for six months, so as not to injure them. When young titanopsis have a third pair of real leaves, the plants can be planted in individual pots. They bloom after 2-3 years.

Breeding Titanopsis

The division of sockets for new plants is usually combined with a transplant of titanopsis. At least 3 formed roots are left on each dividend. Place the slices sprinkled with crushed coal, the seedlings are slightly dried and placed in separate pots.

After planting, they are not watered for 2-3 weeks. Young titanopsis bloom a year after division.

Diseases and Pests

Titanopsis is hardy, but in the process of growing it, the grower may encounter such a problem as rotting of the roots. Usually it occurs with excessive watering, combined with cool conditions of the flower. Damaged parts in this case are immediately cut off and treated with fungicide. The plant is transplanted into new soil and subsequently carefully observe the irrigation regime.

Pests are not particularly dangerous for succulent plants. Titanopsis should be protected only from the spider mite, when it appears, the flower is treated with insecticidal agents.

Types of home titanopsis with photos and names

In indoor floriculture, the most common titanopsis calcareous (Titanopsis calcarea). Its leaves are painted in different colors from gray-green to ocher-brown, and the flowers have a lemon yellow tint.

Other popular types:

Titanopsis Fuller (T. Fulleri) with dark yellow flowers;

Hugo-Schlechteri titanopsis (T.hugo-schlechteri) with ocher orange flowers

Lyderitian Titanopsis (T.luediritzii) with double flowers, the extreme petals of which are bright yellow, and the core ones are snow-white.

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