Ivy - home care, photo species


Ivy (Nedera) is an evergreen shrub that belongs to the Araliev family. Its advantage is that there are a huge number of varieties for the most demanding tastes.

The birthplace of ivy is Europe. In its assortment there are 15 types of evergreen shrubs that are able to satisfy any gardener.

One of the plants that can be found at home is ivy. If all the conditions for the comfortable development of indoor ivy are present, then it gradually turns into an exquisite vine. Of course, a lot depends on the plant variety. At the same time, the average growth rate is about 1 m per year.

The plant itself is a spectacular vine, growing not only at home, but also outdoors. It begins to bloom in late summer and early autumn. In addition, the advantage of the bush is that its life expectancy is up to 500 years.

High growth rate, 100 cm per year.
It begins to bloom in late summer and early autumn.
The plant is easy to grow.

Useful properties of ivy

Due to its constituents, an evergreen plant has useful properties. Various drugs are made from it for the treatment of cough, increase immunity, liver diseases, as well as menstrual pain in women. In addition, the plant is used in traditional medicine recipes.

Ivy has the following effects on the body:

  • antimicrobial;
  • wound healing;
  • diuretic;
  • sorption;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The flower perfectly cleans the room from cigarette smoke, detergents and the work of a gas stove.

Ivy care at home. Briefly

For comfortable development of ivy at home, you should remember about the features of caring for it. These include the following:

Temperature modeThe air temperature in the room is ideal within 18 degrees. At higher it is necessary to constantly spray the plant.
Air humidityComfortable humidity is 50-60%. To ensure this, 1-2 times a week should be sprayed with creeper leaves.
LightingVariegated ivy prefers bright diffused lighting. For green plants, a window on the north side is preferable. In addition, the liana is able to get used to artificial lighting.
WateringIn summer, the plant should be watered 1-2 times a week, and in winter it should be reduced to a factor of one.
PrimingThe ideal soil for ivy is better to cook yourself. To do this, mix in equal proportions sheet land, peat, light turfy land and garden. If the soil is too dense, add sand or perlite with peat. This is necessary so that it becomes breathable.
Fertilizing and fertilizersThe plant should be fed alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. You can use complex fertilizers.
Ivy transplantIvy transplantation is carried out at a young age 2 times a year. Then it decreases to 1 time in 2-3 years. The transplant should be carried out in the spring.
BreedingPropagation of the vine is carried out by seeds and cuttings or layering. The first option is not popular and is very rarely used. For propagation by cuttings, you need to cut off the top and put in a glass with water. As soon as the shoot gives root, it can be planted in a pot of earth. The meaning of propagation by layering is that a container with ground is placed to the plant and a shoot with an aerial root is placed in it.

Ivy does not require any special cultivation features. The plant is unpretentious in care and is gradually able to turn into an exquisite vine, which will delight the eye with its appearance.

Ivy care at home. In detail

Despite the fact that home ivy is unpretentious in leaving, nevertheless it should be properly looked after. Then the plant will delight with its beautiful curly appearance.

Ivy bloom

Ivy can bloom once every 8-9 years. Small umbrellas appear on it, and then black or blue berries form. They are usually poisonous.

Unfortunately, at home, the liana very rarely blooms, therefore, this process is unlikely to succeed.

Temperature mode

Ivy flower at home loves warmth. Comfortable temperature for the development of the plant is 25 degrees. In summer, it is better to put the liana on the balcony, and in winter to move it to the room.

The main thing is that the temperature does not drop to 13 degrees, otherwise the plant may become sick and various pests will appear on it.


The ivy plant should be sprayed in the summer when the temperature is high. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week. In winter, once every 10 days is enough if the room is too dry and hot.


Ivy prefers diffuse color, as direct sunlight causes burns on the leaves. In summer, a comfortable habitat is a balcony or a window on the north side. In winter, it should be placed in the room. In this case, the flower will need additional lighting, for example, a fluorescent lamp.

However, it should be remembered that the plant does not like constant movement, so it must be carried out extremely rarely and in case of urgent need.


The intensity of ivy watering at home depends on the time of year. In the summer - 1-2 times a week, and in the winter - 1 time.

In this case, the soil should be moderately moist and must have holes in the pot to remove excess water. In addition, this is facilitated by the drainage laid at the bottom of the pot.

Ivy pot

When planting a flower, special attention should be paid to the pot. Indeed, in too small, the plant will not be able to fully develop, and too large will lead to rotting of the roots.

The initial planting is carried out in a medium pot. In the future, when transplanting, a capacity of 2-3 cm more is taken.

Soil for ivy

The flower is not capricious and is able to grow in almost any soil. The main thing is that the soil is loose and let air through. Therefore, you can purchase universal land for indoor plants.

In addition, you can independently prepare the soil: in equal proportions mix sheet soil, humus, peat and sand. Then plant a flower in this mixture.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

For active and full-fledged development, ivy needs to be fed. It can be organic and mineral fertilizers. It is better to alternate them. To obtain a quick result, complex fertilizers are perfectly suitable.

Ivy must be fed 2 times a month. In winter, the procedure is reduced to 1 time.

Ivy transplant

Young plants are transplanted in the spring once a year.

Upon reaching 3 years of age, it is enough to shorten the procedure to 2-3 years.

The transplant is carried out in a larger pot. To do this, the flower is transferred to a new one, and then watered abundantly.

How to prune ivy?

Pruning is necessary especially during the period of active growth of ivy. Home care is to conduct this procedure. It helps to enhance flower growth and promotes the formation of new shoots.

To trim, pinch the top of the plant.

It is carried out as necessary. In addition, leafless stems and dried shoots should be trimmed. Timely pruning is a vital necessity for a flower.

Rest period

As such, indoor ivy does not have a rest period, since it does not need it.

Ivy breeding

Popular methods of ivy propagation are cuttings and layering. Consider how to properly carry out this procedure.

Ivy propagation by cuttings

A favorable time for propagation by cuttings is spring. To do this, it remains only to take a few simple steps:

  1. On the flower, select the apical stalk. It is advisable that he be with aerial roots.
  2. Put the shoot in a container of water. It is convenient to do this with a plastic cup.
  3. When the roots appear on the handle, it should be planted in a temporary pot of earth (you can also use a plastic cup). To do this, make a hole in 0.5-1 cm and root the plant. Water thoroughly, cover with plastic wrap and pierce it a little so that the plant can breathe.
  4. After 4-6 weeks, when the rooting process is completed, you need to plant the plant in a permanent pot.

Ivy propagation by layering

Another option for propagating a flower is layering. To do this, the following actions are carried out:

  1. Find a shoot with a spine on the plant. Do not cut it, but place it in a container with a sand-peat mixture.
  2. Carefully root the shoot and water it.
  3. Roots will appear on the shoot within 7-10 days, after which it should be cut off from the plant and planted in a separate pot.

Diseases and Pests

With improper care and adverse conditions, the plant begins to hurt and various pests may appear.

The main problems that gardeners face are as follows:

  • If the ivy's lower leaves fall, then they just need to be cut with garden or regular scissors. This is a natural process that adult flowers are subject to.
  • With an excess of moisture, ivy leaves turn black. To prevent trouble, simply reduce the watering.
  • Elongated elongated shoots are a sign of lack of lighting. To eradicate the problem, you need to arrange additional lighting or put the plant in a more illuminated place.
  • If ivy has small leaves, it also indicates a lack of light. Put the flower pot in a more lighted place.
  • Variegated ivy leaves begin to fade if the flower is not enough lighting.
  • If the leaves of variegated ivy suddenly turn green, this suggests that there is an excess of nitrogen in the soil. To prevent this, it is necessary to provide the plant with good watering, since water leaches nitrogen. But ivy should not be too wet. In addition, fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are added.
  • Ivy leaves turn pale with a lack of light.
  • The tips of the leaves of the plant turn brown when the room is too dry and the ivy does not have enough water. To solve this trouble is very simple. For this, it is necessary to provide the flower with regular watering.
  • Ivy is growing slowly when the flower lacks proper nutrition. For full development, proper and constant care for the plant should be provided.

Uncomfortable conditions reduce the immunity of the plant and make it prone to the appearance of various pests:

  • spider mite;
  • scale shield;
  • aphid.

So that ivy does not get sick and pests do not appear, you should observe the peculiarity of caring for the plant. They are very simple and do not take much time.

Types of home ivy with photos and names

Home ivy has several varieties. Thanks to which each gardener can choose the most suitable option for himself.

In household use, the following plant varieties are found:

Common ivy (Hedera helix)

The most common type of ivy. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the plant sprouts attach to the surface, which is located next to it. Thanks to this, the plant can form a beautiful shape.

Canary Ivy (Hedera helix ssp. Canariensis)

Has large dense leaves and variegated coloring. An adult leaf plate reaches 12 cm. The peculiarity of the plant is that it has no air roots, therefore it needs constant support. In order for ivy to look magnificently neat, it is necessary to pinch it once a year and form the correct shape. Plants prefer good lighting and do not like low temperatures. The adult flower has red stems.

Despite the fact that ivy is not a capricious plant and can develop in a darkened room, it is still necessary to ensure proper care. It is not complicated and does not require special efforts. Under favorable and comfortable conditions, ivy grows into an elegant and beautiful vine.

Colchis (Caucasian) ivy

The variety has thin shoots and large shiny leaves. The plant does not need constant lighting and tolerates dark places well.

Variety ivy Lise

It has a unique color of its leaves, and also has a high size.

Now reading:

  • Dieffenbachia at home, care and reproduction, photo
  • Epipremnum - growing and care at home, photo species
  • Ficus rubbery - care and reproduction at home, photo species
  • Chinese hibiscus - planting, care and reproduction at home, photo
  • Kallizia - growing and care at home, photo species


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