Field yurt - inconspicuous beauty and effective medicine


Field yarrow - grassy annual, which in many regions is a weed. She is also known by the names heurer, greedy grass, penny, klopnik, money bucket, sweet clover, love grass. Belongs to the Kapustovye family and prefers steppe areas of the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere. It grows with almost no care and people remember about it when it comes time to procure medicinal raw materials. You can also grow field yarns in a culture on a garden or balcony. It is also used to make combined flower arrangements.

Field yacht

Botanical Description

The genus of yarate includes more than 60 annuals, but it is the field yarate that is most popular. The plant has a thin, rod-shaped root system, over which stands a straight, unbranched stem. In the winter variety, several stems grow from one rhizome at once. The height of the shoot is 10-50 cm.

At the base of the stem is a few leaf rosette. It consists of smooth petiole oval leaves. The color of foliage and shoots is dominated by a bright green color. The lower leaves often die already in early summer. Stem leaves are smaller, rounded or oblong. This foliage has no petioles and is located on the shoot again. On solid or serrated leaf plates, a prominent central vein is visible.

Flowering begins in May and can continue until the end of August. Apical carpal inflorescences consist of their small white buds. Corolla with a diameter of 3-5 mm includes 4 petals bent outward. In the center around a single pistil are 6 stamens. Flowering is accompanied by an intense tart aroma, which can be compared with the smell of mustard.

After flowering, the fruits ripen in the form of a flat pod. Behind a thin partition, oblong flattened seeds are collected, covered with rough brown skin. The pod contains about 7 seeds up to 1 mm long. Dry pods resemble a small coin, so in the old days to wear several of these pods was a good sign promising wealth.

Reproduction and planting

Field yarrow propagated by sowing seeds. The plant gives abundant self-sowing, because on each of them up to 3000 seeds ripen in just a season. Ripe seeds can germinate up to five years, and immature seeds up to three. In the natural environment, they are carried by wind or animals over long distances. Seeds normally tolerate wintering in the soil and can germinate at temperatures from + 2 ... + 4 ° C.

It is recommended to sow field field yields in open ground from late March to mid April. You need to choose a place with good lighting. Seeds are distributed on the surface of the earth or in holes to a depth of 1-2 cm. The optimum germination temperature is + 16 ... + 22 ° C. The soil should be moderately moist. Shoots appear within 3-5 days. After this, the plant develops rapidly and does not need special care.

After 4-6 weeks, the first flowers appear. Flowering continues until the beginning of autumn. At the top of the inflorescence are young flowers, and at its base are already fully ripened fruits.

Plant Care Rules

Field yacht is characterized by survivability. The plant does not require special care, for some gardeners the biggest problem is getting rid of the thickets of the yarut. In agriculture, chemical and mechanical methods of cleaning grain from this weed are actively used. The plant prefers fertile soils, but can adapt to any soil. It is advisable to grow grass in a well-lit place. In the shade, the growth of shoots and flowering is significantly reduced.

Even severe frosts carry seeds in the soil. The optimum temperature for growth is + 5 ... + 30 ° C. The plant needs moderate watering. The stem has partial succulent properties and is capable of storing some moisture. Therefore, a small drought is tolerated by the plant more easily than regular flooding of the soil.

There is no need to fertilize the yarn. Annuals get enough trace elements from the ground. When using the yarate for medicinal purposes, an excess of mineral fertilizers can enter the body and cause poisoning. Diseases and pests rarely infect grass. If a plant dies, neighboring processes will immediately take its place.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

The entire ground part of the plant is suitable for the manufacture of medicinal infusions, decoctions or ointments. Harvesting of raw materials in the form of stems with leaves and flowers is performed during the flowering period of the field yurt (May-August). Separately ripe fruits are harvested in August-September. The grass is cut, freed from the ground and roots, and spread in a thin layer on special shelving. Drying is carried out in the open air. To protect the raw materials from precipitation and direct sunlight, it is necessary to build a canopy.

Finished raw materials are packaged in cloth bags or cardboard boxes, the walls of which do not interfere with air circulation and natural moisture exchange. Store yarate in a dry and cool place for no more than a year.

Composition and useful properties

The following biologically active substances are part of the field yacht:

  • fixed oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • isothiocyanates;
  • thioethers;
  • glucosinolates;
  • higher fatty acids.

All trace elements in the right dosages are able to have a beneficial effect on the human body. They carry anti-inflammatory, stimulating, bactericidal, antispasmodic and diaphoretic effects on the body. However, due to an insufficient study of the pharmacological properties in traditional medicine, field yarns are not used.

Practically all systems of the human body can be treated with drugs based on the field yurt, but their use is most effective for eliminating dysfunction and diseases of the genital organs of men and women.

Application in traditional medicine

The use of yarate is effective for hypertension, tinnitus, headaches, sclerosis, and diabetes. It helps get rid of constipation and other bowel disorders. It is also used for colds and coughs to get rid of sputum. From most ailments, a decoction helps: a tablespoon of grass is crushed and poured with boiling water. After 5 minutes, the product is filtered and taken in a tablespoon three times a day. It is important not to exceed the dosage indicated in the recipes.

For rheumatism, joint pain or atherosclerosis, alcohol tincture of a yarate is used for external use. With the help of fresh grass juice, you can also get rid of warts. To treat inflammation on the skin, the juice should be diluted with water so that there is no tissue irritation. It is enough to handle the problem area 2-3 times a day.

Field yacht for men and women

The most popular field yurt is in people suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system. It helps men to restore potency and defeat sexual impotence. To do this, the grass is ground in a coffee grinder and 1 g of powder is taken daily. Reception is recommended to be divided several times.

Women with regular use of decoctions note the normalization of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in pain. It is believed that the periodic use of the drug inside is the prevention of cancer of the ovaries and inflammation of the appendages.

It is known to use drugs based on a field yurt for the treatment of genital infections (gonorrhea, syphilis). In addition to drinking tinctures, douching and washing with a decoction are useful. However, one should not rely solely on traditional medicine in the treatment of such complex diseases. Decoctions, in agreement with the doctor, can be combined with traditional treatment.

Precautionary measures

Field yarns are a valuable source of nutrients. However, excessive use of any medicine is dangerous to health. There are groups of people who are contraindicated in drugs from the stems of the yarut. These include:

  • hypotension;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under 2 years old;
  • people with allergies.

If symptoms of an eating disorder, dizziness, rash on the skin and mucous membranes appear, as well as with a deterioration in overall well-being, treatment should be stopped immediately.


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