
Rosa Peach Avalanche - grade description

In 2004, breeder Lex Vurn of the Netherlands created the Peach Avalanche, a sort of rose that resembles an avalanche that covers an area of ​​land for the entire summer. In 2007, the tea-hybrid variety was highly appreciated by connoisseurs, lovers of natural beauty in the Netherlands. However, in Russia, the popularity of the flower is not so high - the rose is only beginning to grow in large quantities.

Perennial onions in the garden: vitamins and beauty

In the onion family, which includes several hundred varieties, there are many perennial onions. They are very diverse: some are grown only on herbs, while others are consumed as bulbs. It is easier to care for perennial onions, if only because they are planted once every few years, and harvesting, as a rule, is carried out constantly throughout the garden season.

How to feed dahlias for growth and flowering

In the summer, almost every home can meet beautiful flowers. Moreover, there are so many varieties and varieties of these beauties that they are rarely repeated. These flowers are called dahlias. Diverse in color, petal shape, and flower size, they delight the eye from mid-summer until the first frost. They, like little suns, are the decoration of any flower bed or suburban area.

Sinningia - a mix of vibrant colors in a miniature plant

Sinningia is a herbaceous perennial from the Gesneriaceae family. Its homeland is the tropical forests of Central and Latin America near the Atlantic coast. It came to Europe at the beginning of the 18th century. and immediately gained popularity. Huge vibrant Sinningia flowers are a core value. During flowering, they resemble a beautiful, albeit miniature bouquet.

Types of cacti: description and characteristics

Cacti is a large family of carnation. A plant native to South and North America has spread widely around the world and has gained popularity among fans of exotic flowers, due to the wide variety of species forms. Description of cacti The stem has unique modified branches - areoles, from which thorns grow, in addition, they serve as a place for the formation of children.

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