Interesting Articles 2024

How to grow an orchid from seeds at home

Orchids are beautiful flowers, they are becoming more popular among gardeners. In most cases, people buy a finished plant in a pot. Until recently, it was believed that it was almost impossible to get a beautiful flower from seeds. But technology does not stand still, so with a great desire this process can be carried out, although it is quite laborious and takes a lot of time.

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Rosa Schneeewittchen - cultural description

Landscape designers are increasingly using the Schneewithichen rose to decorate arched structures, verandas and terraces. The variety of spiky perennial with spikes is characterized by amazing snow-white flowering. To grow bushes healthy, it is important to strictly observe the rules of agricultural technology. Description The height of the bush reaches 400 cm, and the width indicator is in the range of 100 cm.

Orchid oncidium: varieties, home care

Oncidium is a genus of herbaceous perennials of the Orchidaceae family. Distribution area Central and South America, south of Florida, Antilles. Representatives of this genus are epiphytes, but there are varieties of lithophytes and land plants. Flowers resemble butterflies crawling out of pupae. Therefore, the oncidium is also called dancing dolls.

Hoya - types and varieties, home care

Hoya belongs to the genus of evergreen tropical shrubs, or vines. Homeland are Asia, Polynesia, the western coast of Australia. Some species of hoya are considered greenhouses and houseplants. In nature, hoya reaches 10 m in length. At home, it is smaller, but some species can reach 5 m.

Home Flower Violet Humako Inches

Violet is a bright flower common on almost all continents of the planet. But most often one of its varieties can be found not in the wild, but in houses and apartments as an interior decoration. Many varieties of violets, differing in the color of the flowers and the characteristics of flowering, have the same care requirements.

Do-it-yourself aviary for a dog: equip a living area for your pet

Starting the construction of the house, many owners immediately start a dog, especially if the construction is far from temporary housing. But, thus solving the problem of protecting the site, one should take care of a comfortable home for the faithful "servant". You can, of course, make a booth and put the dog on a chain near it, but this option is only suitable as temporary housing.

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Datura - a decorative, poisonous and medicinal plant

Datura is a plant with an ambiguous characteristic. Its beautiful large flowers in the form of pipes fascinate with their beauty. However, the toxicity of the plant scares away many gardeners. The history of Datura is very long, it’s even impossible to establish exactly where his homeland is. In mythology and traditions of the peoples of different continents, datura grass, datura, angel trumpets, henbane, moon flower or devil grass are mentioned.

Chinese rose - home care and reproduction

For the design of apartments, houses, office premises, as well as in landscape design, the hibiscus plant, or Chinese rose, or Chinese rose, is often used. It is hard not to notice this gorgeous shrub with huge beautiful flowers. The plant belongs to the Malvaceae family. Rosan can grow in the form of a tree-like shrub, tree or herb.

Features and technology of growing raspberries Ruby necklace

Repairing raspberries The ruby ​​necklace surprises with its productivity - 158 c / ha. The variety is mid-season, therefore it is more suitable for regions with long and warm autumn. When growing, it is worth considering one feature: an impressive amount of berries is formed on low and thin shoots. The history of growing raspberries. Ruby necklace. This is a raspberry of domestic selection.

Speckled Lamb - Planting and Care

Speckled Lamb is a fairly common plant, which in many countries is considered a weed. The flower is very inconspicuous and resembles a nettle without a burning antennae with multi-colored buds. The plant has medicinal properties and is actively used in folk medicine, relevant in the arrangement of landscape design.

Ageratum - fluffy fragrant flowers

Ageratum is a perennial herb from the Asters family. In nature, it is found in East India, Mexico, Peru. Attract plants with abundant green mass and many flowers. Charming fluffy balls of purple, blue or cream colors form a continuous carpet. They exude a very delicate honey aroma.

On the care of crocuses in early spring. What am I doing.

I really like crocuses because these are early flowers. They can bloom when there is still a lot of snow around, and this gives a special fabulousness to the whole garden, so that you can not take your eyes off. And I also love them for this, that they need to be transplanted only once every 5 years! Remember that crocuses love light, they stretch to the sun.

How to save cyclamen at home - what to do with a dying flower

Cyclamen belongs to the well-known polychromes of the family Primrose. At home, it is preferable to grow Persian or Alpine violets. They are decorated with beautiful large buds and, under favorable conditions, bloom all year round. A beginner grower may have difficulty caring for this species.

Calamondin - Citrus Home Care

A good alternative to lemons and oranges is calamondine. Even a beginner grower can take care of a plant, it is unpretentious and decorative. Kalamondin - what is it? Citrofortunella (Calamondin) is a plant also known to flower growers, nicknamed "Indoor Mandarin" or "Golden Orange."

Eggplant in the Urals: how real is it

Eggplant in the Urals is very difficult to grow. This vegetable needs a long and warm summer, but a really summer month is, in fact, one - July. Therefore, eggplant is grown mainly in greenhouses: heated and ordinary. Of course, you can also plant the earliest varieties in open ground, but here - how lucky.

Grapes Nadezhda AZOS: one of the best achievements of the Anapa zone experimental station

Both experienced growers and beginners want to have an unpretentious variety with excellent taste in their collection. These include grapes Nadezhda AZOS. Undemanding to growing conditions, it is suitable for a small garden, and for farming. The history of the grape variety The grape variety Nadezhda AZOS can be called one of the best achievements of the Anapa Zonal Experimental Station.

Asplenium Care

Asplenium belongs to perennial ferns from the Bony family. There is a belief that this herb has healing properties, it is especially useful for the spleen, hence the name goes, from Latin asplenium translates as "spleen". The birthplace of the plant is South America, Asia. Today, the bones, another name for the plant, is also found in the western hemisphere.

How to Grow Strong Shrub Chrysanthemums

Shrub chrysanthemum is a real decoration of many household plots, but to maintain the decorative attractiveness of the culture, you should correctly select a variety depending on the climate and place of cultivation, as well as observe the rules for planting and caring for a garden or indoor plant. Features of growing bush chrysanthemums as a perennial garden culture Bush chrysanthemum is represented by a wide variety of varieties, the total number of which now exceeds ten thousand.