Hydrangea Magic Sweet Summer (Hydrangea Paniculata Magical Sweet Summer)


Hydrangea Magical Sweet Summer, like other varieties of this plant species, belong to the genus Hydrangea. The largest number of wild species of this genus was found on the islands of Japan and China. This is an amazing variety, the cultivation of which has its own nuances, they must be taken into account when planning to plant a flower in your own area.

Origin and appearance

Hydrangea Magic Sweet Summer is a shrub 1.2-1.5 m high. The flowering period is from July to September. Inflorescence panicle, almost entirely consists of sterile flowers.

Hydrangea Magical Sweet Summer

How Hydrangea Magic Sweet Summer Blooms

Opening buds have a slightly greenish color, with growth and development, the flowers become creamy white. In autumn, at the end of flowering on inflorescences, you can see simultaneously light pink, pinkish-greenish and white flowers. The severity of a particular shade depends on external conditions: the intensity of lighting, soil composition, weather conditions, etc.

For your information! Hydrangea Sweet Summer pleases with plentiful and long flowering. The variety easily tolerates pruning and bush formation, is resistant to frost.

In landscape design it is used as a tapeworm (single planting), in group plantings and in compositions with other plants.

Transplant after purchase in open ground

Hydrangea Paniculata Magical Candle - Description

It is better to transplant hydrangea in the early spring or in the fall. Doing this in the summer during flowering is not recommended. Hydrangea will drop flowers and buds and refuse to bloom for next season.

Hydrangea transplant

What you need for landing

For planting, you need to prepare the plant itself and a new pit.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. On the eve of planting, a hydrangea pot is well watered.
  2. Put in a dark place.
  3. Spray the crown well.

Pit preparation:

  1. Prepare a landing pit measuring 50 × 50 × 50 cm.
  2. A day before the transplant, shed a hole with water.
  3. Place 20 cm of hydrangea soil on the bottom.
  4. Add 20 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Choosing the best place

This variety needs to be planted in a sunny place or at partial shade. The soil is preferably fertile, well moistened and drained with an acid reaction (pH 4.5-5).

Hydrangea growing in the wrong place will bloom and develop poorly.

An ideal planting site should meet the following requirements:

  • diffused lighting. Direct sunlight only appears in the morning;
  • quiet, sheltered from the winds;
  • moist soil, but without stagnation of water;
  • acidic soil reaction (pH 4.5-5).

Step-by-step landing process

To properly plant hydrangea, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Tie the branches of the bush with a rope.
  2. Remove the plant with roots and a lump of soil from the transport pot.
  3. Set the bush in a pit, sprinkle on the sides with soil mixture.
  4. Leave the root neck at ground level.
  5. Water the plant abundantly.
  6. Mulch with sawdust or hardwood bark.


When buying seedlings or seeds of a certain type of hydrangea, gardeners risk getting the wrong variety that they planned. Self-propagation guarantees the transfer of varietal traits and is in itself an exciting process. The most common options are how to do this.

Propagation by cuttings

Hydrangea Summer Love (Summer Love) - description

Propagating with green cuttings is the easiest and most affordable option.

For your information! A green stalk is part of a stem with leaves and several buds.

Planting material is prepared in mid-July. Cuttings will take root well:

  • from young plants or those who have had anti-aging pruning;
  • cut from the side branches in the lower, well-lit part of the bush;
  • without signs of disease and pests;
  • collected in the early morning.

Hydrangea cuttings

Rooting order:

  1. After cutting, the shoots are immediately put into the water.
  2. Remove the top with the bud from the shoot.
  3. The remainder is divided into sections with 2-3 pairs of leaves.
  4. Remove the lower leaves from each cuttings, trim the upper leaves by a third.
  5. Place the cuttings in a solution of the root stimulant for 2 hours.
  6. Rooting is carried out in a humidified mixture of sand and peat (1: 2).
  7. Cover the cuttings with a jar.
  8. Water 2-3 times a week.
  9. After 25-30 days, the cans can be removed.

Grown bushes are planted in a permanent place in the fall. For the winter, young plants are insulated with covering material on the frame, and on the top with spruce branches.

Growing from layering

Layers propagated in early spring.

Description of the order of propagation by layering:

  1. Loosen and level the soil around the bush.
  2. Lay down and pin several lower shoots into radial grooves.
  3. By the end of summer, 2-3 young plants are formed on each lay.
  4. When the children reach a size of 15-20 cm, they begin to spud to form lateral roots.
  5. In October, children can be separated from the mother plant and dug up until spring.

Bush division

By dividing, hydrangea is propagated during transplantation. Panicled varieties, including Magic Sweet Summer, very poorly tolerate such a procedure.

Hydrangea Care Magic Sweet Summer

Hydrangea loves moisture; it must not be overdried. Water should be slightly acidified.

Hydrangea Summer Snow - description

In the heat, watering is carried out twice a week.

Note! Under one bush you need to pour 30-40 liters of water.

Top dressing

For abundant and long flowering, hydrangea needs to be fed at least 2 times a year. Fertilizers are applied the first time in the spring before the buds appear, and the second - in the autumn after flowering. In the spring, fertilize with a solution of urea (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Each bush will need 30 liters of solution. In the fall, complex fertilizer is introduced.

Features of care during the flowering period

During flowering, the plant needs regular plentiful watering. At the very beginning of the opening of the buds, you can feed the bushes with a solution of mullein or chicken droppings (1:10).

Features of care at rest

After the plant has flowered, it is prepared for wintering:

  • wilted inflorescences are removed;
  • spud the base of the bush;
  • mulch the earth;
  • cover with a spanbond on arches. For panicled hydrangeas, this is extremely necessary only if the planting region has severe winters.

Winter preparations

Even if winter is predicted to be mild, it is better to play it safe and cover the bushes. This is usually done in October. The branches are tied, pressed to the ground and covered with spanbond or lutrasil. Then, a metal mesh is installed around the bush, and fallen leaves are poured into the resulting cylinder.

Panicled Hydrangea Magic Sweet Summer combined many of the positive qualities of its family. Therefore, this variety is so popular and is actively used in landscape design. Sweet Summer is the most suitable variety for the climatic conditions of Central Strip and the north of Russia.


Watch the video: Hydrangeasy Moonlight - Hydrangea paniculata (October 2024).